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Results and plans for nuclear spectroscopy of superheavy nuclei: the Lund perspective

A survey of nuclear structure results obtained along α-decay chains stemming from isotopes of element 114, Fl, and element 115, Mc, is presented. Measures taken to ensure a reliable hand-over of nuclear spectroscopy output to nuclear structure theory are outlined. Possible links between decay chains starting from element 117, Ts, and element 115, Mc, are commented on. The experiments were conducte

Bestämmer jag själv över mitt utseende på jobbet? - En analys av arbetsgivares möjlighet att bestämma över arbetstagares kläder och utseende på arbetsplatsen

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur stor möjlighet arbetsgivare på Sveriges arbetsplatser har att styra över sina anställdas utseenden i form av att uppställa utseendekrav samt klädkoder. Arbetsledningsrätten är långtgående i Sverige och ger arbetsgivare rätt att leda och fördela arbetet i sin verksamhet som det behagar dem. Även om arbetsledningsrätten är genomgripande är den inte obegränsad.The purpose of this essay is to establish the extent to which employers in Sweden's workplaces are able to regulate their employees' appearance through the implementation of dress codes and appearance rules. In Sweden, businesses have a fairly broad range of options for how they choose to organize and allocate work inside their organizations. Although the extensive labor management rights

En ny talan om samma sak - Om innebörden av facta supervenientia och om utformandet av kärandens talan

Reglerna om rättskraft är mycket omdiskuterade i den civilprocessrättsliga doktrinen. Rättskraften är inte absolut, utan begränsas bland annat tidsmässigt av factum superveniens/facta supervenientia. Facta supervenientia är omständigheter som inte kunde åberopas i en första process och som utan hinder av den förra domens rättskraft får lov att åberopas i en ny process. Syftet med uppsatsen är att The rules on legal force are much debated in the doctrine of civil procedure law. The legal force is not absolute. The legal force is limited, among other things, in terms of time by factum superveniens/facta supervenientia. Facta supervenientia are circumstances that could not be referred to in a first pro-cess and which, without being hindered by the legal force of the previous judgement, are al

Toward Biomass-Derived Recyclable Polyesters

Fossil-based plastics have become a matter of concern due to their negative environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions and threats to the health of living beings. Alternative polymers derived from sustainable biomass resources have thus become an attractive research field since the last decade. Currently, there is a strong demand in the development of new bio-based polymers with enhanc

Utbrändhet, arbetsrelaterad stress och psykiskt lidande bland kvinnliga och manliga jurister: en kartläggande litteraturöversikt

Forskning tyder på att jurister löper ökad risk att utveckla arbetsrelaterad ohälsa i form av utbrändhet, arbetsrelaterad stress och psykiskt lidande. Viss forskning pekar även på att arbetskrav inom branschen kan påverka manliga respektive kvinnliga jurister på olika sätt. Syftet med litteraturöversikten bestod i att systematiskt granska aktuell forskning, genomförd mellan 2012-2022, avseende vilResearch indicates that lawyers suffer a great risk of developing symptoms of burnout, work-related stress, and psychological distress. The purpose of this study was to systematically investigate research, conducted between 2012-2022, regarding factors contributing to burnout, work-related stress and psychological distress among lawyers. The study also aimed to examine whether it was feasible to d

Bud på barnombud? - För- och nackdelar med att införa ombud för barn i vårdnadsmål

Uppsatsen handlar om barnets rätt att komma till tals i vårdnadsmål. Rätten fastställs i barnkonventionens artikel 12. Artikeln gäller som lag i Sverige sedan 2020. Enligt artikel 12 ska konventionsstaterna tillförsäkra det barn som är i stånd att bilda egna åsikter rätten att fritt uttrycka dessa i alla frågor som rör barnet. Vidare ska barnet i alla domstolsförfaranden och administrativa förfaraThe topic of the paper is the child's right to be heard in custody cases, as set out in Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention has been in force as law in Sweden since 2020. According to Article 12, States Parties shall assure a child capable of forming his or her own views, the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child. Furthermore

Hårt sex? En diskursanalys av debatten i svensk media om hårt sex bland unga

In 2020 an article was published about rough sex among youth. The article spread on social media and was the beginning of a debate in Swedish media that came to be known as the “rough sex debate”. The aim of this study is to achieve a greater understanding of the phenomenon of “rough sex” among youth. To achieve this aim, we analyze and highlight the discursive differences in the debate on “rough

Starch intake, amylase gene copy number variation, plasma proteins, and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality

BACKGROUND: Salivary amylase, encoded by the AMY1 gene, initiate the digestion of starch. Whether starch intake or AMY1 copy number is related to disease risk is currently rather unknown. The aim was to investigate the association between starch intake and AMY1 copy number and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality and whether there is an interaction. In addition, we aim to identify CV

Consumption of ultraprocessed food and development of chronic kidney disease : the Tianjin Chronic Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation and Health and UK Biobank Cohort Studies

BackgroundMany ultraprocessed food (UPF)-derived by-products may play a role in the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although several studies have assessed the association of UPFs with kidney function decline or CKD in various countries, no evidence has been shown in China and the United Kingdom.ObjectivesThis study aims to evaluate the association between UPF consumption and risk of C

Quantification of structures in freeze-dried materials using X-ray microtomography

The structure of a freeze-dried material is essential for its ability to preserve and protect biologics such as proteins, cells and other sensitive structures. The structure of a typical freeze-dried matrix can be described as pores surrounded by thin walls where the walls are the encapsulating material (for e.g. cells). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate X-ray microtomography (µCT

Clinical and epidemiological Studies in ANCA-associated vasculitis

Objectives:This thesis aims to provide an overview of the epidemiology of AAV in southern Sweden, to evaluate different classification criteria in AAV. In addition we study if infection is a risk factor for later development of AAV comparing patients with AAV with a matched population cohort and to examine the occurrence of severe infections as an outcome in AAV. Methods:All adult patients diagnos

Proof-of-concept method to study uncharacterized methyltransferases using PRDM15

The PRDM family of methyltransferases has been implicated in cellular proliferation and differentiation and is deregulated in human diseases, most notably in cancer. PRDMs are related to the SET domain family of methyltransferases; however, from the 19 PRDMs only a few PRDMs with defined enzymatic activities are known. PRDM15 is an uncharacterized transcriptional regulator, with significant struct

Tau-PET is superior to phospho-tau when predicting cognitive decline in symptomatic AD patients

Introduction: Biomarkers for the prediction of cognitive decline in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and amnestic mild dementia are needed for both clinical practice and clinical trials. Methods: We evaluated the ability of tau-PET (positron emission tomography), cortical atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), baseline cognition, apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) status, pla

Comparative Effectiveness of Device-Aided Therapies on Quality of Life and Off-Time in Advanced Parkinson’s Disease : A Systematic Review and Bayesian Network Meta-analysis

Introduction: Research comparing levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and continuous subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (CSAI) for advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) is lacking. This network meta-analysis (NMA) assessed the comparative effectiveness of LCIG, DBS, CSAI and best medical therapy (BMT) in reducing off-time and improving quality of life (QoL) in patient

När Döden blir Onaturlig

This study aimed to examine what it means for counsellors in end-of-life care to work closely with death and the dying. The initial hypothesis was that there is something special about being in close contact with dying people and death. A qualitative approach was taken with an initial focus group of four professionals to study this. The goal of the focus group was to acquire knowledge on how this

Two-peakedness in South Swedish and the Scandinavian tone-accent typology

This chapter presents the results of a production study with twelve speakers of South Swedish. The results show that South Swedish has so-called two-peak contours in non-utterance-final nuclear accents and in phrase-initial accents (so-called initiality accents). The shape of the two-peak contours is reminiscent of contours reported from East Norway and West Sweden. These results contradict previo

Quantification of [18F]florbetaben amyloid-PET imaging in a mixed memory clinic population : The ABIDE project

Introduction: We investigated amyloid-burden quantification in a mixed memory clinic population. Methods: [18F]Florbetaben amyloid-PET (positron emission tomography) scans of 348 patients were visually read and quantified using the Centiloid (CL) method. General linear models were used to assess CL differences across syndromic and etiological diagnosis. Linear mixed models were fitted to assess th