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Optimal strategies and information in foraging theory

Popular Abstract in Swedish I den här avhandlingen presenterar jag ett antal empiriska och teoretiska arbeten där vi har studerat hur både människor och djur använder information. Vi har funnit att mängden information, och det sätt på vilket informationen presenteras, har betydelse för hur väl människans beslut anpassas till de förhållanden som råder. Vi har också funnit att människor verkar ha enIn this thesis, I present both theoretical and empirical work where we have studied how humans and animals use information in situations where they need to continually update their information on the density of a resource. We have found that the amount of information, and the way the information is presented, are important factors for how well decisions are adapted to current circumstances. In an


Bakgrund och syfte. Den svenska riksdagen har som ambition att till år 2020 lämna över ett samhälle till nästageneration där de stora miljöproblemen är lösta. Därför antog riksdagen år 1999 femtonnationella miljökvalitetsmål som anger vilket miljötillstånd som ska ha uppnåtts inom engeneration. Miljömålssystemet har senare kompletterats med ett sextonde miljömål samt ettantal delmål som är tidssat

Performance evaluation of N-well/P-sub photodiodes in 65nm CMOS process

This work explores the n-well/p-substrate photodiode in a deep submicron CMOS process. A CMOS chip is designed featuring different structures of the photodiode. When characterized at a wavelength of 850nm DC responsivities between 0.12 and 0.16 A/W and 3-dB bandwidths of about 6 MHz with a roll-off of about 5.5dB/decade are measured. These investigations are very useful in designing the transimped

Hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for mapping grassland vegetation

Popular Abstract in English European dry extensive grasslands are biodiversity hotspots which are severely threatened by land use intensification and abandonment. In order to plan efficient conservation actions it is necessary to collect information on the current status of grasslands, their species diversity and prevailing environmental conditions. Remote sensing technology in combination with grAs a consequence of agricultural intensification, large areas of species-rich grasslands have been lost and farmland biodiversity has declined. Previous studies have shown that the continuity of grazing management can have a significant influence on the environmental conditions and the levels of plant species diversity in grassland habitats. The preservation of species-rich grasslands has become a

Nature and the Environment as Trans-Boundary Business Strategies

From a paradigmatic understanding of tourism, the thing about tourism experiences is that they differ from everyday life. You experience different places, see different people, get to know different ways of doing things, and so on. To do tourism, then, is to experience a series of changes from the ordinary. Several things change in the course of the making and consumption of a tourism product. For

A Factor Analytical Approach to Price Discovery

Existing econometric approaches for studying price discovery presume that the number of markets are small, and their properties become suspect when this restriction is not met. They also require making identifying restrictions and are in many cases not suitable for statistical inference. The current paper takes these shortcomings as a starting point to develop a factor analytical approach that mak