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Making warming worlds : Future making between climate politics and science – The case of the Structured Expert Dialogue

The Long-Term Global Goal (LTGG) is the focal point for addressing future climate change. This paper explores a specific institutional context: the Structured Expert Dialogue (SED) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Set up as a platform for interaction between experts and UN negotiators, the SED is a site where scientific information about the LTGG and net-zero was translat

Lepowsky's and Wakimoto's product formulas for the affine Lie algebras Cl(1)

In this paper, we recall Lepowsky's and Wakimoto's product character formulas formulated in a new way by using arrays of specialized weighted crystals of negative roots for affine Lie algebras of type Cl(1), Dl+1(2) and A2l(2). Lepowsky–Wakimoto's infinite periodic products appear as one side of (conjectured) Rogers–Ramanujan-type combinatorial identities for affine Lie algebras of type Cl(1).

Beyond the Initial Spark

Throughout history, the aspiration for wealth and success has been universal, further amplified by media portrayals that often glamorise entrepreneurial success. However, the reality of entrepreneurship frequently contrasts sharply with these optimistic depictions, highlighting a significant gap and underscoring the need for a nuanced exploration of entrepreneurial optimism (EO). This study explor

The 21st Century Cockpit: iPad Related Activities and the Affected Cockpit JCS

In aviation, pilots engage in safety critical activities in the cockpit to guarantee a safe flight. Throughout history these activities have been transformed by introducing new artifacts in the cockpit, such as rules and technology, changing thereby the way in which pilots try to achieve safe flight outcomes. The recent introduction of the iPad in the cockpit of airlines, as part of the process of

Kvalitetsbeskrivning och kvalitetspåverkande faktorer vid produktion av TIN-modeller

Under de senaste åren har det skett stor utveckling inom teknologin för att samla in höjddata över stora markområden med bland annat laserskanner. En ökad användning av höjddata i samhället kombinerat med att arbetsprocesser utvecklats av olika aktörer innebär ett behov av enhetlig datahantering. I diskussioner om kvalitet på höjddata talas ofta om kvalitet med avseende på insamlade data och på slDuring recent years there has been great development in the technology used to gather elevation data over large areas with laser scanners. Increased usage of elevation data in society as well as work processes being developed simultaneously at different places implies a need for uniform data management. In discussions regarding elevation data quality, the main issues are often quality in source da

Den kulturella marknaden - En analys av de oberoende, medelstora förlagens villkor på dagens bokmarknad

Uppsatsen undersöker de oberoende, medelstora förlagens villkor på en bokmarknad där just medelstora förlag i allt större utsträckning köps upp av de större koncernerna, läggs ner eller ändrar utgivningsprofil. I uppsatsen intervjuas tre representanter från oberoende, medelstora förlag om deras självupplevda situation, samtidigt som en dokumentanalys av aktuella kulturpolitiska dokument görs för a

Bergkross som filtermedium i artificiell infiltration

Dricksvatten är en viktig resurs i Sverige och bör vara tillgänglig varje dag. Problemet uppstår när vi måste välja mellan att bevara natursand och att säkerställa rent dricksvatten. Därför vill Sydvatten undersöka hur väl bergkross kan fungera som filtermedium. Vombverket är ett vattenverk som använder bassänginfiltration för att skapa konstgjort grundvatten. De har byggt flera dammar med filter Drinking water is a crucial resource in Sweden and must be accessible every day. A complex issue arises when we must choose between conserving natural resources like sand and ensuring clean drinking water. Therefore, Sydvatten is investigating the potential of using crushed rock as a filter medium. Vombverket is a water treatment plant that utilizes basin infiltration to produce artificial groundw

Predictors of successful transition of adolescents and young adults living with HIV from pediatric to adult-oriented care in southern Ethiopia : a retrospective cohort study

Background: The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy has significantly improved the life expectancies of children and adolescents living with HIV, leading to an increased number transitioning to adult care. However, there has been a lack of studies in Ethiopia focusing on factors influencing the success of this transition. Therefore, this study aimed to determine predictors of a su

Novel molecular mechanisms underlying endothelial and kidney dysfunction in diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is associated with devastating complications. Central to the development of diabetic macro-and microvascular disease is endothelial dysfunction, which appears well before any clinical sign, but importantly, is potentially reversible. We previously demonstrated that hyperglycemia activates the Ca2+/calcineurin transcription factor NFAT in conduit and medium-sized

Language discrepancies in the performance of generative artificial intelligence models : an examination of infectious disease queries in English and Arabic

Background: Assessment of artificial intelligence (AI)-based models across languages is crucial to ensure equitable access and accuracy of information in multilingual contexts. This study aimed to compare AI model efficiency in English and Arabic for infectious disease queries. Methods: The study employed the METRICS checklist for the design and reporting of AI-based studies in healthcare. The AI

BioEncoder : A metric learning toolkit for comparative organismal biology

In the realm of biological image analysis, deep learning (DL) has become a core toolkit, for example for segmentation and classification. However, conventional DL methods are challenged by large biodiversity datasets characterized by unbalanced classes and hard-to-distinguish phenotypic differences between them. Here we present BioEncoder, a user-friendly toolkit for metric learning, which overcom

Are comparable studies really comparable? Suggestions from a problem-solving experiment on urban and rural great tits

Performance in tests of various cognitive abilities has often been compared, both within and between species. In intraspecific comparisons, habitat effects on cognition has been a popular topic, frequently with an underlying assumption that urban animals should perform better than their rural conspecifics. In this study, we tested problem-solving ability in great tits Parus major, in a string-pull

Children’s voices on their values and moral dilemmas when being cared and treated for cancer– a qualitative interview study

Background: Childhood cancers affect about 350 children every year in Sweden and are life-threatening diseases. During the treatment period, situations arise that can become morally challenging for the child. When knowing children’s values and morally challenging situations in childhood cancer care, targeted ethics support could be developed and used in care. Aim: To explore children’s values and

Reconnecting children to nature : The efficacy of a wildlife intervention depends on local nature and socio-economic context, but not on urbanisation

Children's interactions with nature are important mediators of health benefits and future relationships with nature and conservation. However, there are growing concerns that children are becoming disconnected from nature as societal changes make natural environments and their affordances less accessible. There is now a need to explore ways to reconnect children to nature. We evaluated bird feedin

The Mask of Language: En studie om språkanvändning i vardagen och hur det rationaliseras

Syftet med denna studie är att genom etnografisk observation och intervjutillfällen, anlägga ett nytt perspektiv på ämnet “speech style shift” och därigenom även få en bättre bild av till vilken utsträckning en individs språkanvändning varierar i olika situationer. Samt hur detta upplevs från aktörens sida. Detta är en fråga som tidigare tacklats inom sociolingvistiken, men jag har här önskat anlä

Queering all aboard : Challenging the maleness of the leisure boat industry

The concept boat All Aboard was designed to meet women's expectations of leisure boats. A constellation of firms worked together to find solutions that could lead to business opportunities by challenging the implicit male norms of the leisure boat industry. This article examines the cultural notions of gender and equality that mattered in the process and explores the relationship between bodies, t

Weimarrepubliken - hisnande, bruten : Recension av Harald Jähner: Vertigo: The Rise and Fall of Weimer Germany 1918-1933

Weimarrepubliken, den demokratiska parentesen mellan Andra och Tredje tyska riket, representerar en av de politiskt mest dramatiska och kulturellt mest dynamiska episoderna i den europeiska 1900-talshistorien. Republiken kunde, om den fått leva, ha lett världshistorien i helt andra och ljusare banor. Mycket har med fog genom åren skrivits om den och nu har ett stort arbete sett dagens ljus med den

Advancing Sustainable Direct Contact Membrane Distillation : Performance and Stability of Novel Polymer Inclusion Membranes

Novel hydrophobic membranes for direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) were developed using poly(1,1-difluoroethylene) (PVDF) loaded with the ionic liquid methyltrioctylammonium bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (MTOA-DEHP). These polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) were fabricated via non-solvent induced phase separation (NIPS). Detailed characterization revealed that MTOA-DEHP significantly enhanc