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Kultiverade Människor? - att använda språkanalogier för att förstå arkeologiska problem

This thesis aims to explore the problems archaeologists have to face when working with mixed kontexts and multi cultural technologies. The thesis explores how archaeologists could use linguistic explanations when working with material culture studies and how material culture spreads in human societies. The thesis concludes that material culture spreads and function like language and that such meta

Internationell diversifiering

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan internationell diversifiering och riskjusterad avkastning för 30 undersökta länder. Därutöver ämnar studien att undersöka huruvida det finns en övertro på den inhemska aktiemarknaden i Sverige mellan åren 2005–2017. Studien syftar även på att undersöka med hjälp av ett t-test för Sharpe-kvot om det finns en statistisk signifikant skillnad i

Våga säga nej : en studie av influencers som opinionsbildande aktör

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur användningen av influencers i Systembolagets antilangningskampanj kan ses som opinionsbildande arbete, men även huruvida tilltalet i budskap varierar beroende på vem avsändaren är. Detta görs i form av en kvalitativ textanalys. Analysen utgår från retoriska och semiotiska begrepp för att göra en jämförelse av de olika delarna av kampanjmaterialet, det vi

Measuring spatial accessibility to healthcare for people living with HIV-AIDS in southern Nigeria

Equitable distribution of healthcare services towards the reduction of HIV-AIDS prevalence in Nigeria remains a major public health concern. One of several research model to solve this public health problem is the use Geographical Information System, a two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA), this model emerged in the last decade as a key measure of spatial accessibility, particularly in its appl

Stridsåtgärder och konkurrerande fackförbund i den svenska modellen - en studie om organisationstvister som mynnar ut i stridsåtgärder

Uppsatsen syftar till att söka förståelse till varför tvister mellan fackförbund om vem som ska teckna kollektivavtal uppstår. Arbetsmarknadernas parter är i allmänhet ense om att det som regel bör finnas ett kollektivavtal på varje avtalsområde. Kollektivavtalets speciella rättsverkningar gör det viktigt för fackförbunden att vara avtalspart i ett kollektivavtal. Kollektivavtalet sätter i stor utThe aim of this essay is to seek understanding about why conflicts appear between trade unions regarding which one of them should sign the collective agreement in the workplace. The labour market parties are in general in an agreement that there should only be one applicable collective agreement in every area of work. The unique effects of the collective agreement make it crucial for the trade uni

Falska toner bland rena motiv – en "intressekonflikt" mellan upphovsrätt, skyddstid och innovation

Teknikutvecklingens frammarsch har tillsammans med den kommersiella upphovsrättsmarknaden fått rättsområdet att utvecklas till något nytt – ett multinationellt ekonomiskt verktyg, som reglerar över ekonomisk tillväxt, ökad konkurrens, social sysselsättning och innovation. Teknikutvecklingen gjorde sig dock till en del av upphovsrätten långt innan lagstiftaren erkände eller insåg vidden av teknikenThe advancement of technology development, together with the commercial copyright market, has brought the legal area of copyright into something new – a multinational economic tool, that regulates economic growth, increased competition, social employment and innovation. However, technology development took part in copyright before the legislature acknowledged or realized the importance of the tec

Sociala normer och motivation - En väg till förverkligandet av mänskliga rättigheter

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv på mänskliga rättigheter genom att studera människors agerande på ett sätt som tar hänsyn till sociala normer och bakomliggande motivation till prosocialt beteende. Detta realiseras genom en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning, med sju aktiva volontärer från fem olika välgörenhets- och rättighetsorganisationer i Lund och Malm

Perspectives on urban justice: is sustainable Malmö reality or utopia? A spatial analysis of socio-economic inequalities in availability of urban green spaces in Malmö, Sweden

UGS can provide extensive health benefits for city dwellers, especially those with close availability. However, previous research in the US has shown that UGS are not equally distributed within the city. This paper uses an urban justice approach to examine the distribution of UGS in Malmö, Sweden. Following a spatial analysis linking availability of UGS to socio-economic variables using ArcGIS, th

Psykisk ohälsa bland skolelever ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv - En intervjustudie om kopplingen mellan normavvikelse och psykisk ohälsa bland skolelever

Den psykiska ohälsan bland skolelever i de svenska grundskolorna har ökat de senaste åren vilket märks av inte minst genom flertalet rapporter och undersökningar. Alla skolor har olika förhållningssätt vid deras likabehandlingsarbete där fokus ligger på att göra så att eleverna trivs så bra som möjligt. På senare år har normkritik fått ett större inslag i detta likabehandlingsarbete vilket innebärMental unhealthiness among school students in Swedish elementary schools has increased in recent years, which is not least seen by various reports and surveys. All schools have different approaches to their equal treatment work, focusing on making the students feel as comfortable as possible. In recent years, norm criticism has gained a greater part in this equal treatment work, which means making

Berättelser om återhämtning

This study is based on interviews with people who have been in contact with psychiatric care and are, or have been in recovery from mental illness. The aim was to investigate how the interviewees describe their recovery and which factors that matter in recovery. The previous research this study builds upon show that a key aspect of recovery comes from reclaiming power of self and finding or, refin

Community-Based Preparedness Trainings to Build and Strengthen Local Capacities for Disaster Preparedness. With lessons learned from Preparedness Trainings in landslide risk communities in Sri Lanka

Disaster response is most effective, if a high level of preparedness is in place before natural hazards strike. As many low-income countries are under-financed when it comes to Disaster Risk Reduction, it is lower-cost interventions such as Community-Based Preparedness Trainings that they often rely on to provide strategies to reduce the vulnerability of communities. These trainings are widely use

Superpedagogen - En kvalitativ studie om lärares reflektioner kring att ta emot och integrera nyanlända elever

During the fall 2015, it was 114 000 people who applied for asylum in Sweden and the integration became a frequently discussed topic. The school is an area where there's high potential for the newly arrived students to create a network and to be integrated in the society. However, that's maybe not the case as the researDches say that the schools get more and more segregated. This study exa

Strategic Thinking: Theory & Practice

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test a potential means of measuring strategic thinking ability (Cognitive Process Profiling) in individuals through a multi-method approach. First, we identify what strategic thinking is in theory by analysing the current literature and then identify the most prominent competencies that enable individuals to think strategically. Following this literature r

Utmaningar och möjligheter - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med elever med ADHD

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of school counsellors in the work of helping children diagnosed with ADHD to feel good mentally and socially in the school environment. The study investigates how school counsellors work individually with these children and also together with other collaborators and organisations to help these children develop and overcome their difficulties. The sa

Building occupant movement in wide descending stairs

Several incidents in the past confirm that crowd movement in stairs represents a risk that has potential of causing serious injuries. Extensively research has been conducted for descending stairs. However, less is known about particularly wide staircases, which is taken to be stairs with tread width of 1.2m or above. This thesis provides estimations for engineering characteristics like velocity, f

Place branding and the case of social inclusion: a place made of people for the people

This master thesis examines disabled residents’ roles as citizens in a place branding process within the political framework of a place. This is in line with the resident approach in a political context within the research field of place branding. My contribution to the resident approach is a case study in the municipality of Borås, where I study the organized work of accessibility between citizen

Iron and Aluminum leaching from peatland soils in Southern Sweden – Effects on benthic macroinvertebrates

Giftigt lakvatten skadar småkryp Vattnet är turkos-färgat och innehåller giftigt höga halter av metaller, så småningom fälls metallerna ut och bildar en orange sörja som lägger sig som en kvävande filt över allt i vattnet. Livet är inte lätt för vattenlevande småkryp i Fredriksdalsviken. En rejäl översvämning år 2007 i Kristianstad fick missfärgat vatten att välla ut över strandängarna i naturresThe leaching of metals caused by drainage of peatland soils was, in Scania, brought to attention after a flood in Kristianstad 2007. The flood caused large areas of wet meadows to be covered in iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) contaminated water and one of the affected areas was Fredriksdalsviken, a nature reserve important as a breeding area for birds. The negative effects of these metals on macroinve

Choice of Conditional: Nara Nonara and Nodattara

The purpose of this thesis is to differentiate between the usage of three very similar Japanese conditionals: nara, nonara, and nodattara. A questionnaire study to find connections between the choice of conditionals depending on the surrounding expressions was conducted to establish potential rules and patterns of usage. The research found that short sentences, negative protases, and conditionall

Phenology in urban environments - The effects of tree and prey phenology on the reproduction of urban and rural great tits (Parus major)

Urban environments are rapidly growing worldwide with severe consequences to animals and plants residing in our cities. Some of the most well-studied urban wildlife is passerine birds, where a wide array of effects have been documented; smaller clutches, earlier breeding, shorter telomeres and oxidative stress are just some costs among numerous others. Yet, few studies have so far investigated the