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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Comparison of geoelectrical imaging and tunnel documentation at the Hallandsas Tunnel, Sweden

For construction in rock a thorough pre-investigation is important in order to avoid unforeseen conditions which may delay the work. It is crucial to remember the results from this investigation in the further work, and use the experience from the construction to update the geological prognosis and reduce the uncertainties. Different geophysical methods have proved valuable tools in such investiga

Trepanation - en uråldrig operationsteknik

Abstract in Undetermined De arkeologiska, medicinhistoriska och etnografiska källorna visar att trepanationer är ett univer- sellt fenomen, men också intimt kulturspecifikt i sitt syfte och i sin handling. Denna operationskonst visar att personer klarat de påfrestningar ett sådant ingrepp medfört, och att kunskapen om hälsa och ohälsa inte varit främmande i de mest skilda kulturella sammanhang. De

Enhanced stability of laser wakefield acceleration using dielectric capillary tubes

The stability of beams of laser wakefield accelerated electrons in dielectric capillary tubes is experimentally investigated. These beams are found to be more stable in charge and pointing than the corresponding beams of electrons accelerated in a gas jet. Electron beams with an average charge of 43 pC and a standard deviation of 14% are generated. The fluctuations in charge are partly correlated

Assessment of lumbar radicular pain. Validity and predictive value of clinical tests

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroniska ländryggsbesvär är en ekonomisk belastning för sjukvården och samhället i stort, och ger framför allt ett personligt lidande för den drabbade. Nästan alla (75-80 %) kommer att ha åtminstone en episod med ryggbesvär någon gång under sin livstid. Hälften av dessa kommer att ha utstrålande bensmärtor och ofta är besvären ett symtom på ischias (nervrotspåverkan). MRadicular pain is in the majority of cases caused by a disc herniation with a coexisting inflammation. It is characterized by positive neural tension tests, such as the Slump test, and by decreased range of motion (ROM) in the straight leg raising test (SLR) and lumbar flexion (Fingertip-to-floor test[FTF]). This may suggest that improvement in ROM correlates to reduction of self-reported disabili

Dark diversity in dry calcareous grasslands is determined by dispersal ability and stress-tolerance

Temperate calcareous grasslands are characterized by high levels of species richness at small spatial scales. Nevertheless, many species from a habitat-specific regional species pool may be absent from local communities and represent the dark diversity' of these sites. Here we investigate dry calcareous grasslands in northern Europe to determine what proportion of the habitat-specific species pool

A population-based study of patterns of care for muscle-invasive bladder cancer in Sweden

Objective. To analyse the management of muscle-invasive bladder cancer in a population-based national register, and specifically to investigate the role of curative therapy (i.e. cystectomy or radiotherapy) in relation to patient, tumour and hospital characteristics. Material and methods. The Swedish Bladder Cancer Register covers more than 90% of all patients in the country who have been diagnose

Stilla flyter Maas : senromersk strategi och logistik i den arkeologiska rekonstruktionen.

This dissertation deals with antique warfare in general and late Roman warfare in particular. The overall aim is to discuss the concept of strategy in the archaeological and historical reconstruction, based on Edward N. Luttwak’s groundbreaking work The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire (1976). Luttwak’s influence on various provincial Roman research fields cannot be underestimated, but the book

Strength characteristics of aerobic granular sludge

Aerobic granular sludge has a number of advantages over conventional activated sludge flocs, such as cohesive and strong matrix, fast settling characteristic, high biomass retention and ability to withstand high organic loadings, all aspects leading towards a compact reactor system. Still there are very few studies on the strength of aerobic granules. A procedure that has been used previously for

Removal of woody vegetation from uncultivated field margins is insufficient to promote non-woody vascular plant diversity

Uncultivated field margins are one of the most frequent non-crop habitat types in contemporary, highintensity agricultural landscapes and may therefore be important for the persistence of many farmland species. Managing field margins in a way that preserves, and preferably enhances, their value for biodiversity is therefore important. In the present study, we evaluate how the flora of uncultivated

Effects of turbidity and an invasive waterweed on predation by introduced largemouth bass

Anthropogenic activities lead to changes in characteristics of aquatic ecosystems, including alteration of turbidity and addition of invasive species. In this study, we tested how changes in turbidity and the recent invasion of an aquatic macrophyte, Egeria densa, may have changed the predation pressure by introduced largemouth bass on juvenile striped bass and delta smelt, two species that have s

Introducing multiple treatment plan-based comparison to investigate the performance of gantry angle optimisation (GAO) in IMRT for head and neck cancer

Background and purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of gantry angle optimisation (GAO) compared to equidistant beam geometry for two inverse treatment planning systems (TPSs) by utilising the information obtained from a range of treatment plans. Material and methods. The comparison was based on treatment plans generated for four different head and neck (H&N) cance

Therapeutic opportunities of alpha-1-microglobulin A study in placenta, blood, skin and eye

This thesis describes functional studies of the human protein alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M), with the aim of exploring its usefulness as a therapeutic agent in diseases where oxidative stress is a prominent feature. A1M is a 26 kDa plasma and tissue protein with reductase activity and radical- and heme-binding antioxidative functions. The research focus in this thesis has been to study the in vivo p

An urn model for odds ratio based adaptive phase III clinical trials

We study the limiting behaviour of a generalized Polya urn, motivated by adaptive data-dependent allocation designs, which are used in Phase III clinical trials in order to allocate a larger number of patients to the better treatment. We establish rigorous limiting results for the model, including the Central Limit Theorem, thus providing the theoretical background for using the odds ratio-based a

Knocking out salicylate biosynthesis genes in Mycobacterium smegmatis induces hypersensitivity to p-aminosalicylate (PAS)

Because of the emergence of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to first-line antituberculosis agents, one of the second-line drugs, p-aminosalicylate (PAS), has regained importance in the treatment of tuberculosis. The mode of action of PAS, however, remains controversial as to whether it inhibits mycobactin or folate biosynthesis. To unravel this, we have studied the effect of PAS on

Crosslinked Polyamide Based on Main-Chain Type Polybenzoxazines Derived from a Primary Amine-Functionalized Benzoxazine Monomer

Two types of main-chain type polybenzoxazines with amide and benzoxazine groups as repeating units in the main chain, termed as poly(amide-benzoxazine), have been synthesized. They have been prepared by polycondensation reaction of primary amine-bifunctional benzoxazine with adipoyl and isophthaloyl dichloride using dimethylacetamide as solvent. Additionally, a model reaction is designed from the

A clearer view of the insect brain - combining bleaching with standard whole-mount immunocytochemistry allows confocal imaging of pigment-covered brain areas for 3D reconstruction

In the study of insect neuroanatomy, three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of neurons and neuropils have become a standard technique. As images have to be obtained from whole-mount brain preparations, pigmentation on the brain surface poses a serious challenge to imaging. In insects, this is a major problematic in the first visual neuropil of the optic lobe, the lamina, which is obstructed by the

Predicting phosphorus bioavailability from high-ash biochars

Biochars are highly variable in nutrient composition and availability, which are determined by types of feedstock and pyrolysis conditions. The aim of this research was to (a) study the bioavailability of phosphorus (P) in biochars using different feedstocks and pyrolysis conditions; (b) develop a robust chemical method for biochar P availability measurements. In the present study, (a) chemical