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Considerations on Businesses and ERPs Synchronization from an Enterprise Architecture Perspective

A major concern for contemporary organizations is how to gain support of business processes from standardized software package such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. To gain support adoption of such standardized information and communication technologies (ICTs) demands that either the system is adjusted to existing business processes or that business processes are adjusted to the syst

Reliability analysis for cementless hip prosthesis using a new optimized formulation of yield stress against elasticity modulus relationship

Using classical design optimization methods for implant-bone studies does not completely guarantee a safety and satisfactory performance, due in part to the randomness of bone properties and loading. Here, the material properties of the different bone layers are considered as uncertain parameters. So their corresponding yield stress values will not be deterministic, that leads to integrate variabl

Technical evaluation of different motion-monitoring systems for respiratory gating in radiation therapy

The purpose of this work was to evaluate three motion-monitoring systems: Sentinel (TM), Catalyst (TM) (both C-RAD) and Real-time Position Management (RPM (TM)) system (Varian Medical Systems Inc) for respiratory gating in radiotherapy. To measure the systems. latency, an in-house built circuit with a microcontroller operating a piston was used. The trigger pulse was sent from the gating systems t

Why Common Sense Will Not Take Us Far When Making a Better World

In this article it is argued that common sense morality in many cases leads to suboptimal consequences and that human beings in general put too much faith in their moral intuitions. In the first section an explanation of common sense moral is offered. In the second section a working definition of “better world” is presented. In section three, contemporary psychological research concerning human mo

Relationship between postprandial changes in cardiac left ventricular function, glucose and insulin concentrations, gastric emptying, and satiety in healthy subjects

Background: The digestion of food is known to alter the hemodynamics of the body significantly. The purpose of this study was to study the postprandial changes in stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO) and left ventricular (LV) longitudinal systolic and diastolic functions measured with tissue Doppler imaging, in relation to gastric emptying rate (GER), satiety, and glucose and insulin concentrat

Dependency of dinoflagellate vertical migration on salinity stratification

Increasing precipitation and surface water temperature due to global change may strengthen the salinity gradient in coastal regions, which could influence the behaviour of dinoflagellate migration. We studied diel vertical migration (DVM) behaviour in the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum and Heterocapsa triquetra using vertically stratified laboratory columns with 3 different salinity gradient

Ante mortem diagnosis of amoebic encephalitis in a haematopoietic stem cell transplanted patient

Acanthamoeba species are widely distributed free-living amoebae showing an increased role as human pathogens causing encephalitis, keratitis, pneumonitis and dermatitis. A haematopoietic stem cell transplanted (HSCT) patient developed purulent meningitis while awaiting regrafting. The meningitis was thought to be an endogenous infection arising from the mucous membranes primarily involving the cer

A measurement-based fading model for wireless personal area networks

Personal area networks (PANs) are wireless communications systems with high data rates but small coverage area. PAN propagation channels differ from the well-explored propagation channels of wide-area networks due to several reasons: (i) the distances are typically very small, (ii) the antenna arrangements can be quite different, and (iii) the influence from human presence in the environment is di

Consequences of Inadvertent Radioiodine Treatment of Graves' Disease and Thyroid Cancer in Undiagnosed Pregnancy. Can We Rely on Routine Pregnancy Testing?

Introduction. Radioiodine and most cytostatic treatments are contraindicated in pregnancy. Still, inadvertent therapy does occur. Radioiodine was given to two pregnant women with Graves' disease and thyroid cancer respectively, both in their 20th gestational week. Routine pregnancy tests based on urinary β-hCG had failed to indicate pregnancy in both cases. Methods. Estimation of doses to the foet

Metabolic effects of furaldehydes and impacts on biotechnological processes.

There is a growing awareness that lignocellulose will be a major raw material for production of both fuel and chemicals in the coming decades-most likely through various fermentation routes. Considerable attention has been given to the problem of finding efficient means of separating the major constituents in lignocellulose (i.e., lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose) and to efficiently hydrolyze

Att bygga broar över kulturgränser : Om svenskars kommunikation med icke-svenskar vid arbete utanför Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den pågående globaliseringen skapar ett behov av ökad kommunikationskompetens bland svenskar som arbetar ute i världen. Denna studie baseras på beskrivningar av de kommunikationsprocesser som används av svenskar, när de möter icke-svenskar på yrkets vägnar vid arbete utanför Sverige. Beskrivningarna baseras på intervjuer. Studien är inriktad på tre områden. De kommunikaGlobalization creates a need for increased communication competence among Swedes working on the global arena. This study is based on reports of communication processes used by Swedes when interacting professionally with non-Swedes. The reports are derived from interviews. The study focuses on three areas. The communication strategies developed by the respondents for intercultural communication. Th

Language, Nuclear Waste and Society : The Preservation of Knowledge over Vast Periods of Time and its Relevance for Linguistics

The article discusses the impact of comparative/historical philology upon the question of nuclear semiotics, i.e. the field of how humanity is to communicate information about nuclear waste storage into the distant future and its (presumably human) inhabitants. It also turns this perspective on its head and discusses possible insights in the other direction – what Nuclear Semiotics can teach histo

The novel small molecule drug Rabeximod is effective in reducing disease severity of mouse models of autoimmune disorders

Objectives: Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and multiple sclerosis (MS) affect a relatively large portion of the population, leading to severe disability if left untreated. Even though pharmaceutics targeting the immune system have revolutionised the therapy of these diseases, there is still a need for novel, more effective therapeutic substances. One such substance is the ne

Panel cointegration and the neutrality of money

Most econometric methods for testing the proposition of long-run monetary neutrality rely on the assumption that money and real output do not cointegrate, a result that is usually supported by the data. This paper argues that these results can be attributed in part to the low power of univariate tests, and that a violation of the noncointegration assumption is likely to result in a nonrejection of

Subspace estimation and prediction methods for hidden Markov models

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are probabilistic functions of finite Markov chains, or, put in other words, state space models with finite state space. In this paper, we examine subspace estimation methods for HMMs whose output lies a finite set as well. In particular, we study the geometric structure arising from the nonminimality of the linear state space representation of HMMs, and consistency of

SODIUM/IODIDE SYMPORTER-NIS Abundant and Important in Gastric Mucosa

Popular Abstract in Swedish SAMMANFATTNING (SUMMARY IN SWEDISH) Jod är nödvändigt för utvecklingen och hälsan hos alla högre djur inklusive männi-ska, men det är ett relativt sällsynt grundämne. Man får i sig jod via kosten och det högsta jodinnehållet har fisk och skaldjur eftersom havssalt innehåller jod. Jod finns även i mejeriprodukter och i mindre mängder i grönsaker, men jodinnehållet i dessABSTRACT Background: Iodine is essential for development and growth as a constituent in thyroid hormones. Biological mechanisms for iodide uptake and concentration are very important, espe-cially as iodine is a relatively scarce element. Active iodide transport into thyroid fol-licular cells is mediated by the sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), powered by Na+/K+-ATPase. NIS is expressed also in extra