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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Study of Z→llγ decays at s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper presents a study of Z→llγ decays with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The analysis uses a proton–proton data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb-1 collected at a centre-of-mass energy s = 8 TeV. Integrated fiducial cross-sections together with normalised differential fiducial cross-sections, sensitive to the kinematics of final-state QED radiatio

Efficient extraction of textile dyes using reusable acrylic-based smart polymers

Water pollution from industrial or household waste, containing dyes from the textile industry, poses a significant environmental challenge requiring immediate attention. In this study, we have developed a crosslinked-smart-polymer film based on 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate copolymerized with other hydrophilic and hydrophobic commercial monomers, and its efficacy in removing 21 different tex

In-depth proteomic analysis and structural modelling of protein-protein interactions identify known and novel molecular binding partners for EMP3 in erythroid cells

Background: The absence of Epithelial Membrane Protein 3 (EMP3) on red blood cells (RBCs) underlies the MAM-negative (MAM−) phenotype. EMP3 is a ubiquitous protein found at low levels in most tissues but with higher expression in hematopoietic cells. Low levels of CD44 are a signature of MAM− RBCs due its proposed physical interaction with EMP3, indicating that EMP3 stabilises CD44 in the membrane

Effects of word order and embedded clause boundary on intonation in Tokyo Japanese

This paper reports results of a production experiment in which nine native speakers of Tokyo Japanese read aloud sentences with varied syntactic structures, word orders, and levels of awareness of the syntactic structure. In particular, this study investigates the prosodic realization of embedded clause boundaries and potential effects of word order and readers’ awareness of the syntactic structur

”Borde jag bli pianist i stället?” En undersökning i att komponera som trummis

I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur jag som trummis kan använda mina erfarenheter från trumspel för att komponera musik. Genom att analysera och reflektera över mitt eget skapande, samt genom att studera andra trummisar som komponerar hoppas jag kunna identifiera strategier som kan användas för att använda inspiration från trumspel i en kompositionsprocess. Resultaten av denna uppsats visar olika sIn this thesis, I explore how I, as a drummer, can use my drumming experiences to compose music. By analyzing and reflecting on my own creative process, as well as studying other drummers who compose, I hope to identify strategies for incorporating drumming inspiration into the composition process. The results of this thesis demonstrate different ways to use elements such as figures and sounds fro

Accuracy of patient-specific I-131 dosimetry using hybrid whole-body planar-SPECT/CT I-123 and I-131 imaging

Purpose: This study aimed to assess the accuracy of patient-specific absorbed dose calculations for tumours and organs at risk in radiopharmaceutical therapy planning, utilizing hybrid planar-SPECT/CT imaging. Methods: Three Monte Carlo (MC) simulated digital patient phantoms were created, with time-activity data for mIBG labelled to I-123 (LEHR and ME collimators) and I-131 (HE collimator). The s

Stakeholder satisfaction with corporate conflict engagement actions : Exploring the effects of goodwill, trust, and value alignment

In the last decade, businesses have played an increasingly significant role in promoting stability, democracy, and human rights, particularly concerning the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasize peace, justice, and strong institutions. Consequently, there has been a greater focus on corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship. Research has explored business mo

The rate of W chromosome degeneration across multiple avian neo-sex chromosomes

When sex chromosomes evolve recombination suppression, the sex-limited chromosome (Y/W) commonly degenerate by losing functional genes. The rate of Y/W degeneration is believed to slow down over time as the most essential genes are maintained by purifying selection, but supporting data are scarce especially for ZW systems. Here, we study W degeneration in Sylvioidea songbirds where multiple autoso

Exposure to source-specific air pollution in residential areas and its association with dementia incidence : a cohort study in Northern Sweden

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between source-specific ambient particulate air pollution concentrations and the incidence of dementia. The study encompassed 70,057 participants from the Västerbotten intervention program cohort in Northern Sweden with a median age of 40 years at baseline. High-resolution dispersion models were employed to estimate source-specific particul

A multidomain PARP14 construct suitable for bacterial expression

Poly-ADP-ribose polymerase-14 (PARP14) can modify proteins and nucleic acids by the reversible addition of a single ADP-ribose molecule. Aberrant PARP14 functions have been related to cancer and inflammation, and its domains are involved in processes related to viral infection. Previous research indicates that PARP14 functions might be mediated via a multitude of target proteins. In vitro studies

Exogenous Metal Cations in the Synthesis of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals and Their Interplay with Tertiary Amines

Current syntheses of CsPbBr3 halide perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) rely on overstoichiometric amounts of Pb2+ precursors, resulting in unreacted lead ions at the end of the process. In our synthesis scheme of CsPbBr3 NCs, we replaced excess Pb2+ with different exogenous metal cations (M) and investigated their effect on the synthesis products. These cations can be divided into two groups: group 1 d

Sociala mediers roll i formandet av kulturell identitet och integration bland svensksomalier

Social media has become a powerful tool in modern society, influencing people's views, attitudes, and outlooks on life. This study looks at the importance of social media on the cultural identities of Somali immigrants in Sweden as well as it also looks at whether social media helps or hinders the integration process viewed from a first-person perspective. Participant's perceptions of cult

"Det handlar om drivkrafter, men det handlar också om moral" - en kritisk diskursanalys av konstruktionen av bidragstagaren

This paper examines how welfare recipients are portrayed in policy documents and communications surrounding the proposal for a subsidy cap presented in the Tidö Agreement (Tidöavtalet) and how this can be understood in a historical and contemporary context. Using Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, documents and press events presenting the proposal have been examined, focusing on identif

Embracing or Resisting AI in Healthcare

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker allmänhetens uppfattning och acceptans av AI-baserade kliniska beslutsstödsystem (CDS) inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Studien utforskar specifikt hur ett svenskt urval uppfattar användningen av dessa system, de associerade riskerna samt den roll som socialt inflytande spelar i att forma dessa uppfattningar. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 81 deltagare. Resul

Påverkan av generativ AI på lärande och kompetens inom högre utbildning

Denna studie undersöker hur studenters akademiska kompetens och lärande upplevs påverkas vid användandet av generativ artificiell intelligens (GenAI), specifikt ChatGPT, inom högre utbildning. Genom en kvalitativ metod baserad på intervjuer med lärare och studierektorer identifierades både fördelar och utmaningar med GenAI. Resultaten visar att ChatGPT kan fungera som ett kraftfullt verktyg för at

”og no må ho setje kroppen i rørsle”: Kroppsframställning i Melancholia II utifrån Merleau-Pontys fenomenologiska perspektiv

I dialog med Maurice Merleau-Pontys kroppsfenomenologi undersöker uppsatsen hur kroppen framställs i Jon Fosses roman Melancholia II. Genom att ta fasta på hur skildringen följer protagonisten Olines blick, samt hur det kroppsliga, orienterade och objektiva rummet skildras, visar utredningen hur hennes nuvarande åldrade kropp skrivs fram i romanen, men även hur den yngre kroppen framställs i henne

Early detection of bark beetle attacks: Integrating Segment Anything Model (SAM) zero-shot segmentation and spectral indices for tree health assessment

Forests offer vital ecosystem services but face threats from various stressors, including climate change and insect infestations. The European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) poses significant risks to Norway Spruce (Picea abies). Early detection of bark beetle infestations is crucial for damage control but challenging with traditional methods. This study aims to utilize modern remote sens