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Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein detects Alzheimer pathology and predicts future conversion to Alzheimer dementia in patients with mild cognitive impairment

Introduction: Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a marker of astroglial activation and astrocytosis. We assessed the ability of plasma GFAP to detect Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology in the form of AD-related amyloid-β (Aβ) pathology and conversion to AD dementia in a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) cohort. Method: One hundred sixty MCI patients were followed for 4.7 years (average

Stadsdelar som nav för omställning - vad kan vi lära av berättelsen om Augustenborg?

Städer, och framför allt stadsdelar, är nyckelplatser för att tillhandahålla en uppbyggd miljö med direkta kopplingar till sociala och miljömässiga frågor. De ses i allt högre grad som platser för strategiska åtgärder i en omställning till hållbarhet och resiliens, med stora möjligheter till grundläggande samhällsförändringar. Inramningen (så kallad framing) på stadsdelsnivå av problem och lösning

Additional requirement to the Swedish nearly zero energy requirements

This study has analysed which options would be appropriate to use as additional requirements to the main requirement of primary energy number in the new Swedish building regulations. The starting point is to ensure that buildings are built with good qualitative properties in terms of the building envelope so that low energy use can be maintained throughout the life of the building despite changes

A prehistory of violence : Evidence of violence related skull trauma in southern Sweden, 2300-1100 BCE

Warriors and warfare have become common themes within Bronze Age archaeology the past 10 -20 years. Recent reporting of Neolithic and Bronze Age massacres and battlefields in Germany supports endemic violence in these regions. But what about in southern Scandinavia? This paper explores the evidence of violence related skull trauma from a pooled sample of 257 individuals from 40 different localitie

Mathematical Model of Glucagon Kinetics for the Assessment of Insulin-Mediated Glucagon Inhibition During an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Glucagon is secreted from the pancreatic alpha cells and plays an important role in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis, by interacting with insulin. The plasma glucose levels determine whether glucagon secretion or insulin secretion is activated or inhibited. Despite its relevance, some aspects of glucagon secretion and kinetics remain unclear. To gain insight into this, we aimed to develop a

Do plant ploidy and pollinator tongue length interact to cause low seed yield in red clover?

The loss of long-tongued pollinator species and dominance of a few short-tongued generalist species, related to agricultural intensification in recent decades, may have consequences for the quality, quantity, and stability of yields in insect-pollinated crops. Interestingly, the changes in pollinator community coincide with an increase in poor and variable seed yield in red clover, an important cr

Acoustic-Pressure-Assisted Engineering of Aluminum Foams

Shaping metals as a foam modulates their physical properties, enabling attractive applications where lightweight, low thermal conductivity, or acoustic isolation are desirable. Adjusting the size of the bubbles in the foams is particularly relevant for targeted applications. Herein, a method with a detailed theoretical understanding of how to tune the size of the bubbles in aluminum melts in situ

The copy number variation and stroke (CaNVAS) risk and outcome study

Background and purpose The role of copy number variation (CNV) variation in stroke susceptibility and outcome has yet to be explored. The Copy Number Variation and Stroke (CaNVAS) Risk and Outcome study addresses this knowledge gap. Methods Over 24,500 well-phenotyped IS cases, including IS subtypes, and over 43,500 controls have been identified, all with readily available genotyping on GWAS and e

Tilted precession bands in Nd 135

Two new excited bands built on the πh11/2 configuration have been identified in Nd135 in addition to the known πh11/2 band. The energy spectra of the excited bands and the available electromagnetic transition probabilities are in good agreement with theoretical results obtained using quasiparticle-plus-triaxial-rotor model calculations. The properties of the bands identify them as tilted precessio

The Impact of the Female Advantage in Education on the Marriage Market

In recent years, the traditional gender gap in educational attainment in favor of men has been reversed in many countries. This development may have far-reaching consequences for the family, challenging traditional patterns of union formation and potentially affecting marriage and fertility outcomes. I study the implications of the female advantage in education on family formation through changes

Management of endocrine surgical disorders during COVID-19 pandemic: expert opinion for non-surgical options

Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented conditions for overall health care systems by restricting resources for non-COVID-19 patients. As the burden of the disease escalates, routine elective surgeries are being cancelled. The aim of this paper was to provide a guideline for management of endocrine surgical disorders during a pandemic. Methods: We used Delphi method with a nine-scale

Soil moisture change analysis under watershed management practice using in situ and remote sensing data in a paired watershed

Soil moisture, vegetation cover, and land surface temperature are vital variables in water-energy balance, eco-hydrological processes, and water resources management, which can be influenced by watershed management activities. This research focused on the spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture, vegetation cover, land surface temperature, and Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) u

Leftovers : The presence of manufacture derived aquatic lipids in Alaskan pottery

Lipids preserved within the walls of ancient pottery vessels are routinely analysed to reveal their original contents. The provenience of aquatic lipids in pottery is generally connected to vessel function (e.g., for cooking or storing fish, shellfish and aquatic mammals). However, ethnographic reports from early historic Alaska mention the use of aquatic oils for waterproofing low-fired pottery.

Clinical aspects of Adrenalectomy

Annual rates of adrenalectomy have doubled in the last 20 years as a consequence of increased detection of adrenal incidentalomas, improved biochemical diagnosis, genetic screening, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. Most adrenal incidentalomas are benign non-functional adrenocortical adenomas. Functional adrenal tumours are associated with high morbidity if left untreated, and this may b

Prototyping Practices in Software Startups : Initial Case Study Results

Software startups use prototyping to develop and test business ideas and to validate market viability. While prototyping is emphasized in agile methods, there is little research on how startups can best utilise scarce resources to effectively use prototypes in their dynamic business context. We performed a case study of four startups and investigated how startups currently use prototyping to elici

Numerical modelling of wood under combined loading of compression perpendicular to the grain and rolling shear

Numerical modeling is an efficient tool for experimental validation and for gaining a deeper understanding of complex material phenomena, especially when causal relationships are overlaid by material variability. Wood is such a highly orthotropic and complex material, which in engineering problems however is considered as macro-homogeneous. The aim of this study is to numerically investigate stres

Demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching and communication

The article begins with a presentation of the role of demonstration and pantomime in the evolution of teaching building on Gärdenfors and Högberg (2017). In comparison to different forms of animal communication, demonstration is voluntary, intentional, honest, and directed to one or a few individuals. Then the differences between demonstration and pantomime is analyzed. An important factor is that