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Metallrening av lakvatten med SRB

3,5 miljarder år gamla bakterier kan rädda våra vatten från metallutsläpp Långt innan det fanns syre i atmosfären så fanns bakterier som ”andades” svavel. I stället för att andas ut koldioxid andas dessa bakterier ut sulfid, en negativt laddad svaveljon som binder till metaller. På en avfallsanläggning utanför Hässleholm står en testanläggning där man forskar på att minska utsläppen av metaller tHässleholm Miljö who own the landfill site in Vankiva in southern Sweden are having difficulties in keeping their heavy metal emissions within the limits of their very strict permit. Today reduction is reached by chemical precipitation, but a more effective and environmentally friendly process is wanted. Biological heavy metal removal in leachate water, using sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) and me

Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete?

SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Gynnas konkurrerande jordbrukare av samarbete? Datum för slutseminarium: 2020-01-17 Kurs: FEKH19, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå̊. Författare: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström och Ellen Traung. Handledare: Magnus Johansson. Nyckelord: Samarbete, konkurrens, jordbruk, medlemmar, Co-opetition och kooperativ. Syfte: Syftet meABSTRACT Title: Do competing farmers benefit from cooperation? Seminar date: 2020-01-17 Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Strategic Management Undergraduate Level. Authors: Denis Larsson, Lovisa Niilekselä, Ida Sundström and Ellen Traung Advisor: Magnus Johansson. Keywords: Cooperation, Competition, Agriculture, members, Co-opetition and cooperatives. Purpose: The

"En miljö där alla trivs och mår bra" - En kvalitativ studie av småföretags psykosociala arbetsmiljö mellan chefer och medarbetare

Arbetsmiljöverket har konstaterat att det förekommer stora skillnader i arbetet med den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende på om man arbetar inom privat eller offentlig sektor, det kan också konstateras att små företag i regel är sämre på att bedriva psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Detta ställer höga krav på arbetsgivaren som bär ansvaret för att riktlinjer som finns inom området också efterföljs. De som


DNA barcoding is a powerful and inexpensive tool for identifying genetic material. Identification of plasmids is especially important for tracking the global spread of anti-biotic resistance. In this study, new methods were presented for identifying plasmids using DNA barcodes that combine two very different DNA labelling types. Labelling using the affinity based technique of competitive binding w

Control your home with augmented reality

Uppkopplade enheter, eller Internet of Things (IoT), blir alltmer vanliga i våra hem vilket resulterar i ett behov att fjärrstyra dem. Man kan åstadkomma detta via app- likationer som distribueras av tillverkarna av dessa IoT enheter, vilket kan resultera i att du behöver flertalet applikationer för att kontrollera dina IoT enheter. Problem kan också uppstå när man ska namnge sina IoT enheter, detAs connected devices, or Internet of Things (IoT), are becoming increasingly more common in our homes we need a way to control them remotely. Remote control can be achieved with native applications created by the providers of these IoT devices which can result in you needing several applications to control your IoT devices. Furthermore, issues can arise when naming your IoT devices, e.g. if they a

In Plain Sight

Covert surveillance officers lack special equipment to carry their essential tools during their surveillance jobs. Officers were interviewed about scenarios, needs and the current equipment as well as solutions. It was apparent that it could be problematic to carry essential tools in an organized and concealed way. A generic bag that anyone could carry without looking out of place was developed th

Utredning av falska automatlarm- En litteratur- och intervjubaserad studie

Automatlarm kan rädda många liv och har hjälpt räddningstjänsten att göra nödvändiga insatser på plats, även om fördelarna är många finns det larm som inte är befogade och som orsakar kostnader för samhället. Syfte med den här studien är att genom intervjuer diskutera kring automatlarm, dess för- och nackdelar och genom litteraturstudier analysera olika ingående parametrar. Material och metod: StAutomatic alarms have saved many lives and have helped the emergency services to make the necessary efforts in place, although there are many benefits, there are alarms that are not justified and that cause costs for the society. The aim of this study is to, through interviews, discuss about automatic alarms and its advantages and disadvantages and through literature studies analyze different inpu

Covariance Matrix Regularization for Portfolio Selection: Achieving Desired Risk

The modus operandi of most asset managers is to promise clients an annual risk target, where risk is measured by realized standard deviation of portfolio returns. Moreover, Markowitz (1952) portfolio selection requires an estimate of the covariance matrix of the returns of the financial instruments under consideration. To address both these problems, we develop a data-driven method for covariance

Automatic recovery in robotic pattern creation

Företagets avdelning för distributionsutrustning håller på att utveckla en lösning för att packa förpackningar i ett rektangulärt mönster i öppna tråg. Lösningen använder sig av en delta-robot med ett vakuumdrivet plockverktyg för att plocka och placera förpackningarna. För att öka robustheten i lösningen vill man ta fram och testa koncept för att automatiskt, och utan operatörsinteraktion, hanterA distribution equipment solution using a delta robot for picking and placing packages in a rectangular pattern into cardboard trays (blanks) is currently under development. In order to increase the robustness of this solution, concepts for handling a variety of performance problems in the grouping or pattern creation area without operator interaction, e.g. toppled packages or missing packages, ne

Om motivationen att fullfölja

In 2010 the Swedish armed forces ended 100-years of conscription and introduced fully employed professional soldiers in their battalions with the purpose to be more usable and have higher readiness. Almost ten years later the turnover has been more than threefold to what was expected when the change was introduced. This study looks into the motivational factors of Swedish professional soldiers. Th

Hoten i Arktis med Sverige i fokus

In recent years, the Arctic has attracted focus, news media and authorities have made it clear that tensions in security policies have increased. To gain a further understanding of how Sweden (as a state) relates to the Arctic region, this study examines official sources using narrative analysis through the lens of securitization theory. This study examines how Swedish official threat narratives a

Sjukvårdsmaterielkrisen 2019

From the first of October 2019 there was a new supplier of medical equipment in five regions in Sweden. From the second of October we had a medical equipment crisis on our hands. This thesis aims to uncover why one out of five regions was practically unharmed by the supply shortage and if this was due to active measurements taken by the region authorities or something else. The study uses Lundquis

Improving High-Risk Consumer Credit Scoring with Financial Transaction Data

Credit scoring, the process of evaluating loan applicants with the help of numerical methods, is widely used in the financial sector. When used correctly, it can aid the decision process and lower default rates on loans. New EU regulation has allowed third-party actors to access personal banking information, following the applicant's consent. The increase in available information that financia

Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska oro och stress hos barn med autism i samband med röntgenundersökningar

En röntgenundersökning sker i en högteknologisk miljö, som kan vara påfrestande för barn med autism, därför är det av vikt att en röntgensjuksköterska kan tillämpa olika metoder för att minska barnets oro och stress. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska oro och stress hos barn med autism i samband med röntgenundersökningar. Integrerad analys av nio artiklar

Krishantering och maktpolitik

In the beginning of 2020 the world experienced the most severe pandemic since the last globalization wave. In Scandinavia the COVID-19 outbreak was countered with similar aims but with different measures. When Denmark imposed extensive restrictions Sweden took a completely different path. This study investigates the reason why seemingly equal countries opted such different crisis management strate

Machine Learning Enabled Nonlinear Phase Noise Mitigation for Coherent Optical Systems

In the current development of coherent optical communication systems, nonlinear noise is considered to be the ultimate bottleneck when extending the transmission length. In this report we suggest a nonparamter digital signal processing scheme to extend the transmission length of a fiber link. The processing scheme was enabled by machine learning, implemented to compensate nonlinear noise in a comm

CRISPR/Cas9 genome-wide screening for identification of therapeutic monoclonal antibody targets against tumour associated macrophages

Identifying new targets for cancer treatments Cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide, responsible for millions of deaths each year. As our knowledge regarding the biological systems involved has grown, incredible progress has been made towards the development of effective new treatments. We now know that targeting of cells responsible for promoting cancer growth c

“They Will be Mothers” : perceptions and practices of midwives towards adolescents with an unwanted pregnancy in Peru

Pregnancy decisions are notably connected to maternal well-being, particularly for groups disproportionately affected by unplanned and unwanted pregnancies such as adolescents. Midwives are health professionals most likely to care for a pregnant adolescent in a public healthcare setting and spend the most time with her during her pregnancy. However, there are no studies in Peru of the perceptions

Hopes and fears : the case of Georgian asylum seekers in the EU

Since March 2017, when the EC allowed visa-free travel to the Schengen area for Georgian citizens, the member states warned about the sharp and continuous rise in the number of unfounded asylum seekers from Georgia. It became the subject of active discussion at the political level, as the visa-waiver deal with the EU is an important aspect of EU-Georgia relations. Even though the rising number of