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Introduction : Diplomacy Re-imagined

Diplomacy is changing. This chapter introduces diplomatic change in Britain in the period 1995–2015, and outlines the main questions and issues taken up in this book. It focuses specifically on the importance of discourses around public diplomacy, digital diplomacy and soft power as motivators and signifiers of organisational reform. The chapter establishes the background, research questions and c

Technologies of Displacement and Children’s Right to Asylum in Sweden

Through an analysis of 100 asylum decisions and 10 interviews with 20 asylum officers at the Swedish Migration Agency this article reveals two intricate processes through which children’s rights are displaced in the Swedish asylum process; by overlooking children’s individual claims for asylum through a circle of neglect, and negating children’s best interests. The article demonstrates how the bal

Rapid evolution of ecological sexual dimorphism driven by resource competition

Sex differences in ecologically important traits are common in animals and plants, and prompted Darwin to first propose an ecological cause of sexual dimorphism. Despite theoretical plausibility and Darwin's original notion, a role for ecological resource competition in the evolution of sexual dimorphism has never been directly demonstrated and remains controversial. I used experimental evolution

Excitation and contraction of cardiac muscle and coronary arteries of brain-dead pigs

Excitability and contraction of cardiac muscle from brain-dead donors critically influence the success of heart transplantation. Membrane physiology, Ca2+-handling, and force production of cardiac muscle and the contractile properties of coronary arteries were studied in hearts of brain-dead pigs. Cardiac muscle and vascular function after 12 h brain death (decapitation between C2 and C3) were com

Novel oral anticoagulant use in adults with congenital heart disease : a single-center experience report

Background: Adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) are a group with an increased risk of thromboembolic complications and arrhythmias. Vitamin K antagonists are the most commonly used thromboprophylaxis therapy in this population. Studies on the efficacy and safety of novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) are scare in ACHD. A retrospective study on ACHD patients on NOAC treatment registered in the

Women’s experience of sexuality after radical cystectomy–a qualitative study

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore how women experienced sexuality after radical cystectomy due to bladder cancer. Methods: We performed an interview study with qualitative design with content analysis. Inclusion criteria were age below 75 years. In total 10 women, with a median age of 64 years at surgery, were interviewed at median 24 months post radical cystectomy. Results: The 10 wom

Internment of Enemy Aliens during the World Wars

The article offers a historical approach to one of the most understudied areas of international humanitarian law by focusing on the successes and shortfalls of the two international armed conflicts with the highest numbers of civilians interned in global history. Through the study of State practice during Word War I and Word War II, the author addresses the causes and justifications that led to ma

Destination okänd: En kvalitativ studie baserad på chefers upplevelser av ledarskap under Covid-19-pandemin

Examensarbetets titel: Destination okänd - En kvalitativ studie baserad på chefers upplevelser av ledarskap under Covid-19-pandemin Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Erik Bjärholm, Emelie Eriksson och Tobias Vadstedt Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord: Covid-19, ledarskap, ledarskapskonstruktion, förhan

ASAS-EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis : 2022 update

Objectives To update the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS)-EULAR recommendations for the management of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Methods Following the EULAR Standardised Operating Procedures, two systematic literature reviews were conducted on non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment of axSpA. In a task force meeting, the evidence was presented, discussed

Modelling metastatic colonization of cholangiocarcinoma organoids in decellularized lung and lymph nodes

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a type of liver cancer with an aggressive phenotype and dismal outcome in patients. The metastasis of CCA cancer cells to distant organs, commonly lung and lymph nodes, drastically reduces overall survival. However, mechanistic insight how CCA invades these metastatic sites is still lacking. This is partly because currently available models fail to mimic the complexity

Simulations of phase transitions and capacitance, of simple ionic fluids in porous electrodes

In this work, we simulate the capacitance of a simple charged fluid model consisting of equal-sized, spherical monovalent ions, immersed in an implicit solvent. Apart from Coulomb forces, the particles interact via a truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones potential. This is a possible crude model for hydrophobic ions (assuming an implicit aqueous solvent) and allows for a possible demixing transition

Bakom chefernas masker; En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelse av sin chefsroll och si själva i kriser

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis paper is to create a deeper understanding of how managers perceive their manager role and themselves in a crisis. Furthermore we would like to make a theoretical contribution to the existing literature regarding manager’s identity work and crisis management by investigating how managers perceive their identity work in a crisis. Methodology: In order to fulfill t

Tendency of soil erosion dynamics by coupling radioisotopes and RUSLE model on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau in response to climate warming and human activity

Soil erosion has created landscape problems in many parts of the world and in particular in cold regions where the sensitive permafrost conditions have changed due to climate warming. Such a case occurred in the Tibetan Plateau (TP), which has been strongly affected by global warming and human activities. Monitoring technologies, like remote sensing and field surveys were used to explore soil eros

Improved acoustophoretic circulating tumor cell (CTC) separation for low target cell numbers in clinical volumes

We present an improved acoustophoretic system for circulating tumor cell separation from blood. The system is operated by pressure driven flow, including flow sensors and a feed-back loop for precise flow control. The pressure driven system provides a user interface that can be handled by a non-skilled operator, and most importantly full clinical samples of 7 mL can be processed in 70 minutes. The

Application of a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe x to Solar and Stellar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements

Magnetic fields play a key role in driving a broad range of dynamic phenomena in the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars. Routine and accurate measurements of the magnetic fields at all the atmospheric layers are of critical importance to understand these magnetic activities, but in the solar and stellar coronae such a measurement is still a challenge due to the weak field strength and the high

Whole-body MRI surveillance in TP53 carriers is perceived as beneficial with no increase in cancer worry regardless of previous cancer : Data from the Swedish TP53 Study

Background: To evaluate the psychosocial consequences of surveillance with whole-body MRI (WB-MRI) in individuals with the heritable TP53-related cancer (hTP53rc) syndrome, also known as the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, with regard to cancer worry, perceived benefits and risks to surveillance and overall health. Patients and methods: Since 2016, the national Swedish TP53 Study (SWEP53) has offered survei