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Your search for "*" yielded 532196 hits
Quality in local public transport - variability of assessments
On the accuracy of benchmark tables and graphical results in the applied mechanics literature
Converged normalized stress intensity factors for a matrix crack interacting with an elastic cylinder are presented. The new results differ from previously published results in several examples. The need for better error analysis in computational fracture mechanics is emphasized.
On receptor changes in cerebral arteries after subarachnoid haemorrhage
Popular Abstract in Swedish Subarachnoidalblödning är en blödning från hjärnans stora artärer. Blödningen kan uppstå spontant till följd av en försvagning av blodkärlet, vilket leder till en utbuktning som brister, eller som följd av trauma mot huvudet. Subarachnoidalblödning ger upphov till huvudvärk, illamående och kräkning och kan medföra högre eller lägre grad av medvetande-sänkning. Efter denOverall the aim has been to characterise the in vitro upregulation of the 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B/1D (5-HT(1B/1D)) and endothelin (ET) receptors in the cerebral circulation as well as demonstrating phenotypic changes in a pathophysiological model mimicking subarachnoid haemorrhage. The first part describes receptor upregulation using organ culture of whole vessel segments from both rat and man. The
Per itinera callium : report on a pilot project
Transient wave propagation in gyrotropic media
In this paper transient electromagnetic wave propagation in an inhomogeneous, cold plasma is considered. It is assumed that a constant magnetic induction is present and that the plasma is spatially inhomogeneous in the direction of the magnetic induction. Losses in the plasma are modeled with a collision frequency ν. The direct problem, which is to calculate the reflected and transmitted responses
Naturvetarnas hedersdoktor: "USA diskriminerar utländska forskare!"
Adaptive Control: Implementation and Application Issues
Project Assessments in Construction and Real Estate - Analysing management of end-user needs and ensuring performance in the building life cycle. CREDIT Report 4
In this report a generic model for the capture and assessment of end-user requirements and needs, the CREDIT carpenter model, has been developed. The main determinants of the model is the need for the project organisation (including the facilities management organisation) to ensure a thorough understanding of the end-user requirements and needs as well as an assessment through out the project proc
Kunglig missionär: änkedrottning Josefina och katolska kyrkan
A systematic approach to produce small courseware modules for combined learning and knowledge management environments
Combining technology enabled learning and knowledge management is a very promising strategy to systematic competence building in software organizations. In order to set-up a combined learning and knowledge management environment and to support organization members in packaging small chunks of knowledge into courseware modules, Fraunhofer IESE developed the IntView-KM methodology. IntView-KM define
Framing Tolkien: Trailers, High Concept and the Ring
see 26589
Software tools for requirements management in an ERP system context
Boksamlaren i lärdomens gränsland : En Uppsaladissertation om bibliomani från 1762
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Abstract in GermanIm Jahre 2000 wurde die evangelische Schwedische Kirche vom Staat getrennt und erhielt eine selbstständigere Stellung im Verhältnis zum Staat, geregelt durch ein besonderes Gesetz über die Schwedische Kirche. Im Mai 2012 wurde das Staatskirchensystem durch eine Verfassungsänderung auch in Norwegen teilweise abgeschafft. Auf Island wird eine ähnliche Änderung seit einigen Jahren d
Internationella skatterättens principer i ljuset av logistik/Supply chain management-principer
Management of osteoporosis
Makt och transnationellt regionbyggande i Öresund
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