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Kollektiv dominans och företagskoncentrationer - Problem och utmaningar ur rättssäkerhetssynpunkt

För att upprätthålla funktionen inom Europeiska unionens inre marknad erfordras att det råder en fungerande konkurrens. Det är ett av de många syftena bakom unionens konkurrensrätt. Koncentrationsförordningen utgör i sammanhanget en förhandskontroll, och föreskriver att företagskoncentrationer över en viss storlek måste förhandsanmälans till Europeiska kommissionen för granskning, med möjlighet atIn order to maintain the function within the European Union internal market it is required that there be a functioning competition. It is one of the many purposes behind the Union's competition law. In this regard, the merger regulation constitutes an ex ante control. Furthermore, it stipulates that concentrations between undertakings above a certain size must be notified in advance to the Eur

Laglighetsprövning – ett kommunalt besvär

Den kommunala självstyrelsen innebär bland annat att en kommun delvis själv får bestämma sitt uppdrag, hur omfattande detta ska vara och hur mycket skatt som ska tas in för att finansiera dess genomförande. Den gemenskap som utgör kommunen har därmed ett intresse av att kunna säkerställa att den kommunala självstyrelsen utövas inom ramen för vad som är tillåtet. Förutom att de som utövar den komA Swedish municipality has a wide range of autonomy. As an effect of this self-government the municipality determines some of its mission by itself, including how much tax that must be collected to finance this. The community that constitutes the municipality therefore has an interest to ensure that this autonomy is exercised within the range of what is permitted. Besides the right to vote, and

Riskhanteringens inflytande på elhandelsbolags budgetering

Examensarbetets titel: Riskhanteringens inflytande på elhandelsbolags budgetering – En explorativ studie om relationen mellan budgeteringsprocessen och riskhanteringsprocessen på en volatil marknad Seminariedatum: 2023-01-10 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hanna Höij, Sofie Kjellberg & William Söderström Handledare: Elin Funck Title: The impact of risk management on electricity trading companies’ budgeting – An exploratory study on the relationship between the budgeting process and the risk management process in a volatile market Seminar date: 2023-01-10 Course/Subject: FEKH69, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Financial and Management Accounting Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Hanna Höij, So

Is the media just a copycat or a watchdog?

Nyckelord: Media, väktare, vakthund, informationsförmedlare, tystnad Studiens syfte: Syftet med studien är att utvärdera hur väl media uppfyller sin roll som väktare i sin vardagliga rapportering i Sverige. För att ta reda på detta undersöks även om det skiljer sig mellan affärspress och annan media, samt vad det innebär för medias väktarroll när de inte rapporterar alls. Frågeställningar: Vi haKey words: Media, gatekeeper, watchdog, information intermediary, silence Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to evaluate how well the media fulfills its role as gatekeepers in their everyday reporting within Sweden. In addition, the difference between how business press and other press fulfill their roles will also be examined, as well as what it means when the media does not repor

Neural Suppression in Odor Recognition Memory

Little is known about the neural basis of lower and higher-order olfactory functions such as odor memory, compared with other sensory systems. The aim of this study was to explore neural networks and correlates associated with three functions: passive smelling (PS), odor encoding (OE) and in particular odor recognition memory (ORM). Twenty-six healthy participants were examined using fMRI conducte

Så bromsas våldsspiralen i Sverige

Firearm-related violence, which is clearly linked to criminal gangs and networks, continues to increase. Acute and long-term measures must be combined to curb this type of crime, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, who is an associate professor in emergency medicine at Lund University.

Motståndets anatomi

Examensarbetets titel: Motståndets anatomi Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Elma Mrso, Hanna Gacic, Lina Nilsson Handledare: Stefan Sveningsson Fem nyckelord: Motstånd, förändring, autonomi, kollegial styrning, linjestyrning Forskningsfråga: Hur upplever de anställda förändringsmotstånd på en institution med både kollegia

Sensing China review

Although many of the chapters focus on individual senses, most of them end up demonstrating that no sense works in isolation and that sensation is always social and quite often emotional as well.

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One relevant challenge in the field of sustainable mobility is to plan and operate transport services equitable from a geographical and a social point of view. New forms of mobility can exacerbate pre-existing inequalities in the access to public transport systems by excluding some urban areas such as low-income neighborhoods or outskirts, where residents could benefit most from more supply. The g

Online and Approximate Network Construction from Bounded Connectivity Constraints

The Network Construction problem, studied by Angluin et al., Hosoda et al., and others, asks for a minimum-cost network satisfying a set of connectivity constraints which specify subsets of the vertices in the network that have to form connected subgraphs. More formally, given a set V of vertices, construction costs for all possible edges between pairs of vertices from V, and a sequence S1,S2,…,Sr

A trans-omics assessment of gene–gene interaction in early-stage NSCLC

Epigenome-wide gene–gene (G × G) interactions associated with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) survival may provide insights into molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Hence, we proposed a three-step analytic strategy to identify significant and robust G × G interactions that are relevant to NSCLC survival. In the first step, among 49 billion pairs of DNA methylation probes, we identifie