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Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är livsnödvändiga. I grunden består de av utsträckta kedjor av aminosyror, av vilka det endast finns 20 olika sorter. Dessa är dock nödvändiga för livsviktiga funktioner i organismer, så som att agera som katalysatorer för biokemiska reaktioner, att transportera molekyler och att strukturellt hålla ihop vävnad. Proteiner är ofta specialiserade för deras givna Proteins carry out the instructions encoded in genes and are crucial for many important tasks in the living organism. Often the specific three dimensional structure, or fold, of a protein enables it to carry out a given task. It is an open question whether protein folds have arisen independently or whether mutations to existing protein sequences have caused switches to new folds. In the main part
Rapport om SI-verksamheten vid LTH 2009/10
Rapporten redovisar en utvärdering av SI-verksamheten (SI = Samverkansinlärning) vid nio civilingenjörsprogram vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola under läsåret 2009/10 tillämpat på kurser i endimensionell analys, linjär algebra, mekanik samt inledande kemi. Både kursresultat samt poängproduktion under det första året är signifikant bättre för SI-deltagare än de som ej följt SI. Resultaten avseende andel
On the Ethnocentrism of Transitology
Abstract is not available
Sveriges historia vol. 8: 1965-2012
Planering i bygg- och anläggningsföretag – framtagning av utbildningsmaterial.
Failure Monitoring and Asset Condition Assessment in Water Supply Systems
In this thesis, different aspects of failure management in urban water supply systems are discussed. As assets are getting older, the number of pipe failures is increasing and an efficient failure management strategy becomes important. Two types of failure management strategies can be applied: proactive asset condition assessment and reactive failure detection and location. Currently available con
Det osamtidigas samtidighet : historiemedvetande i svenska historieläroböcker under hundra år
The concept of historical consciousness has been central in didactic research since the early 1990’s. It has been focused in Swedish history curricula, especially since 1994. Historical consciousness has mostly been used on a macro-level as a theoretical framework. This study aims to analyze whether Swedish history textbooks for lower secondary school have articulated contexts that may develop his
The Swedes are late as usual: On stress placement in parallel words in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish
Asien börjar i Malmö: om rättskulturer i Öresundsregionen
Mesolitiska lämningar i Rönneholms mosse : Arkeologisk förundersökning 2009: Hassle 32:18, Stehag socken, Eslövs kommun, Skåne
Challenges in start-up control of a heat exchange reactor with exothermic reactions; a hybrid approach
In this paper, the control of a continuous heat exchange reactor is investigated from a hybrid perspective with focus on the start-up phase and the transition to the optimal operating point. The temperature sensitive exothermic reaction leads to the possibility of multiple steady states and in combination with safety constraints forms an interesting challenge for a safe and efficient start-up. A s
Decarbonising the energy intensive basic materials industry through electrification - implications for future EU electricity demand
The need for low-carbon transitions in the industrial sector is increasingly recognised by governments and industry. However, radical pathways for reaching near-zero emissions in the energy intensive basic materials industry are still relatively unexplored. Most studies focus on mitigation options that lead to marginal emission reductions, e.g., energy and materials efficiency improvements and som
Bedömning av pedagogisk meritering
Enligt Högskoleförordningen skall vid bedömning av behörighet till professors-, lektors- eller adjunktstjänster lika stor omsorg ägnas prövningen av den pedagogiska skickligheten som prövningen av den vetenskapliga skickligheten. Det framgår dessutom att lektorer och adjunkter skall ha genomgått högskolepedagogisk utbildning. Här i denna artikel följer en kortfattad sammanställning av vilka kriter
Framtida tillförsel och avsättning av bioenergi i Sverige - Regionala analyser
När rekryteringen ska breddas
Genom analyser av planer för breddad rekrytering undersöker artikeln hur akademin trots ett löfte om det motsatta och just genom sitt arbete för att 'bredda' och heterogenisera sitt studentupptag bidrar till att å ena sidan att reproducera en 'smal', studievan och homogen studentgrupp och å andra sidan eliminera det kritiska potential som arbetet för ett breddad universitet skulle kunna innebära.
Review of Computer Based Methods for Modeling and Simulating Critical infrastructures as Socio-Technical Systems
The paper presents a review of the scientific literature on computer modeling of socio-technical systems. The aim is to briefly review and discuss modeling approaches that are suitable for the simulation of socio-technical systems, specifically in the context of risk and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures. It is found that seven main socio-technical modeling approaches can be disce
Design and experimental evaluation of a compact hybrid excitation claw-pole rotor
Threshold Saturation for Spatially Coupled Turbo-like Codes over the Binary Erasure Channel
In this paper we prove threshold saturation for spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs) and braided convolutional codes (BCCs) over the binary erasure channel. We introduce a compact graph representation for the ensembles of SC-TC and BCC codes which simplifies their description and the analysis of the message passing decoding. We demonstrate that by few assumptions in the ensembles of these codes,
Mr. Ainu - cultural mobilization and the practice of ethnicity in a hierarchical culture
This thesis discusses cultural change among the Ainu, Japan's indigenous people, its specificity and the circumstances that have led to it. Fieldwork was conducted in Hokkaido, the main territory of the Ainu, during a period of 12 months, stretching from 1985 to 1988. Focusing on strategies makes it possible to lay bare the multiple nature of agency that characterize the interaction between, the A