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Development of Second and Third Generation Bioelectronics

The field of research dealing with the integration of biomolecules with electronic elements to form functional devices is called ‘‘bioelectronics’’. Bioelectronics based on mediated electron transfer (MET) between the biological element and the electrodes are designated as “second generation” while the one based on direct electron transfer (DET) is specified as “third generation”. Implanted bioele

Pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier. En problematisering av ett logistiskt-pedagogiskt dilemma

Följande är en pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för intermediala kulturstudier, delkurs tre av fyra på grundnivåutbildningen intermediala studier (IMS A11, 30 hp). Kursen ges fr.o.m. hösten 2009 även som fristående kurs på 7,5 hp (IMS A40), tillsammans med helterminsstudenterna och utan förkunskapskrav. Med detta uppstår ett pedagogiskt problem, då delkursen föregrips av två andra delkurser: intermedial

Time-lapse seismic analysis of pressure depletion in the Southern Gas Basin

In the Southern Gas Basin (SGB) of the North Sea there are many mature gas fields where time-lapse monitoring could be very beneficial in extending production life. However, the conditions are not immediately attractive for time-lapse seismic assessment. This is primarily because the main production effect to be assessed is a pore pressure reduction and frame stiffening because of gas production i