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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

Sustainable Well-Being: A Potential Synergy Between Sustainability and Well-Being Research

This article outlines a potential synergy between sustainability and well-being research. Currently aims within well-being and sustainability research focus on increasing well-being. First, sustainability is defined and important concepts within it highlighted, that is, aims, interdependencies, constraints, values and balanced adaptive processes. It is suggested that positioning well-being more cl

Dietary fibre intake and ischaemic heart disease mortality: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Heart study

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Evidence from prospective studies is consistent in showing an inverse association between dietary fibre intake and risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), but whether dietary fibre from various food sources differ in their effect on IHD risk is less clear. The objective of this study was to assess the associations of total and food sources of dietary fibre with IHD mortality

Agonistic Vocalisations in Domestic Cats : A Case Study

Introducing a new cat to a home with resident cats may lead to stress, aggression and even fights. In this case study 468 agonistic cat vocalisations were recorded as one cat was introduced to three resident cats in her new home. Six vocalisation types were identified: growl, howl, howl-growl, hiss, spit and snarl. Numerous other intermediate and complex vocalisations were also observed. An acoust

Evaluation of artistic research

The gradual inclusion of art colleges and schools into the regular university system has prompted previously craft-based subjects, such as music, visual arts, design and performance, to develop and formalize a research component. While such 'artistic research' is debated, many key points of this debate are actualized when project proposals and results are evaluated by institutional funders. To pro

The association between the home environment and physical activity in community-dwelling older adults

Physical activity (PA) decreases with increasing age despite the fact that PA exerts beneficial effects on many age-related diseases and conditions. Consequently, there is an interest in modifiable factors that may influence PA among older persons. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between PA and the home environment in wellfunctioning older community-dwelling persons. Metho

Selective IgA Deficiency in Autoimmune Diseases

Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) is the most common primary immunodeficiency in Caucasians. It has previously been suggested to be associated with a variety of concomitant autoimmune diseases. In this review, we present data on the prevalence of IgAD in patients with Graves disease (GD), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), type 1 diabetes (T1D). celiac disease (CD), myasthenia gravis (

Effect of pioglitazone versus insulin glargine on cardiac size, function, and measures of fluid retention in patients with type 2 diabetes

Background: Both insulin and thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are effective in the treatment of hyperglycaemia and amelioration of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes but have side effects including weight gain and fluid retention. The use of TZDs has been further hampered by the risk of adverse cardiovascular events including heart failure. The present study evaluated the effect of pioglitazone or ins

Impact of climate change on the population dynamics of Ips typographus in southern Sweden

Mass-propagation of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, following windfalls and drought is a serious threat to mature spruce forests. Climate change will affect the population dynamics of I. typographus directly as the swarming activity and development rate are mainly controlled by temperature, and indirectly via changes in availability of brood trees. Today, I. typographus is in general univ

Particle production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV/c

The NA44 experiment has measured single-particle inclusive spectra for charged pions, kaons, and protons as a function of transverse mass near midrapidity in 158A GeV/c Pb+Pb collisions. From the particle mass dependence of the observed m(T) distributions, we are able to deduce a value of about 120 MeV for the temperature at thermal freeze-out. From the observed ratios of the rapidity densities, w

Low-complexity error correction of Hamming-code-based LDPC codes

Ensembles of binary random LDPC block codes constructed using Hamming codes as constituent codes are studied for communicating over the binary symmetric channel. These ensembles are known to contain codes that asymptotically almost meet the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. It is shown that in these ensembles there exist codes which can correct a number of errors that grows linearly with the code length, w

Assessment of Total Evacuation Systems for Tall Buildings

This SpringerBrief focuses on the use of egress models to assess the optimal strategy for total evacuation in high-rise buildings. It investigates occupant relocation and evacuation strategies involving the exit stairs, elevators, sky bridges and combinations thereof. Chapters review existing information on this topic and describe case study simulations of a multi-component exit strategy. This rev

Considerations on Businesses and ERPs Synchronization from an Enterprise Architecture Perspective

A major concern for contemporary organizations is how to gain support of business processes from standardized software package such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. To gain support adoption of such standardized information and communication technologies (ICTs) demands that either the system is adjusted to existing business processes or that business processes are adjusted to the syst

Reliability analysis for cementless hip prosthesis using a new optimized formulation of yield stress against elasticity modulus relationship

Using classical design optimization methods for implant-bone studies does not completely guarantee a safety and satisfactory performance, due in part to the randomness of bone properties and loading. Here, the material properties of the different bone layers are considered as uncertain parameters. So their corresponding yield stress values will not be deterministic, that leads to integrate variabl

Technical evaluation of different motion-monitoring systems for respiratory gating in radiation therapy

The purpose of this work was to evaluate three motion-monitoring systems: Sentinel (TM), Catalyst (TM) (both C-RAD) and Real-time Position Management (RPM (TM)) system (Varian Medical Systems Inc) for respiratory gating in radiotherapy. To measure the systems. latency, an in-house built circuit with a microcontroller operating a piston was used. The trigger pulse was sent from the gating systems t

Why Common Sense Will Not Take Us Far When Making a Better World

In this article it is argued that common sense morality in many cases leads to suboptimal consequences and that human beings in general put too much faith in their moral intuitions. In the first section an explanation of common sense moral is offered. In the second section a working definition of “better world” is presented. In section three, contemporary psychological research concerning human mo

Relationship between postprandial changes in cardiac left ventricular function, glucose and insulin concentrations, gastric emptying, and satiety in healthy subjects

Background: The digestion of food is known to alter the hemodynamics of the body significantly. The purpose of this study was to study the postprandial changes in stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO) and left ventricular (LV) longitudinal systolic and diastolic functions measured with tissue Doppler imaging, in relation to gastric emptying rate (GER), satiety, and glucose and insulin concentrat

Dependency of dinoflagellate vertical migration on salinity stratification

Increasing precipitation and surface water temperature due to global change may strengthen the salinity gradient in coastal regions, which could influence the behaviour of dinoflagellate migration. We studied diel vertical migration (DVM) behaviour in the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Heterocapsa triquetra using vertically stratified laboratory columns with 3 different salinity gradient