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En detaljerad undersökning av den mellanordoviciska ”furudalkalkstenen” i Dalarna

Under sen darriwil-tid i mellanordovicium var Baltica täckt av ett grundhav med relativt rikt och varierat djurliv. Under årmiljoner avsattes här sediment som kom att omvandlas till kompakta kallvattens-karbonater. Baserat på fältstudier och punkträkning av sex stycken tunnslip har den omkring 10 meter mäktiga ”furudalkalkstenen” vid Kårgärdeprofilen (Dalarna, Sverige) analyserats med avseende på During the late Darriwilian age (Middle Ordovician) Baltica was covered by a shallow, epeiric sea with a fairly rich and varied fauna. Over millions of years, carbonate sediment was deposited that later transformed into compact cool-water limestone. Based on field studies and point-counting of six thin sections, the ca 10 meter thick ‘Furudal Limestone’ at the locality Kårgärde (Dalarna, Sweden) h

Politiker och digitalisering : hur går det?

This thesis examines how forced digitized work has affected politicians in a regional board. Through interviews with elected politicians and observations of council meetings we have studied and analyzed the politicians’ attitudes towards the forced digitized changeover. The digitalization that was forced due to the corona pandemic has been perceived differently and can be linked to the idea of dig

För och nackdelar med recirkulerande akvakultursystem - Metodens framtid i Sverige

Until year 2050 the world population will be increased with more than two billion people, this will lead to high demands of food supply. At the same time many of the worlds fish stocks are overfished or under a lot of pressure due to the environment. This study has investigated the pros and cons with recirculating aquacultursystems from the viewpoint’s energy use, carbon dioxide emissions and ethi

Välfärdsstatens effekter på invandringspolicys: En komparativ studie av 20 OECD-länder

Denna komparativa studie bygger vidare på det arbete Frida Boräng tidigare gjort i sin artikel ”Large-scale solidarity? Effects of welfare state institutions on the admission of force immigrants”. Hennes slutsatser går emot teorier om att välfärdschauvinistiska idéer skulle vara mer dominerande i mer omfattande välfärdsstater (Boräng 2015). Detta väcker frågan huruvida liknande effekter av välfärd

Populism in Israel: A study of the manifestation of populist rhetoric among Israeli right-wing political actors between 2015 and 2020

This thesis examines four Israeli elections between 2015 and 2020 with the purpose of describing how populist rhetoric has been manifested within right-wing political discourse during this period. Two separate theoretical frameworks are utilized for the analysis, based on theories by Cas Mudde, Jordan Kyle and Kurt Weyland, conceptualizing populism both as an ideology and as a political strategy.

Vad betyder Girjas? - En analys av de renskötande samernas jakt- och fiskerätt efter HDs avgörande i Girjasmålet

Uppsatsen avser att kritiskt granska den rättsliga regleringen av de renskötande samernas jakt- och fiskerätt. Regleringen redovisas och problematiseras utifrån statens och samernas perspektiv på upplåtelsereglerna samt regleringens grundlagsenlighet utifrån egendomsskyddet och diskrimineringsförbudet. Utredningen visar på brister i skyddet för samernas rätt och ett mycket begränsat stöd för att sThis study aims to critically examine the legal regulation of the reindeer herding sami’s rights to hunt and fish. The regulation is presented and discussed from the state’s and sami’s perspective and from a constitutional perspective relating to the protection of property and the protection against discrimination. While the state claims that the Reindeer Husbandry Act grants the state’s right to

Trails and roads: from the Paramo to the city : exploring the tensions between environmental conservation and economic growth. A case study in Sumapaz, Colombia.

The need to preserve ecosystems to enable the reproduction of a global market-based economy has led conservationist measures that are in contradiction with a model of Development heavily based on the connectivity to broader markets. The case of protected Colombian Paramo in Sumapaz explores trails’ as a conduit to understand social mechanisms for space-time appropriations and how are they conteste

Reclamation: A Feminist Genealogy of the Cultural Symbols of the Chicana Feminist Movement

This thesis will explore two significant cultural symbols of Mexican-American/Chicano culture: La Malinche and the Virgin of Guadalupe [La Virgen de Guadalupe]. The Chicana Feminist Movement, a notable women of color feminist movement, is considered to have been created and most active in the 1960s-1980s era of the United States. An examination will be conducted on how the two cultural symbols, La

The Physician’s Word Matters Most

The purpose of this thesis is to describe how physicians are affected by and deal with conflicting interests between patients and superiors, regarding personal ethics and cost-effectiveness measures, using agency theory. More specifically, how superiors might affect given care by attempting to control the physician’s performance in the pursuit of saving money, while patients want the best treatmen

Ett virtuellt nexus - En granskning av tillämpningen av en omsättningsbaserad skatt för multinationella företag i ljuset av EU:s fria rörligheter

Befintliga skatterättsliga principer grundar sig på föreställningar om att affärsverksamheter bedrivs genom fysisk närvaro. En stat kan därför, för närvarande, endast grunda beskattningsanspråk på en av de två huvudprinciperna hemvist eller källstat. Enligt den sistnämnda principen kan en stat enbart beskatta sådana företag som innehar någon form av fysisk etablering inom statens jurisdiktion. DigExisting tax law principles are based on notions that businesses operate through physical presence. Therefore, a state can only make tax claims based on either the residence principle, or the source principle. According to the latter, a state can only make tax claims against companies that have a physical establishment within the state’s jurisdiction. However, digitalisation and the progression of

Ales stenar Besökscentrum

This project aims to create a visitor center for the popular landmark Ale’s stones. The monument is an old stone ship located in the south of Sweden, near the medieval fishing village Kåseberga. The small village is in great need of a visitor center as the amount of visitors is overwhelming. The design of the visitor center is based on several analyses. The initial analysis examines visitor cent

Synthesis of glucuronic acid derivatives with a potential inhibitory effect of dermatan sulfate epimerase 1

Sockermolekyler, eller mer korrekt kolhydrater, spelar en mycket större roll för livet än att enbart förse våra celler med energi. Ytan av våra mänskliga celler är nämligen försedda med långa kedjor av diverse kolhydrater. Dessa makromolekyler har era viktiga funktioner för cellerna. De ger bland annat stöd i, och smörjer våra leder. De är även involverade i cellers kommunikation med varandra i deThe enzyme dermatan sulfate epimerase 1 is one of the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the glycosaminoglycan dermatan sulfate. The expression of dermatan sulfate has been linked to several severe pathological conditions including breast, lung, and oesophagus cancer. The change in expression alters i.e., the tumorigenesis, cell viability, and adhesion. By altering the activity of dermatan su

From Global to Regional - how Political Communicators made sense of Covid-19 Crisis. Evidences from 2020 Italian Regional Elections

Described as a “paradigm shift” event (Michelson, 2020), the Covid-19 pandemic is challenging all humans activities worldwide. Such disruptive event can be labelled as a crisis, which is described as an episode of uncertainty threatening high priority goals (Sellnow & Seeger, 2013). Despite this critical situation, 206 different relevant elections has been held globally since February 2020 (ID

Att konstruera ett socialt problem. En kritisk perspektivanalys av två kommunala arbetsmarknadsprojekt riktade mot långtidsarbetslösa

Unemployment and long-term unemployment is a recurring topic that is discussed in public debates. The recurring question is how society should solve this problem. But how and why is long-term unemployment considered a social problem? This essay aims to investigate two municipal labor market projects aimed at the long-term unemployed. The material was obtained from the City of Malmö's Labor and


The igniting spark to this project was my aching back as I saw a fellow student standing by her height adjustable desk. I thought It would be great to be able to adjust my working position as well, however I already own a vintage desk that I want to keep. This made me think, could I create a solution that gives my desk, as well as most of all other analouge desks, the function of height adjustabil

"Man ska inte trampa någon på tårna"

This qualitative study is based on interviews held with representatives, including coordinators, public prosecutors, members of the police force, and social workers, of Barnahus. Barnahus is a national, multi-site, child advocacy centre in Sweden working with minors below the age of 18 who suspects have experienced abuse or sexual violence. Barnahus is a collaborative initiative between the Swedis

Genesis 38: Tamars berättelse, i en mansdominerad värld.

Is it possible that Genesis 38 is a story about an ancient woman? And should Genesis 38 be called The Story of Tamar? Numerous signals in Gen 38 point to Tamar being the main character of the story. Nevertheless, throughout history, the story has been said to be about Judah and his transformation from a mean and selfish character in Gen 37 to a caring and selfless one in Gen 43:8–10. But is that r

Internationella brottmålsdomstolen och bristande efterlevnad: En rättsvetenskaplig analys av försvarsstrategier samt remedium i den skandinaviska rättsrealismens era

Den Internationella brottmålsdomstolens mål är att eliminera straffrihet. Vad domstolen däremot har åstadkommit är långt ifrån vad den eftersträvar. Detta arbete identifierar centrala aspekter av Romstadgans bristande efterlevnad. Ett av arbetets avgränsningar är att endast behandla Romstadgans statsparter. Uppsatsen behandlar Kenya situationen och presenterar försvarsstrategier där de misstänkta

Binary classification of HRV signals

HRV är en förkortning av det engelska begreppet ”Heart rate variability” och beräknas med hjälp av data fr˚an ett elektrokardiogram, EKG. Detta mäter elek- triska signaler som skickas ut fr˚an hjärtat. En tydlig sammandragning av hjärtat kallas för puls och det syns tydlig p˚a ett EKG som en ökning i den elektriska signalen. I motsats till pulsen, är det inte själva hjärtslagen som är viktiga när Heart rate variability, commonly abbreviated as HRV, displays the variance between consecutive heartbeats. This variance occurs naturally but can change due to stress and problems with the cardiac system. HRV is therefore widely used for medical research. The goal of this thesis is to correctly classify two HRV signals where one is obtained at a resting state, the warm signal, while the cold signa