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Hedvig Eleonora och hennes tid

Hedvig Eleonora (1636-1715), drottning och änkedrottning av Sverige 1654-1715. G.m. Karl X Gustav, mor till Karl XI, farmor till Karl XII. Satt i två förmyndarregeringar, var djupt engagerad i konst och kultur, lät bygga nuv. Drottningholms slott, Strömsholms slott, och bygga om flera.

Deep Generative Models in Brain MRI Synthesis for Alzheimer's Disease Research

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive cognitive decline. Early and precise diagnosis is crucial for effective prophylaxis and treatment. However, the scarcity of annotated medical imaging data, compounded by privacy restrictions and the high cost of acquiring detailed scans like brain Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which have proven

Aspiration vs. Reality: An Investigation on Consultancies' Human Rights Policy Commitments

The requirements within the field of business and human rights are under constant change and rapid development. One of the foundational frameworks for ensuring the corporate responsibility to respect human rights is established in the globally endorsed United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This thesis establishes what the framework outlines regarding the requirements for

No Conditionality for Human Rights: An Analysis of Human Rights Prevalence in Morocco’s Bilateral Investment Treaties

Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara is being justified by Morocco attracting investments to the Western Sahara territory without the consent of the people of Western Sahara. This comes with numerous human rights violations, to which the investments contribute. The prevalence of human rights and the conditionality for it in investment treaties has been discussed by scholars and proven to be near

Resourcefulness in Repression: Mobilising for Rights in Cambodia- A Qualitative Interview Study on the Advocacy Strategies Employed by Civil Society Organisations in Cambodia

This thesis examines the advocacy strategies employed by civil society organisations (CSOs) in Cambodia, focusing on land rights and women’s rights within the constraints of a shrinking civic space. The study aims to understand how CSOs mobilise resources and adapt their strategies to address human rights issues in an authoritarian context. Using postcolonial theory, resource mobilisation theory,

Malmö stad, mänskliga rättigheter och tjänstepersoners intresse för dem

Mänskliga rättigheter inom kommuner och andra lokala organisationer är ett komplext ämne. I den lokala verkligheten finns det svårigheter att applicera mänskliga rättigheter på arbetet. Kommunen styrs av policyer, styrdokument, budget och visioner, men dessa kan vara svåra att förstå i den egna verksamheten. Malmö stad är en kommun med ett välfungerande arbete med mänskliga rättigheter, men även dHuman Rights within municipalities and other local organisations is a complex subject. In the local reality, there are difficulties in applying human rights at work. The municipality is governed by policies, governing documents, budgets and visions, but these can be difficult to understand in one's own operations. The city of Malmö is a municipality with a well-functioning work with human righ

Foundations for Psychological Thinking in Palliative Care : Frame and Formulation

This is the second article in the psychological elements of palliative care (PEPC) series. This series focuses on how key concepts from psychotherapy can be used in the context of palliative care to improve communication and fine tune palliative care interventions. In this article, we introduce two foundational concepts: frame and formulation. The frame is the context in which care is delivered; i

The Experience of Emergency Department Providers With Embedded Palliative Care During COVID

CONTEXT: Although the importance of palliative care (PC) integration in the emergency department (ED) has long been recognized, few formalized programs have been reported, and none have evaluated the experience of ED clinicians with embedded PC.OBJECTIVES: We evaluate the experience of ED clinicians with embedded PC in the ED during the coronavirus disease pandemic.METHODS: ED clinicians completed

Beyond water justice and water security : Debates on water, women, and climate change in Latin America

Actors at various scales approach their relation to water differently in the context of environmental and climate crises. Multilateral agencies conceptualize water as a quantifiable element that can be managed efficiently. For them, climate change and water scarcity hinder economic growth and widen drinking water access gaps. Consequently, financial and technical resources focus on promoting water

Temporal dynamics of coarticulatory cues to prediction

The temporal dynamics of the perception of within-word coarticulatory cues remain a subject of ongoing debate in speech perception research. This behavioral gating study sheds light on the unfolding predictive use of anticipatory coarticulation in onset fricatives. Word onset fricatives (/f/ and /s/) were split into four gates (15, 35, 75 and 135 milliseconds). Listeners made a forced choice about

Dâw (Brazil) : Language Contexts

The Dâw people are a small hunting-gathering-oriented group of 142 individuals who inhabit the single Waruá community located at the right bank of the Rio Negro opposite the town of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Amazonas State, Brazil). Dâw is a member of the small Naduhup family that is being actively transmitted across generations. Despite the language’s vitality, the Dâw people have been facing dra

Theory of Mind and Decision Making in Public Managers Work with Turnover and Retention: a Qualitative Study

The research on theory of mind is increasingly focused on adults in various professional contexts. One such context in which the role of theory of mind remains rather scarce is within public management, and decisions regarding turnover and retention. This study aimed to contribute to the knowledge on theory of mind in working adults in this specific context. 11 semi-structured interviews were cond

Is the impact of passive destructive leadership behaviors on burnout and turnover intention mediated by the frustration of basic psychological needs? – A Self-Determination Theory perspective

The present study (n = 121) was investigating the mediating effects of frustrated basic psychological needs on the relationship between passive destructive leading behaviors, burnout symptoms and the willingness to leave. The concept of the three basic psychological needs (need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness) is embedded in the Self-Determination Theory. As independent variables the con

The Making and Unmaking of the Ukrainian Working Class : Everyday Politics and Moral Economy in a Post-Soviet City

Industrial workers in Ukraine have a complex political lifeworld because their political action aimed at bringing radical social change coexists with a demobilizing stance that condemns all political participation as corrupt. This contradictory attitude to politics defines the character of populist mass mobilizations that shook Ukraine in 2004 and 2014, as well as the electoral overhaul of 2019 an

Paulus i fångenskap

Paul the Apostle was a very diligent man in many things. Both before his conversion and afterwards he did not cease to work towards his goals; before the conversion eagerly tracking the people believing in Jesus and after his conversion travelling as a missionary, founding churches, writing letters, pursuing his primary target spreading the Gospel. At the same time, he also upheld a regular job. H


En teologisk studie kring den messianska förlossningen i relation till den biologiska förlossningen inom religionsvetenskapens systematiska teologi. Kvinnors erfarenheter av graviditet, förlossning och moderskap får ta plats inom den teologiska förlossningen och vara en bidragande utveckling till en modern förlossningsteologi. De tre faser som en kvinna genomgår under sin graviditet, förlossning oA theological study of the messianic redemption in relation to the biological birth within the systematic theology of religious studies. Women's experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood can take place within the theological redemption and be a contributing development to a modern theology of childbirth. The three phases that a woman goes through during her pregnancy, childbirth and

What is in the learner’s mind when trying to verbalize grammatical rules? : English third-person singular -s in two settings, Sweden and Vietnam.

The present study examines the outcome of teaching second language English (L2 English) third-person singular present tense -s for declarative knowledge in two different settings, namely Sweden and Vietnam. Third person -s is one of the most studied grammatical structures in second language acquisition research. Data are collected in two classroom contexts with different teaching traditions. Parti