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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Risk of Second Primary Cancers in Multiple Myeloma Survivors in German and Swedish Cancer Registries.

We aimed at investigating the distribution and risk of second primary cancers (SPCs) in multiple myeloma (MM) survivors in Germany and Sweden to provide etiological understanding of SPCs and insight into their incidence rates and recording practices. MM patients diagnosed in 1997-2010 at age ≥15 years were selected from the Swedish (nationwide) and 12 German cancer registries. Standardized inciden

SLF:s höstexkursion till Skäckerfjällen 15-17 augusti 2008

Förra året beslutade SLF att 'adoptera' Skäckerfjällen i Jämtland, vilket innebär att föreningen avser att göra en fullständig inventering av dess lavar genom återkommande besök under ett antal år. Första besöket gjordes under höstexkursionen 2008 i mångahanda spännande miljöer, såsom kalkbranter, bäckraviner med gammal granskog, videsnår, snölegor och fjälltoppar med urberg. Exkursionen resultera

The Hidden Sexuality of Alexandrium Minutum: An Example of Overlooked Sex in Dinoflagellates.

Dinoflagellates are haploid eukaryotic microalgae in which rapid proliferation causes dense blooms, with harmful health and economic effects to humans. The proliferation mode is mainly asexual, as the sexual cycle is believed to be rare and restricted to stressful environmental conditions. However, sexuality is key to explaining the recurrence of many dinoflagellate blooms because in many species

Characterization of the human skeletal muscle glycogen synthase gene (GYS1) promoter.

Background Impaired activation of the human skeletal muscle glycogen synthase by insulin is typical for type 2 diabetic patients. Regulation of glycogen synthase occurs mainly by phosphorylation/dephoshorylation but little is known whether there also is transcriptional regulation. Therefore we studied transcriptional regulation of the human skeletal muscle glycogen synthase gene (GYS1) and evaluat

Transcriptome and proteome analysis of soleus muscle of hormone-sensitive lipase-null mice

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), a key enzyme in fatty acid mobilization in adipocytes, has been demonstrated also in skeletal muscle. To gain further insight into the role and importance of HSL in skeletal muscle, a transcriptome analysis of soleus muscle of HSL-null mice was performed. A total of 161 transcripts were found to be differentially expressed. Increased mRNA levels of fructose-1,6-bisp

Bird population trends are linearly affected by climate change along species thermal ranges

Beyond the effects of temperature increase on local population trends and on species distribution shifts, how populations of a given species are affected by climate change along a species range is still unclear. We tested whether and how species responses to climate change are related to the populations locations within the species thermal range. We compared the average 20 year growth rates of 62

Sex pheromone biosynthetic pathways are conserved between moths and the butterfly Bicyclus anynana

Although phylogenetically nested within the moths, butterflies have diverged extensively in a number of life history traits. Whereas moths rely greatly on chemical signals, visual advertisement is the hallmark of mate finding in butterflies. In the context of courtship, however, male chemical signals are widespread in both groups although they likely have multiple evolutionary origins. Here, we re

Geologi och landskapshistoria i och runt Arrie

Arriesjöns strövområde var mellan 1906 och1998 en täkt för grus, sand och lera. Innan dess var området en ca 20 m hög platåliknande kulle som en isälv i den senaste inlandsisen lämnat efter sig. I kullens sediment har hittats mammutrester, renben och torv med växtrester som vittnar om ett annat klimat och en annorlunda miljö. Vad sedimenten består av och hur de hamnat där har geologer beskrivit, t

Gamla tider i en ny värld – Friluftsmuseerna mellan tradition och förnyelse

Friluftsmuseer som Kulturen erbjuder sina besökare rika upplevelser av det förflutna genom de bevarade kulturmiljöerna som har flyttats in och levandegjorts. Museernas kulturmiljöer kan ibland uppfattas som oföränderliga, ja rentav tidlösa där de står år ut och år in, och där den enda förändring som tycks uppenbar är tidens tand som gnager på timret. Syftet med denna text är att utforska tradition

TRPA1 Receptor Induced Relaxation of the Human Urethra Involves TRPV1 and Cannabinoid Receptor Mediated Signals, and Cyclooxygenase Activation

Purpose: We studied whether TRPA1 agonists interact with sensory and inflammatory signals to relax human urethral smooth muscle. Materials and Methods: Urethral specimens were obtained perioperatively from 19 patients, and prepared for immunohistochemistry and functional experiments. The effects of allyl isothiocyanate, cinnamaldehyde and NaHS were studied in phenylephrine activated preparations c

Cholinergic and dopaminergic aspects of dementia in Parkinson's disease: postmortem neuropathological findings and modeling of cognitive dysfunction in rodents

Motor symptoms are currently considered the first clinical hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD). They develop as a result of dopamine loss in the striatum, subsequent to the progressive neurodegeneration of dopamin- ergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, non-motor symptoms are frequent in PD patients and can greatly affect their quality of life. Among these, cognitive impairment affects p

Microchannel Acoustophoresis does not Impact Survival or Function of Microglia, Leukocytes or Tumor Cells.

The use of acoustic forces to manipulate particles or cells at the microfluidic scale (i.e. acoustophoresis), enables non-contact, label-free separation based on intrinsic cell properties such as size, density and compressibility. Acoustophoresis holds great promise as a cell separation technique in several research and clinical areas. However, it has been suggested that the force acting upon cell

Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in chronic hepatitis C virus infection: correlates of positivity and clinical relevance

We examined correlates of antinuclear antibody (ANA) positivity (ANA+) in individuals with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the effect of positivity on clinical outcome of HCV. Pretreatment sera from 645 patients from three centres in Sweden (n = 225), the UK (n = 207) and Italy (n = 213) were evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence on Hep-2 cells for ANA pattern and titre by a singl