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Ursprungreglernas effekt på klädesexporten under EU:s GSP

Ursprungsregler är nödvändiga för att kunna avgöra det ekonomiska ursprunget på en vara som handlas inom ett preferenshandelsavtal. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka ursprungsreglers effekt på utvecklingsländers export. Mer specifikt ämnar denna uppsats att avgöra huruvida reformen av EU:s ursprungsregler under det allmänna tullförmånsavtalet som trädde i kraft 2011 har haft effekt på klädRules of origin are essential to determine the economic origin of a product traded within a preferential trade agreement. The objective of this thesis is to examine rules of origins’ impact on developing countries’ export. More specifically, this report aims to determine whether or not the reform of the rules of origin under EU´s Generalized System of Preferences, enforced in 2011, have had an eff

A Musical Journey: Music as Gameplay, Meaning and Narrative in Digital Games

This essay presents a detailed analysis of the music and its relations to gameplay, meaning and narrative in the interactive digital game Journey. Taking as its foundation multiple thorough playthroughs of the game, observation and questioning of test subjects has been conducted for greater perspective and objectivity. Combining theories from hermeneutic musicology, narrative ludology and aesthet

The Effect of Dividends Taxation on Entrepreneurial Activity

This paper seeks to examine the effect of dividends taxation on entrepreneurship. In January 2013 the corporate tax rate in Sweden was lowered to boost entrepreneurial activity. Through relevant theories and regression analysis of 19 countries over the span of two years this paper argues that this tax cut was misplaced. The results of the analysis show that the dividends tax has a larger and more

China's rural migrant workers and the household registration system: A case study of the effects of the Shanghai Hukou system reforms in a citizenship perspective

Since a series of economic reforms were introduced in China at the end of the 1970s, large numbers of rural people have flooded into urban areas to find employment but were excluded from the urban society in different ways. One important factor was associated with the Chinese household registration system. Even if rural migrant workers had lived and worked in the cities for years, they were not gr

Combining Inclusion and Individually Adaptive Learning in an Educational Game for Preschool Children

Digital educational games have been around for a long time and have shown to be pedagogically valuable. Unfortunately most games do not utilize technology to the extent that is possible. Not the least this applies to mathematical educational games for younger children. This work aims to combine several educational scientific approaches using current technologies, which traditionally had been very

The Assessment of Gender Pronouns in Relation to Gender Stereotypes and Sexism

All languages distinguish between genders to a varying degree. Gender stereotypes in language are often gender-specific, where agentic words are considered as male and communal words are considered as female. Studies have found that countries with gendered languages express more sexism, compared to countries with natural gender or gender-neutral languages. The following study will investigate the

Fri revisionsplikt - Gjorde Sverige rätt som valde låga gränsvärden för revision?

Studiens syfte är att utreda om svenska företag, som kan komma att omfattas av revisionsfrihet vid höjda gränsvärden, kommer att välja bort revision samt vilka följder det skulle få för företagen och samhället. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att större företag som idag inte omfattas av revisionsfriheten skulle välja att behålla revision och revisorn även om gränsvärdena höjdes. Vidare har vi

Resan över gränserna - vad innebär det att leva i en virtuell värld?

Jag har genomfört en deltagandeobservation i antropologisk anda av MMO-spelet World of Warcraft. Målet var att identifiera och analysera spelares förhållningssätt till de relationer och interaktioner som uppstår i den virtuella världen. Syftet med analysen är att studera och förklara hur de virtuella interaktionerna påverkar livet utanför datorskärmen och vice versa, allt för att bidra till en för

Hur kan man tolka genus? - En genusundersökning av gravfältet Simris och Istabygravfältet i södra Sverige från yngre förromersk och romersk järnålder.

The overall aim of this study is to get closer look at the prehistoric individual on a more social level. This will be attempted through a qualitative understanding of how one can interpret gender using a source material from two Iron Age cemeteries both located in the very southeastern corner of Sweden. In doing this, the study revolves around a crucial understanding of three theoretical ideas: G

Jag sluter nu ett förbund med er : En kritisk forskningsöversikt med syftet att nå ett rimligt grundat svar på frågan om Sinaiförbundets ursprung

Several texts in the Old Testament discuss the Sinaitic covenant but not all of them present an established covenant form and concept. It is the elaborate and conscious covenant form that will be the focus of this thesis and we can see such an established covenant form e.g. in Deuteronomy. The thesis will critically evaluate and synthesize the major research positions regarding the origins of the

Using digital repeat photography for monitoring the regrowth of a clear-cut area

Sammanfattning Digitala övervakningskameror har tidigare använts inom fenologisk forskning för att kunna mäta grönskan i trädkronor. Man har under en längre tid kunnat koppla lövträdets årscykel till klimatförändringar och på så sätt haft ett starkt incitament att studera sambandet. I denna uppsats utforskas möjligheten att applicera metoden med digitalkameror på ett nyligen kalhugget område för aAbstract The use of inexpensive digital cameras in phenological research has been acclaimed since results in previous research have shown that they are reliable and precise in measuring greenness of vegetation. The work of this thesis aims to broaden the applicability by studying how well the method performs when measuring the regrowth of a clear-cut area. This is needed to complement existing res

Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenhet av omvårdnad av intensivvårdspatienter som behandlas med noninvasiv ventilering

Bakgrund: Patienter med respiratorisksvikt är vanligt förekommande inom all intensivvård. En behandlingsmetod som blivit allt vanligare är noninvasiv ventilator behandling (NIV). Då patienterna måste vara vakna för behandlingen, och patienterna ofta blir ångestfyllda och konfusoriska på grund av sin respiratoriska svikt, ställs särskilda krav på specialistsjuksköterskorna. Metod: Empirisk metod me

Internal best practice benchmarking in global corporations

The purpose of this master thesis is to help a global food packaging corporation, based in southern Sweden, to uncover, define and utilize best practices connected to selling spare parts. The defined best practices will later be implemented in the corporation’s market companies globally. The methodology of the project has been to benchmark organizations with similar type responsibilities and work.

Entanglement in nano systems

This bachelor thesis on entanglement in nano systems includes a short presen-tation of the history of quantum mechanics before entanglement takes the spot light. A definition of entanglement will be stated as well as a prescription to quantify it for a pure system. The knowledge will then be used to quantify the entanglement for the ground state of few particle systems containing 2, 3 and 4 particl