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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Japanese National Identity and the Takeshima/Dokdo Dispute: Constructing National Identity Discourse around South Korea

National identity is used as a representation of what a country wants to transmit as its own impression of ‘self’, and usually it is formed around the concept of an ‘other’. Nonetheless, if two national identities are contradictory; it can hinder the development of desirable bilateral relations, which is the case of Japan and South Korea. Taking the Takeshima/Dokdo territorial dispute as a referen

Perception of Tattoos in Contemporary Japanese Society

This thesis analyses five in-depth interviews on Japanese tattoo culture conducted by the author and ten short interviews with tattooed Japanese people published by Japanese online tattoo magazine. The study focuses on inclusion and exclusion of tattooed Japanese people in contemporary Japanese society, relying on labeling theory and collectivism. The findings suggest that significant tattoo stigm

Provocerad uppsägning – en uppsägning gjord av arbetstagaren eller arbetsgivaren

Abstract: This paper is a work about provoked redundancies, redundancies that has been made by the employee himself, but is comparable to a termination made by the employer. In order to investigate the concept of provoked dismissal, also called forced dismissal and be able to make conclusions about when a termination by the employee is considered forced by the employer, the author has studied the

Evolution of the aerobic iron oxidation metabolism

Evolution of the aerobic iron oxidation metabolism Every living organism needs energy to survive and reproduce. We humans get our energy from food, mainly in the form of fats, sugars, protein, and perhaps some alcohol. Bacteria and other microorganisms are able to use other sources such as light and metals. In this master thesis I aim to find out how the cellular machinery needed for the aerobic

Extreme heights and changes in altitude of migrating Great Snipes - Barometer and accelerometer logging put new light on great migrations

Stora flygningar av små fåglar: Dubbelbeckasinen når höga höjder – flera gånger om Flyttfåglar har länge fascinerat människan. Under lång tid visste vi väldigt lite om var fåglarna tog vägen på vintern, och än mindre hur dessa flygningar faktiskt genomfördes. Under det senaste årtiondet har utvecklingen av små mätapparater (”loggar”) gjort att vi nu vet betydligt mycket mer om vart fåglarna tar vTracking birds throughout their migratory flights have reached new heights during the last decades, as new technology has made it possible to track birds during with higher accuracy than ever before. In this study, I have used accelerometer and air pressure data to mainly address the questions of altitude selection and changes during long distance non-stop migration in the Great Snipe (Gallinago m

Keepin’ it Clean(tech) - Assessing South Africa’s cleantech ecosystem to improve a framework for Cleantech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Developing Countries

This thesis researched the Cleantech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (CIEE) of South Africa with the dual aim to improve and operationalise a conceptual framework as well as to identify areas for intervention in the specific case of South Africa. Supporting the growth of cleantech solutions in developing countries and emerging economies can be an important driver of inclusive and sustain

A survey of cadmium and zinc concentrations in ponds supplied by Höje & Kävlinge streams and their subsequent induced bacterial tolerances

Heavy Metals in ponds around Skåne A recent set of sediment assessments from the bottoms of ponds in southern Sweden determined that cadmium, zinc, and phosphorous concentrations were occurring at levels higher than normal in Kävlinge Å. Sediment from these ponds was previously proposed to be used as fertilizer on nearby agricultural land in the coming future so as to exploit its phosphorus conte

Short Range Gesture Sensing and Classification Using Pulsed Millimeter-Wave Radar and Convolutional Neural Networks

Human hand gestures present a novel way of interacting with electronic devices. A millimeter-wave radar setup utilizing a pulsed Resonant-Tunneling Diode signal generator in the 60 GHz ISM band is used to measure 12 different hand gestures. The data is used to train and validate Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The measurement setup utilizes a real time sampling oscilloscope and down-mixing o

Korslimmat trä – Optimering av tvärsnittsuppbyggnad

Korslimmat trä, KL-trä, är ett förhållandevis nytt byggnadsmaterial i byggbranschen. Det består av ett udda antal skikt av lameller av konstruktionsvirke, där varje skikt av lameller ligger roterade 90 grader i förhållande till intilliggande skikt. Materialet används både i den bärande stommen och som stomkomplettering i form av exempelvis trappor. Idag finns endast en etablerad tillverkare på dCross-laminated timber, CLT, is a rather new building material. It consists of an odd number of layers consisting of lumber boards stacked together, where each layer is rotated 90 degrees in comparison to the adjacent layers. The material is used both as a load-carrying element as well as a non-load-carrying element, such as stairs. Today there is only one established producer of CLT in Sweden. D

What Comes First - Strategy or Structure?

The purpose of our study is to research the sequence of strategy and structure. Due to a theoretical gap between the propositions; strategy follows structure and structure follows strategy, this indicates the need for new research in today’s dynamic environment. According to the chosen dimensions, the sequence initially follows the ideas of the structure follows strategy. However, as the strategy

The paradox of entrepreneurship: how emplotment of the self provides confirmation in the face of anxiety

This study explores how narrative identity construction of young entrepreneurs is influenced through sensemaking processes based on storytelling. In order to do so, this study has been conducted with eleven participants of an entrepreneurial hub. This entrepreneurial hub is actively engaged in training and developing skills of young entrepreneurs. The participants in our study were considered youn

Rågsved Centre: Resilient Revitalisation in a Multi-Ethnic Environment

This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current spatial, environmental and financial resilience of Rågsved Centre in Stockholm. Furthermore, local future risks on resilience are also discussed and the total analysis is synthesised in a new resilient spatial interpretation of the centre. Methods of analysis include a narrative format that comprise of twelve semi-structured interviews

Is less more after civil war? Examining the impact of rebel group cohesiveness on the post-conflict state-building trajectory defined by order

Why some civil wars end for good and others start up again is a complex question that inhibits many factors. This thesis argues, that the cohesiveness of rebel groups is one of the important ones in the post-conflict phase. During civil war the rebel groups can build up their political, military, and societal profile. In the aftermath of a civil war, this profile becomes one of the deciding factor

Fracture characteristics of acetylated birch - Experimental and numerical studies

Av miljö- och hållbarhetsmässiga skäl finns idag ett ökat intresse att använda trä som byggnadsmaterial. Björk har historiskt sett inte används i lastbärande strukturer på grund av dålig beständighet och låg formstabilitet. Genom den kemiska modifieringsprocessen acetylering, kan båda dessa egenskaperna förbättras. För att kunna använda det modifierade träet i lastbärande strukturer måste man dockModication of wood is carried out to increase the durability and dimensional stability of wood, and one of the modication methods is acetylation. Acetylation of wood means that polymers in the cell wall react with acetic anhydride. Today, acetylated wood is rarely used in load-bearing structures and there are only a few studies on how the fracture characteristics are affected by acetylation. A stu

Research on Credit Risk Measurement of China’s Listed Companies with KMV Model

This thesis takes 200 Chinese listed companies as examples within ten years from 2009 to 2018, of which 100 are ST companies and the other 100 are non-ST companies. ST company is a company that has financial problems and was then implemented with special treatment by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The traditional credit risk measurement model, the Z-Score model, is chosen to be compar

I de skiftande identiteternas gränsland - Representationer av "den Andre" i El Cantar de Mio Cid. Text och kontext.

Denna uppsats analyserar ett urval av kulturmöten och representationer av “den Andre” i det episka diktverket El Cantar de Mio Cid. Analysen utgår från en tredelad teoretisk modell som innefattar koncepten orientalism, politisk kultur och boundary making. Metoden close reading används för att i detalj analysera de utvalda episoderna. Till uppsatsens viktigaste slutsatser hör att bilden av fienden

“Jag tänker inte komma till din adress nästa gång och hämta ett lik” - En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor som levt i ett destruktivt förhållande upplevt kontakten med polisen.

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur kvinnor som har varit utsatta för våld i en nära relation har upplevt kontakten med polisen och hur kvinnorna beskriver sina förhållande. Vidare undersöks även hur kvinnorna förhåller sig till statusen som brottsoffer. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem kvinnor och en observation av två offentliga Facebookgrupper besvaras uppsatta frågeställning

Konsten att gasa sig ur krisen med handbromsen i

Kraven på företag att ta ett socialt ansvar har ökat markant under senare år och stiger ytterligare under samhällskriser, vilket synliggjordes ytterligare under coronakrisen. Samtidigt ökar användandet av engagerande omvärldshändelser som kontext i kommunikationen, för att bibehålla en relevans för varumärket. Studien undersöker därmed hur företag, utan direkt koppling till en extern kris, kommuniPublic demand for corporate social responsibility has increased significantly during recent years and is further stressed during global crises. At the same time, the use of engaging external events as a context in communication, in order to maintain relevance for the brand, is increasing. The phenomenon has been even more visible during the corona crisis. Thus, this study investigates how companie

Gender & race in digital game cultures: A critical discourse analytical approach to Metacritic game reviews

This thesis examines user reviews of the video game Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (Machine games 2017). From a total of 560 reviews, 176 reviews engaging with social and political issues in the game was selected for a critical discourse analysis. A close reading of the games politics of gender and race being negotiated in the reviews show how performances of (successful) masculinity and (believ