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Your search for "*" yielded 527090 hits

High genetic diversity and low differentiation reflect the ecological versatility of the African leopard

Large carnivores are generally sensitive to ecosystem changes because their specialized diet and position at the top of the trophic pyramid is associated with small population sizes. Accordingly, low genetic diversity at the whole-genome level has been reported for all big cat species, including the widely distributed leopard. However, all previous whole-genome analyses of leopards are based on th

Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths

Temporal genomic data hold great potential for studying evolutionary processes such as speciation. However, sampling across speciation events would, in many cases, require genomic time series that stretch well back into the Early Pleistocene subepoch. Although theoretical models suggest that DNA should survive on this timescale1, the oldest genomic data recovered so far are from a horse specimen d

Genome-Based Sexing Provides Clues about Behavior and Social Structure in the Woolly Mammoth

While present-day taxa are valuable proxies for understanding the biology of extinct species, it is also crucial to examine physical remains in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of their behavior, social structure, and life histories [1, 2]. For example, information on demographic parameters such as age distribution and sex ratios in fossil assemblages can be used to accurately infer socio

Changes in variation at the MHC class II DQA locus during the final demise of the woolly mammoth

According to the nearly-neutral theory of evolution, the relative strengths of selection and drift shift in favour of drift at small population sizes. Numerous studies have analysed the effect of bottlenecks and small population sizes on genetic diversity in the MHC, which plays a central role in pathogen recognition and immune defense and is thus considered a model example for the study of adapti

Characterizing the allele-specific gene expression landscape in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia with BASE

Somatic copy number variations (CNVs), including abnormal chromosome numbers and structural changes leading to gain or loss of genetic material, play a crucial role in initiation and progression of cancer. CNVs are believed to cause gene dosage imbalances and modify cis-regulatory elements, leading to allelic expression imbalances in genes that influence cell division and thereby contribute to can

Scoping Review of Disaster Preparedness Among Hospitals in Developing and Developed countries

With the climate change the frequency of disasters are increasing all over the world. Hospital is an important organization which has significant role and responsibility during and after disaster. Proper preparation from beforehand is necessary to handle disaster related mass emergency. The objective of this scoping review is to offer a thorough overview of disaster preparedness among hospitals in

Att arkivera studentlivet - En studie om Lunds studentnationers bevarande av arkivmaterial

The purpose of this study is to give an insight into the archival management of six student nations at Lund University, as well as the general view of the archive amongst the members who are responsible for the student nation archives. The majority of the student nations are well over 300 years old, but there have been few or no studies about the student nations archives, a knowledge gap this stud

Deciphering New Neurocircuitries to Modulate Appetite

Food for Thought, or Thought for Food? Obesity affects 12 % of adults worldwide (GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators, 2017). This number is only expected to increase in the future. Serious risks are associated with obesity such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and type two diabetes (Pantalone et al., 2017). There are not currently effective and safe methods to aid weight loss (Ruban et al., 2019

Effects of anti-TSLP treatment on the bronchial epithelial viral immune transcriptome and airway epithelial–smooth muscle cell crosstalk

Hur påverkar anti-TSLP cellkommunikation och inflammation i lungan? Astma är en kronisk andningssjukdom som påverkar miljontals människor runt om i världen. Sjukdomen kännetecknas av luftvägsinflammation, överkänslighet och obstruktion, vilket leder till symtom som väsande andning, andnöd och hosta. Ny forskning visar att läkemedlet Tezepelumab, ett anti-TSLP läkemedel som blockerar TSLP, kan minBackground: Asthma, a prevalent chronic lung disease, affecting millions worldwide, is characterised by airway inflammation and increased smooth muscle mass and constriction, leading to the narrowing of the airway walls. Recent biologics have emerged as promising treatments for asthma. This study focuses on Tezepelumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting TSLP, which has been shown to improve airway h

Potential involvement of t-circles in the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres in Naumovozyma castellii

Merry Go Round: Rolling-circle telomere elongation Imagine a shoelace. At the end of the shoelace, there is a protective piece called an aglet, keeping the fibers together. A human chromosome is a bit like that, too – long and linear, with a characteristic structure at the end called the telomere, which protects the chromosome from instability. With each cell division, a piece of the telomeric

Profiling Extracellular Vesicle Proteome of Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients for Non-Invasive Subtyping and Monitoring

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a highly aggressive form of cancer, characterized by a particularly poor prognosis. Subsequently, it has a very low five-year survival rate of only 6%. At the clinic, patients are either diagnosed at advanced stages where care is more palliative and with few therapeutic options or, when diagnosed at earlier stages, respond very positively to first-line treatments b

Hollow Direct Air Cooled Rotor Windings: Experimental Verification

This paper presents the experimental verification of a cooling concept based on hollow direct air cooling windings for the rotor of an electrically excited synchronous machine (EESM) with the application of traction drive for electric vehicles (EVs). Developing the performance of EESMs is important for the EV industry since it is today so reliant on permanent magnets. The idea behind the cooling c

A prototype early warning system for diarrhoeal disease to combat health threats of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region

Ongoing climate variability and change are increasing the burden of diarrhoeal disease worldwide. Meaningful early warning systems with adequate lead times (weeks to months) are needed to guide public health decision–making and enhance community resilience against health threats posed by climate change. Toward this goal, we trained various machine-learning models to predict diarrhoeal disease rate

The role of dendritic cells in tertiary lymphoid structures: implications in cancer and autoimmune diseases : Mariana Reste1† , Kristi Ajazi 2† , Ayca Sayi-Yazgan3,4, Radmila Jankovic 5 , Biljana Bufan6 , Sven Brandau7 , Espen S. Bækkevold 8 , Florent Petitprez 9 , Malin Lindstedt 2 *, Gosse J. Adema10* and Catarina R. Almeida1 *

Tertiary Lymphoid Structures (TLS) are organized aggregates of immune cells such as T cells, B cells, and Dendritic Cells (DCs), as well as fibroblasts, formed postnatally in response to signals from cytokines and chemokines. Central to the function of TLS are DCs, professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that coordinate the adaptive immune response, and which can be classified into different

Catalytic conversion of CO2 and lignin into valuable chemicals

Increasing concern regarding climate change and environmental sustainability have driven research regarding the development of innovative solutions for CO₂ mitigation and biomass utilization. This thesis explores the catalytic conversion of CO₂ and lignin into valuable chemicals, as a promising approach to achieving carbon neutrality and enhancing the circular economy. The study focused on two key

Development of a multiplex PCR for detection of Fusobacterium necrophorum, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis

Streptococcus pyogenes, or group A streptococci (GAS) is a well known agent of pharyngitis. The same goes for the closely related S. dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (SDSE). Recent data indicates that a third pathogen called Fusobacterium necrophorum, with similarly severe complications to GAS is the second most common pathogen in pharyngitis. These infections cause the greatest damage in low

Meal-induced release of the incretins GLP-1 and GIP in healthy men and the effect of thylakoids

Frisättning av insulin- och mättnadsstimulerande tarmhormoner efter intag av extrakt från spenat Introduktion och Bakgrund Fetma är en växande hälsoutmaning då den kan leda till kronisk sjukdom som typ II diabetes och hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Därför sker mycket forskning för att underlätta viktminskning hos överviktiga. Ny medicin har fokuserat på insulinfrisättande tarmhormoner, som hjälper till att s

The Effect of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein on Anti-Tumor Immune System

Kroppens goda och onda sida i cancer Alla är familiära med sjudomen cancer, antignen via en bekant, vetskap om sjukdomen eller personligt. Trots att det är en relativt vanlig sjudom betyder inte det att kroppen inte har ett försvar mot cancern, vi har faktiskt vårt immunförsvar. Några av de viktiga celler vi har som skydd är våra T-celler, en del av våra vita blodkroppar. Dock, kan kroppen också