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Your search for "*" yielded 530144 hits

Protein-Protein Interactions in Human Aquaporin Regulation

Every living organism is made up of cells, the smallest structural and functional unit of life. These organisms can further be classified on the basis of cell number as single-cell or multi-cell organism. Over time these primitive organisms have evolved leading to the formation of more complex machinery in higher organism. While it is tough and tedious to calculate the exact number of cells in theWater is an essential compoment of every living orgamism and forms a major part of the human body. Regulated water transport is crucial for proper cell functioning and body homeostasis. Cell, the smallest structural and functional unit of life, uses specialized water conducting pores made up of proteins to transport water across the plasma membrane by facilitated diffusion.The discovery of one of

New players in chronic lung disease identified at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Paris 2018 : From microRNAs to extracellular vesicles

Since the first description of microRNAs (miRNAs) in 1993 (1) a large and growing number of studies has explored their roles across a variety of biomedical research disciplines, including lung biology. According to GENCODE (version 27) (2), 1881 of the >7,500 human small non-coding RNAs are miRNAs. These 20–25 nucleotide-long, regulatory RNAs are involved in the translational regulation of gene ex


The effects of mechanical load on optical properties of Y2SiO5 / Eu:Y2SiO5 crystals are investigated through application of first principles calculations. The crystals are first relaxed to reach equilibrium ground state using plane wave density functional theory (DFT). Once application of load on desired direction is performed the optical absorption profile of aforementioned crystals are plotted wThe effects of mechanical load on optical properties of Y2SiO5 / Eu:Y2SiO5 crystals are investigated through application of first principles calculations. The crystals are first relaxed to reach equilibrium ground state using plane wave density functional theory (DFT). Once application of load on desired direction is performed the optical absorption profile of aforementioned crystals are plotted w

Satiety effects of spinach in mixed meals : comparison with other vegetables

The effects of vegetables in mixed meals on satiety were evaluated by varying the dose (portions 150 and 250 g containing 4.3 and 7.2 g of dietary fibre, respectively) and structure (cut and minced) of microwaved spinach. A control meal without spinach and the test meals with spinach were balanced regarding energy (2000 kJ) and digestible carbohydrates (59 g, 51 E%) and with protein and fat as far

Longitudinal left ventricular function is globally depressed within a week of STEMI

Sixty percent of stroke volume (SV) is generated by atrioventricular plane displacement (AVPD) in a healthy left ventricle (LV). The aims were to determine the effect of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) on AVPD and contribution of AVPD to SV and to study the relationship between AVPD and infarct size (IS) and location. Patients from CHILL-MI and MITOCARE studies with cardiovascular magne

Remote sensing image classification using fuzzy- pso hybrid approach

Pixel classification among overlapping land cover regions in remote sensing imagery is a challenging task. Detection of uncertainty and vagueness are always key features for classifying mixed pixels. This chapter proposes an approach for pixel classification using hybrid approach of Fuzzy C-Means and Particle Swarm Optimization methods. This new unsupervised algorithm is able to identify clusters

On causes and regulation of anti-viral defence in asthma and COPD

Rhinovirus infection is a main trigger of asthma and COPD exacerbations. dsRNA, a viral replication intermediate, is sensed by pattern recognition receptors in the airway epithelium leading to down-stream induction of anti-viral interferons. Several studies have demonstrated that the rhinoviral-induced interferon response can be deficient in asthmatics, possibly resulting in more severe and length

Capability assessments - How to make them useful for decision-making

Capability assessments are becoming increasingly common as part of risk management activities worldwide. Despite this, there is no consensus concerning how these assessments are best conducted and presented. Recent studies suggest that two factors may influence the usefulness of capability assessments for decision-making: namely, whether the assessment includes descriptions of the resources availa

Study of Non-fusion Products in the 50Ti+249Cf Reaction

The isotopic distribution of nuclei produced in the 50Ti + 249Cf reaction has been studied at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA at GSI Darmstadt, which separates ions according to differences in magnetic rigidity. The bombardment was performed at an energy around the Bass barrier and with the TASCA magnetic fields set for collecting fusion-evaporation reaction products. Fifty-three isotopes lo

The hydraulic cavitation affected by nanoparticles in nanofluids

When liquids flow through a throttling element, the velocity increases and the pressure decreases. At this point, if the pressure is below the saturated vapor pressure of this liquid, the liquid will vaporize into small bubbles, causing hydraulic cavitation. In fact, a vaporization nucleus is another crucial condition for vaporizing, and particles contained in the liquid can also work as the vapor

Use of flutemetamol F18-labeled positron emission tomography and other biomarkers to assess risk of clinical progression in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Importance: Patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) may progress to clinical Alzheimer disease (AD), remain stable, or revert to normal. Earlier progression to AD among patients who were β-amyloid positive vs those who were β-amyloid negative has been previously observed. Current research now accepts that a combination of biomarkers could provide greater refinement in the assessmen

Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome

The tundra is warming more rapidly than any other biome on Earth, and the potential ramifications are far-reaching because of global feedback effects between vegetation and climate. A better understanding of how environmental factors shape plant structure and function is crucial for predicting the consequences of environmental change for ecosystem functioning. Here we explore the biome-wide relati

Search for supersymmetry in final states with charm jets and missing transverse momentum in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

A search for supersymmetric partners of top quarks decaying as t˜1→cχ˜10 and supersymmetric partners of charm quarks decaying as c˜1→cχ˜10, where χ˜10 is the lightest neutralino, is presented. The search uses 36.1 fb−1pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider and is performed in final states with jets identified as contain