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One relevant challenge in the field of sustainable mobility is to plan and operate transport services equitable from a geographical and a social point of view. New forms of mobility can exacerbate pre-existing inequalities in the access to public transport systems by excluding some urban areas such as low-income neighborhoods or outskirts, where residents could benefit most from more supply. The g

Online and Approximate Network Construction from Bounded Connectivity Constraints

The Network Construction problem, studied by Angluin et al., Hosoda et al., and others, asks for a minimum-cost network satisfying a set of connectivity constraints which specify subsets of the vertices in the network that have to form connected subgraphs. More formally, given a set V of vertices, construction costs for all possible edges between pairs of vertices from V, and a sequence S1,S2,…,Sr

A trans-omics assessment of gene–gene interaction in early-stage NSCLC

Epigenome-wide gene–gene (G × G) interactions associated with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) survival may provide insights into molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Hence, we proposed a three-step analytic strategy to identify significant and robust G × G interactions that are relevant to NSCLC survival. In the first step, among 49 billion pairs of DNA methylation probes, we identifie

Is IT good enough: An analysis of Swedish universities information security

Previous research in information security research has pointed out the importance of aware employees, while practitioners have focused on technical safety measures, this while the geopolitical situation has rapidly changed. In this paper the public Swedish institutions of higher education are investigated to gain a more complete picture of the potential pitfalls that exist in Swedish government ag

Fantasin som försvann : Om borttappade ideal i läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga i Sverige 1980–2020

I artikeln studeras vilken betydelse fantasi har i läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga i Sverige 1980–2020. Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i den överraskande upptäckten att fantasi saknas som motiv för läsning i statliga dokument om läsfrämjande från 2010-talet. I en bred kronologisk och kontextuell analys spåras därför eventuella förändringar i synen på fantasi under fyra decennier. Källmateri

Model-based predictions on health benefits and budget impact of implementing empagliflozin in people with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular disease

Aim: To perform a model-based analysis of the short- and long-term health benefits and costs of further increased implementation of empagliflozin for people with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular disease (eCVD) in Sweden. Materials and Methods: The validated Institute for Health Economics Diabetes Cohort Model (IHE-DCM) was used to estimate health benefits and a 3-year budget impact,

Effect of Local Structural Distortions on Antiferroelectric-Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Dilute Solid Solutions of K xNa1- xNbO3

The fundamental principles that govern antiferroelectric (AFE)-ferroelectric (FE) transitions are not well understood for many solid solutions of perovskite compounds. For example, crystal chemical considerations based on the average Goldschmidt tolerance factor or ionic polarizability do not precisely predict the boundary between the AFE and FE phases in dilute solid solutions of alkali niobates,