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Epitope specificity and isotype of monoclonal anti-D antibodies dictate their ability to inhibit phagocytosis of opsonized platelets

Rh immune globulin (WinRho SDF; Cangene, Mississauga, ON, Canada) is an effective treatment for autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura; however, maintaining a sustained supply for its use in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura and its primary indication, hemolytic disease of the newborn, makes the development of alternative reagents desirable. We compared Rh immune globulin and 6 human monoclonal ant

High Disease Activity over Time and Persistent Inflammation Are Associated with Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Background/Purpose:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular (CV) disease. Systemic inflammation has been implicated as a key factor behind CV comorbidity in RA. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of disease activity and inflammation over the first two years on the risk of subsequent CV events in patients with early RA.Methods:An incept

Ventilation och innemiljö i moderna småhus – Mätningar och analys

En studie som kartlägger innemiljön i svenska småhus har länge behövts, speciellt för nyare småhus. Tack vare våra finansiärer blev det möjligt. Ett stort tack till PVF och Formas. Ett tack riktas också till de företagsrepresentanter som har fungerat som referensgrupp och deltagit på PVF:s möten och kommit med idéer och synpunkter på projektet. Ett tack går också till alla media som har hjälpt til

Self-Perceived Competence of Ambulance Nurses in the Care of Patients with Mental Illness : A Questionnaire Survey

Ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care must assess, treat, and triage patients with mental health issues. This study aimed to investigate the self-perceived competence of ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care of patients with mental illness. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was done, a question-index value (Q-IV; range: 0-1.0) was defined as a summary of the proportion of po

Criminal Law

The book contains a summary presentation of the Swedish legal system, written by leading Swedish experts in their respective legal fields. It is intended to be used by foreign law students participating in introductory courses in Swedish law, foreign legal professionals looking for fundamental information about the Swedish approach to a particular legal problem and Swedish lawyers when communicati

Physiotherapists' knowledge of and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines and recommendations for ankle sprains management : a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is a common and burdensome injury. However, the quality of its management is scant. Nowadays, physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal diseases seems to be generally not based on research evidence. Studies that investigated the knowledge-to-practice gap in LAS management are yet to be carried out. Therefore, this research investigated physiotherapists' kno

Region work – Institutional activism and the implementation of regional reform

In 2016, the Norwegian government initiated an extensive reform of the regional scale, eventually reducing the number of political-administrative counties from nineteen to eleven through mergers. The territorial and institutional changes that followed can be understood as a partial regional (de/re)institutionalisation process, in which the political and administrative boundaries of the merged coun

Infection Rate of SARS-CoV-2 in Asymptomatic Healthcare Workers, Sweden, June 2022

Given the recent surge in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infections, we performed a quantitative PCR screening survey during June 28-29, 2022, in Stockholm, Sweden, to investigate SARS-CoV-2 point prevalence in a group with high exposure risk. Results showed SARS-CoV-2 infection in 2.3% of healthcare workers who were asymptomatic at time of sampling.

Interactions between the placenta and maternal immune cells in healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia

Moderns immunsystem vid värkarbete och havandeskapsförgiftning Immunsystemet är uppbyggt av immunceller samt små molekyler som skickar signaler mellan dem. När immuncellerna stöter på något som de inte känner igen tolkas detta som farligt, vilket resulterar i att de aktiveras och försöker döda det som invaderar oss. Graviditet är spännande ur detta perspektiv då ett foster är till hälften uppbyggPregnancy is an immunological conundrum as the semi-allogenic fetus is tolerated concurrently as the mother and fetus are protected against pathogens. Systemic and local immunological alterations are a vital part of healthy pregnancy, and a possible contributor to gestational diseases. This study aimed to characterize peripheral, intervillous and decidual maternal immune cells during healthy labor

Optimization of an in vitro model to elucidate the role of Ciita levels on alpha-synuclein uptake, processing and spread

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by alpha-synuclein (α-syn) aggregations and loss of dopaminergic neurons. The cause for PD is still being researched but neuroinflammation has gained increasing awareness. Polymorphism in class II, major histocompatibility complex, transactivator (Ciita), which regulates major histocompatibility complex II (MHCII) ex

Swingarm and Rear Suspension Design in an Electric Reverse Trike

OMotion AB is developing a new model of their vehicle that will house a more powerful motor than the current model, which uses a hub motor in the rear wheel. The motor will be mounted behind the seats in the rear of the vehicle, entailing that drive by either chain or belt will be necessary. This poses a few challenges, but also facilitates beneficial adjustments to vehicle dynamics. This project

Post Hoc Interventions and Swedish Discrimination Law

This chapter discusses the implications of discrimination law for the use of post hoc interventions during recruitment processes that involve the ranking of job candidates. It argues that such interventions may assist employers in preventing direct and indirect discrimination by alerting recruiters, and others responsible for hiring decisions, to the fact that biases may have influenced the recrui

Patterns of Persistence : Intergenerational mobility and Sweden's social structure 1865-2015

In all times, societies have known social hierarchies and boundaries between individuals and groups with distinct social characteristics. The extent to which such hierarchies and boundaries are consequential for life outcomes and persist over time differs between societies. These changes over generations in the social structure, and the social, economical, and institutional developments that shape

Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände? : en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt

Denna antologi är ett arbete som varenda människa med något intresse för mänsklighet och samhällsfrågor måste läsa och reflektera över. De samlade berättelserna, undersökningarna och rapporterna som presenteras i antologin utgör en tvärvetenskaplig samtidsanalys över det svenska myndighetssystemet och dess inverkan på människoöden, kanske för generationer framåt.De samlade berättelserna, undersökningarna och rapporterna som presenteras i antologin utgör en tvärvetenskaplig samtidsanalys över det svenska myndighetssystemet och dess inverkan på människoöden, kanske för generationer framåt.

Prematuritet och utveckling i familjesystemet: en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Prematura barn löper en ökad risk för utvecklingsmässiga svårigheter och är givet sin neurologiska omognad mer beroende av omgivningen för reglering. En prematur födsel innebär också en stark påfrestning för det familjesystem som utgör barnets omgivning. Vi genomförde en systematisk litteraturstudie av kvantitativa studier för att undersöka huruvida familjeinteraktionsmönster skiljer sig åt mellanPreterm infants are at a heightened risk for developmental difficulties and more dependent upon their caregiving environment for regulation due to their neurological immaturity. A premature birth is also a major stressor to the family system that constitutes the caregiving environment. We conducted a systematic review of quantitative studies to investigate whether families of preterm children diff

LAS, ett undantag från Diskrimineringslagen- Förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering i förhållande till Lagen om anställningsskydd

Med en ökad medellivslängd ökar även antalet äldre arbetstagare på arbetsmarknaden. Frågan om äldre arbetstagares rättigheter och skyldigheter på arbetsplatsen blir därmed mer och mer aktuell. I Sverige men först och främst inom EU har det införts diskrimineringsförbud som innebär att äldre såväl som yngre arbetstagare skyddas från att missgynnas på grund av sin ålder på arbetsplatsen. Både svenskA continuously aging population leads to an increase in senior employees in the labor market. A question about the rights and duties for these employees is thereby raised more frequently than ever. Within the EU and in Sweden a prohibition against discrimination has been introduced to protect both younger and older employees. Both legislations, however, have an exception from this prohibition whic