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Recombinant human enamelin produced in Escherichia coli promotes mineralization in vitro

Background: Enamelin is an enamel matrix protein that plays an essential role in the formation of enamel, the most mineralized tissue in the human body. Previous studies using animal models and proteins from natural sources point to a key role of enamelin in promoting mineralization events during enamel formation. However, natural sources of enamelin are scarce and with the current study we theref

Samhällets interaktion med digitala enheter: en inblick i de etiska och samhälleliga dimensionerna av artificiell intelligens

Studien fokuserar på att utforska de samhälleliga implikationerna och etiska aspekterna som är förknippade med framsteg inom artificiell intelligens, som uppfattas av ett antal studenter inom civilingenjörsprogrammet i datateknik. Studien utreder dessa studenters perspektiv på AI:s samhälleliga roller och deras egna etiska ansvar i utvecklingen av AI-modeller. Studien syftar till att förstå kons

Att inleda kärleksrelationer i det moderna digitala samhället: Studie om unga vuxnas attityder inom dejtingkulturen i Sverige

The primary focus of this thesis is to investigate young people's attitudes towards modern dating culture in Sweden. Specifically, it examines their various practices and opinions when initiating potential romantic relationships in a modern digital society, aiming to gain in-depth insight into their thought processes as they navigate the dating sphere. Considering the widespread integration of

Arctic sea ice loss warmed the temperate East Asian winter in the mid-Holocene

The recent colder winters in midlatitude Eurasia have been proposed to result from Arctic sea-ice decline. However, large uncertainties remain regarding this link in the present variable climate. Here, we present ice-rafted debris records from the eastern Arctic and geochemical data from the temperate East China Sea to reconstruct Holocene changes in sea ice and the East Asian winter monsoon. Our

Efficacy of an internet-delivered cognitive enhancement intervention for subjective residual cognitive deficits in remitted major depressive disorder : A randomized crossover trial

Background: Cognitive deficits such as difficulties with attention, memory, and executive functions are frequently reported during remission from depression and relates to adverse functioning in daily life and risk of relapse. There is therefore a need for interventions targeting cognitive deficits after depression. However, few randomized controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of interv

En husmoder ska vara tusenkonstnär : en kunskapshistorisk undersökning av hemmets rationalisering 1946–1956

A housewife of many trades: applying history of knowledge to the rationalization of the home in 1946–1956. After World War II, Swedish women were expected to return to their work at home, due to a shortfall of work for men. However, to make housework more attractive for women, its status needed to increase. One way to make housework more appealing for women was to rationalize the home and therefo

Lush or Flush?: A multimodal analysis of how brands can drive brand polarisation through communication strategies

Den här studien utforskar vilka varumärkespraktiker, strategier och handlingar som kan skapa förutsättningar och driva en polariserande natur inom varumärken. Detta uppnåddes genom att genomföra en multimodal analys på skönhetsmärket Lush som är igenkända för sina vågade sociopolitiska ställningstaganden. Därför utgör Lushs kampanjer Votes for Animals och ESC Big Tech exempel för att utforska ett This thesis analyses what brand communication practices, strategies, and actions could create conditions and drive a polarising nature in brands. This was achieved by conducting a multimodal analysis applied to the cosmetic brand Lush. Recognised for its bold sociopolitical stances, the Votes for Animals and ESC Big Tech campaigns illustrate how Lush is an exemplar for exploring a brand’s potentia

Strategisk kommunikation i uppförsbacke

Denna kvalitativa forskningsstudie undersöker hur och varför humor används i varumärkeskommunikation genom en mindre innehållsanalys och två fokusgruppintervjuer. Fokusgruppintervjuerna inkluderar både generation Z, som har växt upp med sociala medier, samt generation X, som inte har samma erfarenhet av användning av sociala medier. I studien avser man lågprisbolaget Ryanair som undersökningens utThis qualitative research study investigates how and why humor is used in brand communication through a small content analysis and two focus group interviews. The focus group interviews include both Generation Z, who have grown up with social media, and Generation X, who do not have the same experience with social media usage. The study uses the low-cost airline Ryanair as its focal point and anal

Mechanistic and therapeutic studies in cardiac inflammation

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally. Inflammatory cardiomyopathies can be life-threatening, and the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. This thesis aimed to investigate the underlying mechanisms driving the pathogenesis of myocarditis and septic cardiomyopathy, and to explore potential treatment strategies. In particular, we focused on the pro-inflammato

Measurement properties of the Body Awareness Scale Movement Quality (BAS MQ) in autistic persons

Background: Autistic persons exhibit poorer body awareness than neurotypical persons. Movement quality may be regarded as an expression of body awareness. Therefore, sound assessments of movement quality are essential to make reliable decisions about body awareness interventions.Purpose: To assess measurement properties of the Body Awareness Scale Movement Quality (BAS MQ) in persons on the autism

Phosphorylated tau in cerebrospinal fluid-derived extracellular vesicles in Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides and phosphorylated tau (P-tau) proteins in the brain, leading to cognitive decline and memory impairment. Despite extensive research, the exact mechanisms of AD pathogenesis remain elusive, and reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis and disease monitoring are still ne

Beräkningsverktyg för vägstolpar

Vägskyltar används i stor utsträckning på trafikerade vägar för att vägleda trafikanter i rätt riktning. För att optimera materialåtgången och minska kostnaderna krävs effektiva dimensioneringsverktyg som kan effektivisera arbetet med att dimensionera de bärande konstruktionerna. Detta arbete syftar till att utveckla ett beräkningsverktyg för den bärande konstruktionen till vägskyltar. Den bärand

Different yet alike: metrology, interpretation and digitised knowledge across epistemic divides and the 3D revolution in archeology

The last twenty years have seen 3D documentation and modelling emerge as an important vector for methodological innovation in cutting-edge research in archeology. Adopting techniques such as photogrammetric modelling and laser scanning, archeologists are experimenting with new ways of producing and communicating knowledge; and they do so by innovating and developing new ways to record, report, and

An explainable machine learning model to solid adnexal masses diagnosis based on clinical data and qualitative ultrasound indicators

Background: Accurate characterization of newly diagnosed a solid adnexal lesion is a key step in defining the most appropriate therapeutic approach. Despite guidance from the International Ovarian Tumor Analyzes Panel, the evaluation of these lesions can be challenging. Recent studies have demonstrated how machine learning techniques can be applied to clinical data to solve this diagnostic problem

Alveolar Hemorrhage in Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis Results of an International Randomized Controlled Trial (PEXIVAS)

Rationale: Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a life-threatening manifestation of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV). The PEXIVAS (Plasma Exchange and Glucocorticoids in Severe Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis) (NCT00987389) trial was the largest in AAV and the first to enroll participants with DAH requiring mechanical ventilation. Objectives

Sanktioner på affärsrättens område : Skadestånd, sanktionsavgifter, viten m.m.

Affärsrättsligt Centrum vid Lunds universitet (ACLU) bedriver forsknings- och seminarieverksamhet på centrala förmögenhetsrättsliga områden. En viktig del av den verksamhet som bedrivs inom ACLU är att regelbundet publicera böcker som består av originalbidrag från forskare och praktiker som har anknytning till ACLU. Målsättningen för ACLU:s publikationer är att de ska belysa aktuella och praktiskt

Political Trust and Socio-Spatial Contexts: Challenging Eurocentric Models through Ethiopia´s Rural-Urban Disparities

Compared to its urban counterpart, the rural often lacks access to public services. In the global north, this rural-urban divide is said to result in rural areas being perceived as neglected. The concept of geography of discontent investigates this feeling of being left behind, saying it leads to a lower level of trust in political institutions. Similarly, the OECD concludes in their research that