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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

Precision in 2D temperature measurements using the thermographic phosphor BAM

Investigation of optimized spatial precision for surface temperature measurements is performed. The temperature is measured by means of two-color ratio imaging with ICCD cameras, using the thermographic phosphor BAM. The precision in temperature is put in relation to the spatial resolution, two quantities which involve a trade-off in this case: the more spatial smoothing the better precision, but

Hundra år med marxistisk kristeori.

Profitkvotens tendentiella fall, underkonsumtion eller överproduktion? Få ämnen i den marxistiska tradionen är snårigare än teoribildningen runt det kapitalistiska systemets kriser. Ståle Holgersen tecknar grunddragen i 100 års polemik om ”den rätta teorin”.

On Falls in the Elderly –Epidemiological Studies from the Longitudinal General Population Study ‘Good Aging in Skåne’ (GÅS), Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fallolyckor hos äldre -en tyst epidemi Fallolyckor hos äldre är idag ett omfattande men underrapporterat hälsoproblem. Cirka 1,600 individer, en huvuddel äldre, avlider årligen i Sverige till följd av ett fall. Detta kan jämföras med 1,400 respektive 2,400 individer som avlider årligen av bröst- och prostatacancer. Strax under 300 individer dör årligen i trafiken i SveIn a ‘greying world’ with aging populations, falls in the elderly are a challenge to the health care system as they are associated with substantial mortality and morbidity. Apart from physical injuries, the consequences of falls are broad, with additional psychological and social consequences. The overall objective of this dissertation was to study falls and related risk factors, predictors, and c

Recovery in personal care related to cognitive impairment before and after stroke - a 1-year follow-up

Objective - To examine whether there were any differences in the recovery in performance of personal activities of daily living (P-ADL) in elderly persons in relation to cognitive impairments pre- and post-stroke from discharge to 6 and 12 months in elderly persons. Methods - Forty-five elderly persons after stroke were assessed at discharge from hospital and at 6 and at 12 months after stroke ons

Experimental verification of reciprocity relations in quantum thermoelectric transport

Fundamental symmetries in thermoelectric quantum transport, beyond Onsagers relations, were predicted two decades ago but have to date not been observed in experiments. Recent works have predicted the symmetries to be sensitive to energy-dependent, inelastic scattering, raising the question whether they exist in practice. Here, we answer this question affirmatively by experimentally verifying the

Exploring the Ambiguity of Hybrid Organisations: A Stakeholder Approach.

This paper focuses on hybrid organisations, which have both public and private sector elements. Therefore, stakeholders of hybrid organisations have different views regarding what to expect from the organisation and the role of stakeholders tend to be multifaceted. This creates ambiguity that imposes demands on the management of hybrid organisations. In this paper a stakeholder approach is used in

Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM Regulates Epithelial Apicobasal Polarization and May Influence Risk of Breast Cancer

Differentiated mammary epithelium shows apicobasal polarity, and loss of tissue organization is an early hallmark of breast carcinogenesis. In BRCA1 mutation carriers, accumulation of stem and progenitor cells in normal breast tissue and increased risk of developing tumors of basal-like type suggest that BRCA1 regulates stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. However, the function

Hur ska vi förstå klass i historien och idag?

Klass är i ropet igen. I kulturtidskrifter pågår intensiva diskussioner om begreppet. I denna text föreslår jag att vi borde analysera hur klass konstrueras i olika sammanhang för att förstå konstruktionens betydelse för nuet och den historiska utvecklingen.

The West African climate system: a review of the AMMA model inter-comparison initiatives

We review the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) model inter-comparison activities for West Africa. The Model Inter-comparison Project is an evaluation exercise of how global and regional atmospheric models represent seasonal and intra-seasonal variations of the climate and rainfall over the Sahel. The Land surface Model Inter-comparison Project in turn focuses on modelling critical

III-V Nanowires-Extending a Narrowing Road

Semiconductor nanowires have attracted considerable attention during the last decade and are considered as an alternative path to extend the road for scaled semiconductor devices. The interest is motivated by the improved electrostatic control in the cylindrical geometry and the possibility to utilize heterostructures in transistor design. Currently, nanowire transistors have been realized both in

A genome-wide association study of Hodgkin's lymphoma identifies new susceptibility loci at 2p16.1 (REL), 8q24.21 and 10p14 (GATA3)

To identify susceptibility loci for classical Hodgkin's lymphoma (cHL), we conducted a genome-wide association study of 589 individuals with cHL (cases) and 5,199 controls with validation in four independent samples totaling 2,057 cases and 3,416 controls. We identified three new susceptibility loci at 2p16.1 (rs1432295, REL, odds ratio (OR) = 1.22, combined P = 1.91 x 10(-8)), 8q24.21 (rs2019960,

Novel insights into the regulation of insulin secretion by GLP-1, GIP and glucagon

Popular Abstract in Swedish När vi äter socker frisätter kroppen hormonet insulin från specifika beta-celler i bukspottskörteln för att förmå muskelceller och fettceller att ta upp sockret från blodet och därmed återställa blodets sockerbalans. Vid övervikt blir dessa vävnader resistenta mot insulinets verkan vilket leder till att sockret stannar kvar i blodet. Detta vill kroppen undvika då en förThere are many contributing factors to the development of type 2 diabetes, however, failure of beta-cells to sufficiently secrete insulin is the key component. The underlying mechanism of beta-cell failure is not fully established. In this thesis, we examined the role of high glucagon levels, i.e. hyperglucagonemia, for the development of beta-cell dysfunction in pre-diabetic mice. We found that i

Bacterial and fungal community responses to reciprocal soil transfer along a temperature and soil moisture gradient in a glacier forefield

The influence of soil physicochemical properties on microbial communities can be large, especially in developing soils of glacier forefield chronosequences. However, small-scale expositional differences in bare soils and their impacts on soil microbial communities have so far been largely neglected. Here we studied the changes of microbial communities in three deglaciated unvegetated sites along a

Vortices in quantum droplets: Analogies between boson and fermion systems

The main theme of this review is the many-body physics of vortices in quantum droplets of bosons or fermions in the limit of small particle numbers. Systems of interest include cold atoms in traps as well as electrons confined in quantum dots. When set to rotate, these in principle different quantum systems show remarkable analogies. The topics reviewed include the structure of the finite rotating

Landscape cultivation alters delta Si-30 signature in terrestrial ecosystems

Despite increasing recognition of the relevance of biological cycling for Si cycling in ecosystems and for Si export from soils to fluvial systems, effects of human cultivation on the Si cycle are still relatively understudied. Here we examined stable Si isotope (delta Si-30) signatures in soil water samples across a temperate land use gradient. We show that - independent of geological and climato

Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a heat wave perspective

Abstract in UndeterminedAbstract The impact of heat waves arising from climate change on human health is predicted to be profound. It is important to be prepared with various preventive measures for such impacts on society. The objective of this study was to investigate whether personal cooling with phase change materials (PCM) could improve thermal comfort in simulated office work at 34°C. Coolin

Snake mitochondrial genomes: phylogenetic relationships and implications of extended taxon sampling for interpretations of mitogenomic evolution

Background: Snake mitochondrial genomes are of great interest in understanding mitogenomic evolution because of gene duplications and rearrangements and the fast evolutionary rate of their genes compared to other vertebrates. Mitochondrial gene sequences have also played an important role in attempts to resolve the contentious phylogenetic relationships of especially the early divergences among al