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Online Optimisation of the MAX IV 3 GeV Ring Dynamic Aperture

In order to improve the resilience of the MAX IV 3 GeV ring's beam to a horizontal dipole kick while at the design tunes (42.20, 16.28) the optimisation algorithm RCDS (Robust Conjugate Direction Search) was deployed. The algorithm was able to increase the horizontal acceptance by finding new settings for the sextupole and octupole magnets, whilst leaving the vertical acceptance virtually unchangeIn order to improve the resilience of the MAX IV 3 GeVring’s beam to a horizontal dipole kick while at the designtunes (42.20, 16.28) the optimisation algorithm RCDS (Robust Conjugate Direction Search) was deployed. The algorithm was able to increase the horizontal acceptance byfinding new settings for the sextupole and octupole magnets,whilst leaving the vertical acceptance virtually unchanged.Ad

Pulse-Picking by Resonant Excitation (PPRE) for Timing Users at the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring

At synchrotron light storage rings there is demand for serving both high-brilliance and timing users simultaneously. At many rings this is commonly achieved by operating fill patterns with gaps of sufficient length, but this is not favorable for rings that operate with passive harmonic cavities to damp instabilities and increase Touschek lifetime by lengthening the bunches. For such rings, gaps in

Integrated effect of different N-fertilizer rates and bioslurry application on growth and N-use efficiency of okra (Hibiscus esculentus L.)

Bioslurry obtained from biogas plants has the potential to reduce the use of expensive chemical fertilizers and increase yields. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the growth response and yield production of okra fertilized with various combinations of bioslurry and nitrogen fertilizer. The experiment was planned according to randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Biosl

Introducing strong correlation effects into graphene by gadolinium intercalation

Exotic ordered ground states driven by electronic correlations are expected to be induced in monolayer graphene when doped to the Van Hove singularity. Such doping levels are reached by intercalating Gd in graphene on SiC(0001), resulting in a strong homogeneity and stability. The electronic spectrum now exhibits severe renormalizations. Flat bands develop which are driven by electronic correlatio

Decentralized Massive MIMO Systems: Is There Anything to be Discussed?

Algorithms for Massive MIMO uplink detection are typically based on a centralized approach, by which baseband data from all antenna modules need to be routed to a central node for further processing. In the case of Massive MIMO, where hundreds or thousands of antennas are expected in the base-station, such architecture requires high interconnection bandwidth between antennas and the central node.

Microbial community-based measurements to estimate heavy metal effects in soil : The use of phospholipid fatty acid patterns and bacterial community tolerance

Microbial community-based measurements to detect effects of heavy metals in soils rely on the premise that metal toxicity exerts a selection pressure, which induces a change in the composition of the community. The phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition gives an integrated picture of all living organisms in the soil, and changes in the PLFA pattern of the soil indicate an altered species compo

Methyl mercury production in freshwater microcosms affected by dissolved oxygen levels : Role of cobalamin and microbial community composition

Radiolabelled Hg(NO(NO3)2 was added to microcosms containing water and sediment from a lake contaminated with cellulose fibres and mercury. We found that anoxic incubation resulted in methyl 203Hg concentrations in the water at least an order of magnitude higher than the levels in oxygenated incubation. This was explained by the fact that both the production and the water solubility of methyl merc

A multispecific saline-soluble lectin from the parasitic fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora : Similarities in the binding specificities compared with a lectin from the mushroom Agaricus bisporus

Several fungi can express high levels of saline-soluble and low- molecular-mass lectins that bind to glycoproteins such as fetuin and different mucins but not bind to any monosaccharides. In this paper, we report the binding specificities of such a lectin (designated AOL) isolated from the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. The results show that AOL is a multispecific lectin that intera

Some aspects of controlling radiant and convective cooling systems

Designing appropriate control systems for radiant heating and cooling terminals entails an understanding of their dynamic behaviour. This study experimentally investigates the dynamic response of a room with convective and radiant cooling systems. The experiments were performed in a 12.6 m2 large test room outfitted as a single-office room. The main cooling system was radiant ceiling panels which

New and noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi 9

The new for science genus Loekoeslaszloa S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur, confirmed by three gene phylogeny of the subfamily Teloschistoideae of the Teloschistaceae based on nrITS, nrLSU and mtSSU sequences, and ten new to science species from Eastern Asia, i.e. from South Korea: Bacidina loekoesiana S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur, Fauriea jejuensis S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös et J.-S. Hur, Gyalecta ulleungdoensi

Nätvårdsanvändare i Skåne kontaktade oftare vårdcentral : Användare av digitala vårdtjänster kontaktade fysiska vårdcentraler oftare än andra och gjorde inte färre akutbesök

Digitala läkarbesök har potential att avlasta den traditionella vården, men kan också leda till ökad vårdanvändning.Invånare i Region Skåne som använde digitala vårdtjänster 2016–2018 kontaktade även fysiska vårdcentraler oftare än andra invånare och besökte akutmottagning minst lika ofta.Resultaten består efter justering för tidigare vårdanvändande, sjuklighet (vissa diagnoser), ålder, kön och inSince 2016, a number of companies offering primary care services via chats or video calls have entered the Swedish primary care market. This is the first study to investigate whether these services replace other primary care services or if they induce more care and potentially even increase the workload of traditional caregivers. Using administrative care register data from a Swedish region, we fi

Uptake and bioaccumulation of ionizable pharmaceuticals in aquatic organisms

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Främsta källan till läkemedel i miljön är att vi människor inte bryter ner det vi stoppar i oss och att avloppsreningsverk inte heller helt eliminerar resterna i reningsprocessen. Koncentrationerna i naturen är dock ofta låga men vattenlevande organismer kan ackumulera vissa läkemedel så koncentrationen i deras kroppar blir högre än i omgivningen, så kallad bioacPharmaceuticals are found at low concentrations (ng/L) in aquatic environments but bioaccumulation may result in aquatic organisms reaching internal effect levels (µg/L). Environmental hazard assessments include standardized bioaccumulation tests but contrary to the model substances around which the frameworks are built most pharmaceuticals are designed to mimic endogenic chemicals, ionizable, and

The impact of body size changes on recurrence risk depends on age and estrogen receptor status in primary breast cancer

PURPOSE: To investigate the prognostic impact of body size changes during the first postoperative year in breast cancer. METHODS: A cohort of 1,317 primary breast cancer patients included in Sweden (2002-2014) underwent body size measurements at the preoperative and 1-year visits (n = 1,178). Landmark survival analyses were used to investigate how postoperative weight gain or loss (> 5%) or change

Infective endocarditis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation : a nationwide study

AIMS : Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), now a common procedure to treat high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis, has rapidly been expanding into younger and lower-risk populations, creating a need to better understand long-term outcome after TAVI. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the incidence, risk factors for, clinical presentation of, and outcome after