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Mapping edge vegetation in connection to beech forest to locate potential habitats for red-listed beetles in Scania, Sweden

The number of species classified as red-listed has increased by 11% between 2015 and 2020, with beetles and butterflies being especially affected. Among these are the vulnerable longhorned beetle (Stictoleptura scutellata) and the endangered false blister beetle (Ischnomera sanguinicollis). Forty percent of all known species in Sweden are dependent on hostplants, indicating the value in mapping po

A transformative journey from linear to circular business models of a First-tier Supplier in the marine leisure industry. A Volvo Penta case

More and more companies are adopting Circular Business Models (CBMs), which can serve to foster a sustainable transition towards a Circular Economy (CE). Nonetheless, much of the CBMs adoption-related research in academia has a focus on end-user facing companies, which have direct access to final end-users, to whom they sell a complete product. However, a significant role in such settings is playe

Object with a sitting function

I wanted to have fun in the process, play with forms, elaborate my design language and learn/see new things. In the design process, the space around the object is as important to me as the object itself. Only through the right place/ light/surrounding objects, the object works properly. It should be itself but at the same time one with its environment. I thought a lot about materiality and immate

Fallet lilla hjärtat - Konstruktioner av offerskap, ansvar och hjälteroll i medier och domar

Mediers inflytande över vår världsbild utgör upprinnelsen till denna uppsats, vars syfte har varit att studera hur offerskap, ansvar och hjälteroll konstruerades i det så kallade ‘Fallet Lilla hjärtat’ som var aktuellt 2020. Utöver medierepresentationer i Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Expressen har även tingsrätts- och hovrättsdomen fungerat som underlag, samt en bok skriven av fostermamman. Emp

Energy Landscapes for Early T Cell Development

T cell lineage development from an early thymic progenitor involves programmed shutoff of progenitor gene expression, upregulation of T cell specification genes, and proliferation. This biological system has been deeply studied and a gene regulatory network (GRN) that can accurately describe the system has been presented. Such a GRN offers an excellent opportunity to study lineage commitment from

An Attempt to Modernise Indian Agriculture

The Indian agriculture sector plays a vital role in the country's economy and employs a significant number of individuals. The sector's performance has been plummeting in recent years, and this decrease in growth can be attributed to factors such as the provisions provided to farmers by the government. With the introduction of the Farm Laws in the country, the goal was to provide more free

Skiftarbetares psykiska välbefinnande utifrån faktorerna socialt stöd och möjlighet att utföra fritidsintressen

Denna studies syfte var att undersöka skiftarbetares psykiska välbefinnande utifrån faktorerna socialt stöd från familj, vänner och andra speciella personer samt möjligheten att utföra ens fritidsaktiviteter. För att utforska detta genomfördes genom en enkätundersökning (n=32) där deltagarna bestod av skiftarbetare som arbetar olika slags skiftscheman på ett industriföretag i Sverige. Enkäten bestThe aim of this study was to investigate the mental well-being of shift workers based on the factors of social support from family, friends and significant others, and the possibility to participate in one’s leisure activities. A survey was conducted (n=32), and the participants were shift workers, working different types of shift schedules, at a Swedish industrial company. The survey was construc

Goodness-of-fit Tests for Time Dependent Ensemble Averages

Fitting a model to a time-dependent ensemble average is a process repeated frequently throughout biophysics. A selected ensemble-averaged observable (⟨y(t)⟩) for a given system can be predicted through the use of an estimated ensemble average, where the estimated ensemble average is created via simulated or experimental data sets. Fitting a model to this estimated ensemble average allows for estim

The Origins and Persistence of Gender Roles in Ethiopia: A micro-level analysis of the effects of traditional farming systems on modern gender roles.

Perceptions of where the “natural” place for women is, vary considerably across societies. This is especially true in heterogeneous countries like Ethiopia, where stark variations between ethnicities and their attitudes towards gender roles exist. A much-debated question is how these differences emerge. Some research suggests that gender roles originated from traditional agricultural practices whe

Play it cool - Understanding Consumer Identity Performances through Musical Taste

Sharing music and displaying one’s musical preferences have become an inseparable part of the content circulating on social media, dating apps, and the online world as a whole. Accordingly, music-streaming services are providing users with more and more functions to share musical content on other platforms and even introduced summaries of their annual music consumption. How consumers are using the

Att argumentera för att konsumera - En multimetodologisk studie kring hur konsumenter argumenterar för oetisk konsumtion

Examensarbetets titel: Att argumentera för att konsumera. En multimetodologisk studie kring hur konsumenter argumenterar för oetisk konsumtion. Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Danira Numanspahic, Vera Pamp, Vilma Persson Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: Oetisk konsumtion, Fast fashion, The Attitude-Beh

Design and Synthesis of D-Galactal-Based Benzimidazole and Benzoxazole Derivatives as Inhibitors of Galectin-8 N-Terminal Domain

Galectin-8 is a β-galactoside-binding protein, participating in many homeostatic and pathological functions, such as regulation of cellular adhesion, T-cell homeostasis, apoptosis, as well as playing a major role in tumor development and progression. Galectin-8 has two CRDs, namely galectin-8 N-terminal (galectin-8N) and C-terminal (galectin-8C) domains, that exhibit differential glycan binding sp

Täckmaterial i växthus

I linje med miljökvalitetsmålet minskad klimatpåverkan har det lilla företaget Grobruket börjat se över sin verksamhets miljöpåverkan och vill nu undersöka vilken typ av växthus och framför allt vilket täckmaterial i växthus som har minst miljöpåverkan. Ett växthus miljöpåverkan kan delas in i fyra olika delar: råmaterial, produktion, användande och när materialet blir avfall. Dessa fyra steg är oGrobruket is a small company that works with cultivation in many ways and they are very aware of their climate footprint. Therefore, they are also interested in taking a deeper look into the environmental impact of different covering materials used for greenhouses. The most common covering materials used in greenhouses are glass, ethylene vinyl acetate plastic (EVA) and polycarbonate plastic. The

Next generation of sustainable packaging for Danish skincare scale-up

The Cosmetic packaging industry is on the rise and through consumer demand, cosmetic companies are increasing their focus on sustainability and accountability. This has left many companies in need of a deeper understanding regarding the environmental impact of their current packaging solutions as well as how to improve their footprint in the future. This thesis addresses these points by providing

Stadsplaneringens betydelse för segregation i svenska städer - en kartläggning av kommunernas arbete mot segregation

Segregation är ett föränderligt tillstånd som är komplext och påverkar såväl enskilda individer som samhället i stort. Exempelvis är stadsplaneringen en bakomliggande orsak som kan påverkar segregationen i en stad. För att det verkligen ska kunna ske en förbättring är det emellertid av stor vikt att åtgärder vidtas på olika plan och av olika aktörer. Det ursprungliga syftet bakom arbete är att utSegregation is a changing condition that is complex and affects individuals but also the society. Urban planning is for example an underlying cause that can affect segregation in a city. However, in order for an improvement, it is of great importance that measures are taken at different levels and by different actors. The primary purpose of the report was to study the impact that urban planning h

Principen att förorenaren betalar i EU - Betalar förorenaren verkligen? - En analys av principens utveckling med anledning av EU:s miljöansvarsdirektiv

Principen att förorenaren betalar är en central miljörättslig princip som innebär att den som orsakat en förorening eller miljöskada ska vara ekonomiskt ansvarig för att denna återställs eller saneras. Principen är emellertid svår att tillämpa i praktiken. Den största svårigheten vid tillämpningen har varit hur ”förorenaren” och ” förorening” ska identifieras och definieras eftersom gemenskapslagsThe polluter-pays principle is an environmental legal principle of utmost importance. It means that the person responsible for environmental damage or pollution should be the one financially responsible for restoring it. The principle is however, difficult to carry out in practice. The biggest difficulty has been to identify and define the “polluter” and the “pollution”. One of the reasons for thi

Corporate liability for climate change - Is Milieudefensie a sign of what is to come?

Eftersom stater i hög grad har misslyckats med att ta den globala uppvärmningen seriöst, har istället privata individer och miljöorganisationer konfronterat dem som bidrar till den. Genom att föra de som släpper ut växthusgaser inför rätta hoppas kärandena kunna stoppa den nuvarande kursen mot förödande klimatförändring. Klimattvister kan rikta sig mot både regeringar och företag, men i just tvistWhere states have failed to take the threat of global warming seriously, private individuals and environmental organizations have confronted those contributing to it. By bringing the emitters to court, litigants all over the world hope to put an end to the current trajectory towards dangerous climate change. Within the field of climate litigation, both governments and corporations are targeted. Th

Neutralitet mellan företagsformer – Om neutralitetsprincipens ställning och dess inverkan på det skattemässiga förhållandet mellan enskilda näringsidkare och fåmansföretag.

Utöver de rättsregler som framkommer i lagtext, förarbeten och praxis finns ett flertal principer som syftar att bidra till ett enhetligt och sammanhängande rättssystem. Dessa rättsprinciper kan ta formen av ett verktyg vid tolkning av lagstiftning såväl som ett centralt intresse att beakta vid utformandet av ny lagstiftning. En sedan länge erkänd och diskuterad rättsprincip är den skatterättsligaIn addition to legal rules as stated in the text of law, through legislative history and in legal precedents, there are a number of principles that aim to contribute to a uniform and coherent legal system. These legal principles can take the form of an instrument in the interpretation of legislation as well as a central interest to consider in the draftning of new legislation. A long-recognized an

Oaktsam våldtäkt - vad utgör grov oaktsamhet? - En studie av domstolars resonemang gällande grov oaktsamhet i mål om våldtäkt alternativt oaktsam våldtäkt

Den 1 juli 2018 trädde den så kallade samtyckeslagstiftningen ikraft, vilket innebar en stor förändring i den svenska regleringen av våldtäktsbrottet. Lagstiftningen blev nu frivillighetsbaserad och samtidigt infördes ett nytt brott, oaktsam våldtäkt. Straffansvar i våldtäktsmål är därmed även aktuellt då den tilltalade agerat grovt oaktsamt. Denna uppsats syftar till att klargöra hur domstolar reIn 2018, Sweden passed a new law regarding rape, which is based on consent. Prior to this, a certain amount of force or threat was required, but the current legislation is based on the lack of voluntary participation. A new offense was passed, negligent rape. Thus, criminal liability for rape does not only come in question in cases of intent, but also in cases of gross negligence. The main purpose