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Inclusive single-particle production in two-photon collisions at LEP II with the DELPHI detector

A study of the inclusive charged hadron production in two-photon collisions is described. The data were collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP II. Results on the inclusive single-particle PT distribution and the differential charged hadrons d sigma/dp(T) cross-section are presented and compared to the predictions of perturbative NLO QCD calculations and to published results. (C) 2009 Elsevier B

Towards single Ce ion detection in a bulk crystal for the development of a single-ion qubit readout scheme

Popular Abstract in English At the beginning of 20th century, scientists started to realize that atoms exhibited the discrete behaviour, e.g. the energies of bond electrons were not continuously distributed, but had discrete values. Light is also transmitted as discrete packages (called photons). These phenomena can not be explained by classical physics, which has been accepted as the law of descrThe work presented in this thesis was concerned with investigating the relevant spectroscopic properties of Ce ions randomly doped in an Y2SiO5 crystal at low temperatures (around 4 K), in order to develop a technique and an experimental set-up to detect the fluorescence photons emitted by a single Ce ion. The aim of the work was to determine whether a single Ce ion (referred to as the readout ion

Projekt Trapphuset Rosengård. Utbildningsverkstad och empowermentstation för invandrarkvinnor på väg mot arbete. En rättssociologisk undersökning av måluppfyllelse, genomförande och normstödjande arbete. Slutrapport från den externa utvärderingen.

Projekt Trapphuset Rosengård, Malmö, inleddes i maj 2008 och avslutades i april 2010. Projektet är en efterföljare till projekt Trappan, som pågick under perioden februari 2006 till juni 2007. Båda projekten har byggt på samarbete med AUC/AIC Rosengård och ABF/ABL Malmö, samt finansierats av medel från Europeiska Socialfonden och medfinansierats av Malmö Stad. Den här utvärderingsrapporten avser d

Overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor C increases growth and alters the metastatic pattern of orthotopic PC-3 prostate tumors

Background: Prostate cancer metastasizes to regional lymph nodes and distant sites but the roles of lymphatic and hematogenous pathways in metastasis are not fully understood. Methods: We studied the roles of VEGF-C and VEGFR3 in prostate cancer metastasis by blocking VEGFR3 using intravenous adenovirus-delivered VEGFR3-Ig fusion protein (VEGFR3-Ig) and by ectopic expression of VEGF-C in PC-3 pros

Micellization of Water-Soluble Complex Salts of an Ionic Surfactant with Hairy Polymeric Counterions

For ionic surfactants in general, a change from simple to polymeric counterions leads to increasing attraction between micelles, condensing them in a concentrated phase. In the present study, two novel “complex salts” were prepared in which the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium was neutralized by two different copolyions, both having poly(methacrylate) main chains randomly decorated w

The redox interaction between the vanadyl cation and tris[6-(2-hydroxymethyl)pyridylmethyl]amine

Reaction of tris[6-(2-hydroxymethyl)pyridylmethyl]amine, tpa(OH)(3), with (VOSO4)-O-IV center dot 5H(2)O resulted in an unexpected redox reaction producing [(VLH)-L-III][(VLH2)-L-III][PF6](3)center dot 1.5H(2)O (where H3L is bis(2-hydroxymethylpyridyl)(2-carboxypyridylmethyl)amine). This reaction is interesting in the light of the ability of ascidians to accumulate V-III by reduction of V-V from s

Associations between APOE Genotypes and Disease Susceptibility, Joint Damage and Lipid Levels in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Objective: Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotypes are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and lipid levels. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an association has been found with disease activity. We examined the associations between APOE genotypes and disease susceptibility and markers of disease severity in RA, including radiographic joint damage, inflammatory markers, lipid levels and cardiovascu

The impact of autonomic dysfunction on survival in patients with dementia with lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease with dementia.

Autonomic dysfunction is a well-known feature in neurodegenerative dementias, especially common in α-synucleinopathies like dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease with dementia. The most common symptoms are orthostatic hypotension, incontinence and constipation, but its relevance in clinical practice is poorly understood. There are no earlier studies addressing the influence of autonomi

Ecosystem impacts of hypoxia: thresholds of hypoxia and pathways to recovery

Coastal hypoxia is increasing in the global coastal zone, where it is recognized as a major threat to biota. Managerial efforts to prevent hypoxia and achieve recovery of ecosystems already affected by hypoxia are largely based on nutrient reduction plans. However, these managerial efforts need to be informed by predictions on the thresholds of hypoxia (i.e. the oxygen levels required to conserve

Biocompatibility of a polymer based on Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-Enes + Epoxy (OSTE+) for neural implants.

The flexibility of implantable neural probes has increased during the last 10 years, starting with stiff materials such as silicone to more flexible materials like polyimide. We have developed a novel polymer based on Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-Enes + Epoxy (OSTE+, consisting of a thiol, two allyls, an epoxy resin and two initiators), which is up to 100 times more flexible than polyimide. Since a fle

Investigation of a prototype industrial gas turbine combustor using alternative gaseous fuels

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jordens totala energiförbrukning stiger. Samtidigt förbrukas primärt fossila naturresurser som kan anses ändliga, så som olja, kol eller naturgas, för att tillgodose energibehovet. Även andra energikällor används, t.ex. kärnbränsle, vind och vatten. Denna avhandling fokuserar på energi som omvandlas vid förbränning av gas i gasturbiner. Eftersom naturgas är ett fossilt In this thesis, the effect of alternative gaseous fuels, with high hydrogen content and lower calorific value, on gas turbine combustion was investigated experimentally. The aim of the investigation was to find operational limitations for an experimental burner and to supply data for validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Before examination of the actual burner, the laminar flame speed

ADP regulation of insulin secretion and beta-cell apoptosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Endokrina och metabola sjukdomstillstånd har många gemensamma komponenter. Att förstå de signalvägar som ligger till grund för dessa sjukdomar hjälper oss att utveckla bättre behandlingsmetoder. Det övergripande syftet med min forskning är att undersöka den roll s.k. G-protein kopplade receptorer spelar i endokrina metaboliska sjukdomar, mer specifikt de signalvägar somThe aims of this dissertation were to investigate the effects of extracellular purines on insulin secretion, and apoptosis in mouse pancreatic islets and β-cells; to examine if high glucose and free fatty acids induces β-cell apoptosis via autocrine effects of ADP acting on the P2Y13 receptor; and to investigate the modulation of extracellular purines in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) throug