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A high-content cytokine screen identifies myostatin propeptide as a positive regulator of primitive chronic myeloid leukemia cells
Aberrantly expressed cytokines in the bone marrow (BM) niche are increasingly recognized as critical mediators of survival and expansion of leukemic stem cells. To identify regulators of primitive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells, we performed a high-content cytokine screen using primary CD34+ CD38low chronic phase CML cells. Out of the 313 unique human cytokines evaluated, 11 were found to ex
Global Political Science versus Critical Political Science
This paper describes an approach for designing lightweight components produced through additive manufacturing (AM). Lightweight design is often done through topology optimization (TO). However, the process of manually interpreting mesh-based and imprecise results from a TO into a geometry that fulfils all requirements is complex. To aid in this process, this paper suggest an approach based on comb
High Burden among Older Family Caregivers is Associated with High Prevalence of Symptoms : Data from the Swedish Study "good Aging in Skåne (GÅS)"
Background/Aim. Certain groups of informal caregivers have been shown to have worse health compared to noncaregivers. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore the health and gender aspects of caregiving in an older Swedish population. Methods. Our study included 5457 participants from the longitudinal, general population study "Good Aging in Skåne."A total of 33 self-reported symptoms
Urban Water Governance and Learning—Time for More Systemic Approaches?
Social learning, especially triple-loop social learning involving institutional and governance changes, has great potential to address urban water issues such as flooding, drought, and pollution. It facilitates urban transition and the adoption of more systemic approaches and innovations. Social learning in water governance is a growing field, but the triple-loop learning concept remains vague and
I Pallas Athenas huvud : Tänk! Tänk efter, tänk om, tänk ifall…
Transforming the United Nations: countering the US budget-cut threats
The White House Budget proposal for 2018, if approved, could lead to a drastic cut in US funding of UN activities in the coming years. Since the US is the largest contributor to the regular budget, peacekeeping operations, agencies and programmes, its decision could have major implications on the organisation’s workings. Besides well-founded queries about what the US actually stands to gain by suc
Radiolead (210Pb) and stable lead in the lichen Cladonia alpestris
Lichens of the genus Cladonia, mainly C. alpestris, collected during 1882-1972 were analyzed for stable lead and 210Pb. The specific activity of 210Pb (210Pb/Pb ratio) indicates a constant value of about 2 mCi/kg up to 1940, and then decreased to 0.6 mCi/kg during 1950-1960. As the average annual 210Pb deposition is relatively constant, the decrease in the 210Pb/Pb ratio after 1940 indicates an in
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The present paper serves as an overview of recent developments by the author on the assessment and quantification of robustness of structures; the paper aims in this sense not to present any new results but collects approaches and results from previous publications. A general decision theoretical approach to the assessment and management of structural robustness is outlined. Structural robustness
Whatever type of human and economic activity we study, we find that it is not evenly spread out in space, but instead concentrated to a rather limited number of countries, regions and cities. What in particular is noticeable is that certain places, typically large city regions, host a large share of the wealth and knowledge generated in the modern world. Despite what we can read in the popular pre
Mayflowers kölvatten
Om europeisk invandring till USA.
En man för alla tider – eller?
Döttrar, fäder och vansinne i Hamlet och Kung Lear
Manlighet och mission : en case study av den brittiska evangelikalismens manskonstruktion under 1880-talet
Local Churches and European Integration : Jönköping, 1965-85
En bärande struktur i det kyrkliga livet - samfälligheten en del av kyrkans historia
Receptions of Newman, ed. Frederick D. Aquino and Benjamin J. King
Effects of a local auxiliary protein on the two-dimensional affinity of a TCR-peptide MHC interaction
The affinity of T-cell receptors (TCRs) for major histocompatibility complex molecules (MHCs) presenting cognate antigens likely determines whether T cells initiate immune responses, or not. There exist few measurements of two-dimensional (2D) TCR-MHC interactions, and the effect of auxiliary proteins on binding is unexplored. Here, Jurkat T-cells expressing the MHC molecule HLA-DQ8-glia-α1 and th