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Disease activity trajectories in rheumatoid arthritis : a tool for prediction of outcome

Objective: Predicting treatment response and disease progression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remains an elusive endeavour. Identifying subgroups of patients with similar progression is essential for understanding what hinders improvement. However, this cannot be achieved with response criteria based on current versus previous Disease Activity Scores, as they lack the time component. We propose a

On the cost-efficiency, significance and effectiveness of terrorism risk reduction strategies for buildings

We analyse the performance of risk reduction strategies for terrorist attacks with Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) for large governmental building structures in terms of cost-efficiency, significance and effectiveness accounting for life safety in conjunction with societal preferences and capabilities. The approach builds upon an extended Bayesian pre-posterior decision analysis and the princi

On the value of structural health information

Structural Health Information (SHI) may be provided by various sources such as e.g. structural health monitoring, inspections, testing and digital technologies and networks as by the Industry Internet of Things (HOT). SHI holds a high potential for industrial, life safety and sustainability value and facilitates an optimal and intelligent life cycle management of infrastructure and machinery syste

Value of the SHM system in the context of risk-based inspection planning

Risk-based inspection (RBI) planning is concerned with the optimal allocation of deterioration control which is based on the pre-posterior analysis using the Bayesian decision theory and the expected utility theory. It has been widely used to make inspection and repair strategy in the field of civil engineering and infrastructure systems. Nowadays, with the developments of sensing and inspection t

Relationer, subjektspositioner och hierarkier i handledningen av doktorander

I papret argumenteras för behovet av att förstå doktorandhandledning som kontextberoende – som en relationell och situationell social praktik. En central uppgift för handledaren är att reflektera över, och problematisera, vilka olika subjektspositioner som är verksamma i samspelet mellan handledare och doktorand, och hur dessa påverkar handledningen. Detta eftersom olika subjektspositioner ofrånko

Prediction of mass transfer coefficient of the continuous phase in a structured packed extraction column in the presence of SiO2 nanoparticles

In this experimental study, mass transfer and hydrodynamic parameters of water/kerosene/acetic acid system in a packed column were investigated, in which the mass transfer direction was set from the continuous phase (saturated water of kerosene and acetic acid) to the dispersed phase (saturated kerosene of water) in all the experiments. To assess the impact of nanoparticles on mass transfer, the e

CLI-DOS : Collaborative Counteraction against Denial of Service in the Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is the next generation of network scenario where billions of devices are connected to the internet and capable to communicate with each other. However, they are especially vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attack, which typically launched by overloading the server with bogus messages. Hence, unnecessary computation is performed by the IoT units, which can seriously wor

Serine proteases mediate inflammatory pain in acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is a life-threatening inflammatory disease characterized by abdominal pain of unknown etiology. Trypsin, a key mediator of pancreatitis, causes inflammation and pain by activating protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), but the isoforms of trypsin that cause pancreatitis and pancreatic pain are unknown. We hypothesized that human trypsin IV and rat P23, which activate PAR(2) and

Lifetime Risk of Visual Impairment Resulting from Glaucoma in Patients Initially Followed up for Elevated Intraocular Pressure

PURPOSE: To report the lifetime risk of visual impairment resulting from glaucoma in patients originally followed up in a 10-year prospective randomized study initiated in 1981 to assess patients with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP).DESIGN: Retrospective patient chart review.PARTICIPANTS: Data on deceased patients who initially were followed up prospectively in the randomized controlled study

Late Weichselian to early Holocene sedimentation in a steep fjord/valley setting, Visdalen, Edgeøya, eastern Svalbard: glacial deposits, alluvial/colluvial-fan deltas and spit-platforms

The Visdalen valley, situated at the northwestern corner of Edgeoya, was investigated with respect to lithostratigraphy and depositional environments of the Quaternary sediments. Eight major lithostratigraphic units are recognised of which seven were deposited during the Late Weichselian to early Holocene glaciation, deglaciation and the subsequent emergence of the area, and one unit deposited pri

Perceived listening effort in children with hearing loss : listening to a dysphonic voice in quiet and in noise

Aim: The present study investigates the effect of signal degradation on perceived listening effort in children with hearing loss listening in a simulated class-room context. It also examines the associations between perceived listening effort, passage comprehension performance and executive functioning. Methods: Twenty-four children (aged 06:03–13:00 years) with hearing impairment using cochlear i