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Your search for "*" yielded 531622 hits

Cognitive and psychiatric symptoms are associated with walking difficulties in mild Parkinson’s disease

Objective: To investigate the association of different aspects of cognitive impairment, depression and anxiety with walking difficulties in daily life in persons with mild PD.Background: Walking difficulties in daily life are common among persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and may cause falls and near falls, limitations in activity, restrictions in participation and decrease in quality of life.

Gatekeeping Access: Shea Land Formalization and the Distribution of Market-Based Conservation Benefits in Ghana’s CREMA

Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Ghana combine conservation and development objectives and were introduced in the year 2000. In some cases, they have connected collectors of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) nuts with certified organic world markets, which can be understood as a ‘market-based’ approach to conservation. This paper examines how the benefits of this approach are distributed a

Synchronization in Digital Twins for Industrial Control Systems

Digital twins, which are a new concept in industrial control systems (ICS), play a key role in realizing the vision of a smart factory, and they can have different effective use cases. With digital twins, we have virtual replicas of physical systems so that they precisely mirror the internal behavior of the physical systems. Hence, synchronization is necessary to keep the states of digital twins i

Post-operative nausea and vomiting : Update on predicting the probability and ways to minimize its occurrence, with focus on ambulatory surgery

Postoperative nausea and vomiting ". the little big problem" after surgery/anaesthesia is still a common side-effect compromising quality of care, delaying discharge and resumption of activities of daily living. A huge number of studies have been conducted in order to identify risk factors, preventive and therapeutic strategies. The Apfel risk score and a risk based multi-modal PONV prophylaxis is

The impact of a DCV-system on the IAQ, energy use, and moisture safety in apartments - a case study

A novel DCV-system controls the air-change rate for each apartment in multifamily buildings based on two indoor air parameters: 1) the moisture load (supply), and 2) volatile organic compounds. With a central fan, but decentralized control boxes placed outside each apartment, the system controls the air-change rate for each apartment. This paper’s main aim is to determine the potential of this DCV

Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures : Snapshot imaging using coded light

The central challenge tackled in this thesis is the development of an optical imaging approach capable of multidimensional image capture of dynamic samples. Many conventional optical imaging approaches, which can obtain dimensional information such as spectral, polarisation, or volumetric, to name a few, about samples either employ sequential image capture or parallelised detector arrangements. Du

Optimization of production and transgene expression of a retrogradely transported pseudotyped lentiviral vector

Background: To target specific neuronal populations by gene transfer is challenging. A complicating fact is that populations of neurons may have opposing roles despite being found adjacent to each other. One example is the medium spiny neurons of the striatum. These cells have different projection patterns, a trait used in this study to specifically target one population. New Method: Here we prese

Does depth of anesthesia influence postoperative cognitive dysfunction or inflammatory response following major ent surgery?

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of depth of anesthesia on POCD after major ENT surgery and to assess changes in postoperative inflammatory markers in patients undergoing major ENT surgery. Thirty two patients aged 40 to 94 yrs, scheduled for surgery under general anesthesia were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In group A (AEP group) depth of anesthesia (DOA) was measured wit

At-home monitoring after surgery/anaesthesia – a challenge

Rationale, aims and objectives: Day surgery is evolving, with a majority of recoveries occurring at home. There is, in parallel, an evolution in telemedical technology. The aim of the present project was to identify patients’ willingness to use predefined follow-up techniques and to clinically test preferred techniques at home using a two-step study.┅. Methods: In Part I, a paper-based questionnai

Finansieringsformers rättsliga reglering

Denna bok ger en integrerad framställning av de mestadels sakrättsliga aspekter som aktualiseras vid kreditgivning och finansiering, med särskilt fokus på realsäkerhetsfrågor.Boken inleds med en koncis översikt av ämnet sakrätt. Därefter följer presentationer av ägarförbehåll (återtagandeförbehåll) som kreditsäkerhet, olika slag av panträtt i lös egendom, fastighetspant och lagstiftningen om föret

Utilizing Research to Enhance Fire Service Knowledge

This thesis explores the fire service workplace through full-scale experiments. Evidence-based information has been developed to be combined with firefighter experience to improve their knowledge of fire dynamics and the cause and effect impact of their tactics on life safety, property conservation, and incident stabilization. Multiple series of experiments examined how residential fire dynamics c

State reforms in early modern mining : Røros copperworks and the role of workers managers, investors and the state in business development

State reforms adopted in the 1680s prevented the largest copperworks in the Oldenburg Monarchy, Røros, from shutdown. The changes ensured supply deliveries and regular wage payments through spread of ownership, delegating more responsibilities to the Director and managers and introducing complex control mechanisms and state monitoring of the accounts and daily tasks. They appear relatively advance

Influence of vasoactive drugs on blood flow in subcutaneous tumors – an experimental study in rats

Subcutaneously implanted tumors in Wistar and Lister rats were used as a model for the study of metastatic tumor blood flow and how it is affected by vasoactive drugs. Blood flow measurements were obtained using the labelled microsphere method and the reference organ technique. Microspheres (15‐μm) labelled with either 99Tcm or 51 Cr isotopes were injected intracardially and a reference sample was