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MBSR - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, ett effektivt verktyg mot stress-, ångest- och depressionssymtom

Stress-, ångets- och depressionssymtom är ett ökande samhällsproblem i Sverige. Dessa symtom förekommer både hos patienter med psykiska och somatiska sjukdomstillstånd. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) är en metod/ program som idag används som komplementär behandling inom olika områden i hälso- och sjukvården. Syftet är att belysa om och vilka effekter som kan ses hos personer med stress

Why Egypt, but not Tunisia?

The purpose of this paper is to explain why Egypt’s transition from authoritarianism has so-far failed, while Tunisia’s is still moving forward. By using relevant theories within the field of democratization and transitology, this study examines three crucial differences in the two cases, which explain the difference in their respective outcomes. These three underlying differences are in the two c

Kreml i Krim

Abstract The purpose whit my thesis is to explain the Russian intervention and annexation of Crimea. My analyses will be in three parts: The international system, the state and the individual. My research question is: How can Russia’s action in Crimea be explained set to the three levels of analyses: The international system the state and the individual? My theories in the analyzes concluding th

Ett slag för det politiska

The thesis is a discourse analyis on the view on left wing extremism. The premiss of the study is to investigate why we speak more about autonomous political groups to the left in terms of extremism than we did before. A Gramscian perspective uncovers the liberal hegemony in the discourse. The hegemony is discovered by using Foucaults view on how the power in a discourse is determined by what is e

Framing energy cooperation- the case of the European Union Association Agreements with Moldova and Georgia

Energy crisis and energy disruptions have contributed to the current securitization and politicization of energy within the European Union (EU). Today the energy policy is a part of the EU external relations, at the same time as the EU is regarded as an actor with the power to spread values and norms in the international arena. The EU Eastern Partnership, and the Association Agreements initiated i

Varför utbyter stater underrättelseinformation? En jämförande fallstudie av Europol och IntCen

Organized crime and terrorism has become more transnational during the last decades. This has broadened and deepened our conception of security and who we think are supposed to provide this. As a result, international cooperation between law enforcement agencies and intelligence services has increased. Intelligence sharing has become more usual but it still has its flaws and it has been difficult

Understanding China’s New Assertiveness - A Dyadic Study of China’s Rise, its Goals and Implications

Since the financial crisis in 2008-2009 China has shown a new assertiveness internationally, contradicting Deng Xiaoping’s earlier strategies of China to lay low internationally and develop economically. This new assertiveness is an often-discussed subject and is often connected to the Chinese rise and a presumed pursuit of regional hegemony in South East Asia, rejected by Chinese officials. This

National Parliaments in the European Union. Collective Action under the Early Warning Mechanism

The 2009 Lisbon Treaty introduced the Early Warning Mechanism into the EU decision-making process. Under this mechanism, National Parliaments monitor the compliance of EU legislative proposals with the principle of subsidiarity by issuing yellow cards in cases of violation. It is argued that in doing so, they meet a collective action problem in form of an assurance problem, hence will only ineffec

The Key to Integration? A Study of Language as a Policy Strategy for Social Integration of Immigrants in Sweden

The objectives of the Swedish integration policy are for everyone in Sweden to enjoy equal rights, obligations, and opportunities. The main focus of the policy is on early and individual efforts in language learning so that people who come to Sweden can get a job and live independently. This thesis addresses this issue by seeking to identify and analyze the challenges of integration in Sweden and

Kan civil olydnad rättfärdigas? En normativ analys av Pussy Riot

This thesis examines the justification of civil disobedience. The main focus of the thesis is to highlight the normative arguments on both sides of the debate. The thesis consists of four parts. The first part defines what civil disobedience is and how it came to be. The second part of the thesis deals with the justification of civil disobedience from a democratic standpoint. The third part examin

Development at Home: A case study of development cooperation between the Swedish government and the Somali diaspora in Sweden

This paper departs from an interest which has grown exponentially since the beginning of the 2000s’ for cooperation between donor governments and diasporas in development initiatives directed at the diasporas’ country of origin. It notices a discrepancy between identified potential and observed practical results. In an attempt to understand this discrepancy, the thesis seeks to explore the seldom

The EU in Swedish News: Assessment of SVT’s Broadcasted EU News Coverage

This research has analyzed SVT’s broadcasted EU news coverage in 2012. SVT is Sweden’s main public service media outlet, and the point of the research was to understand how EU news has been covered by this media outlet. The reasons for why this is important is because the media plays a vital role in democracies for a number of reasons looked upon in this research, one of them being that the media

Från Friedman till Schlingmann: Jobbskatteavdraget som diskurs, ideologi och strategi

This bachelor’s thesis attempts to explain the policy process of the tax deduction (jobbskatteavdraget) carried out by the Moderate party in 2007 and thereafter repeated in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2014. This is done through analyzing three factors, the discourse, ideology and strategy. The thesis attempts to combine agency and structurally based explanations for the tax deduction. Beginning in the pa

Managing water, sustaining life. The institutionalization of water resource management policy.

This bachelor thesis investigates how the implementation of water resource management promote an institutional design that can create lasting change. It is a case study of the Mara River Basin Initiative in Kenya and Tanzania, where great efforts have been taken to combat water related problems. The national governments have delegated the operational responsibilities to local water users’ groups,

Franska mandatet i Syrien: Extern påverkan och dess konsekvenser på samhälle och stat

The ongoing civil war in Syria has taken many casualties since the start of the public uprising in 2011. President Bashar al-Assad has responded to the demand for power change by the Syrian population with brutal repression. This has created an inhumane situation where civilians are being targeted. This case study has traced the historical development of Syria from the creation of it to independen

Missilsköldsavtalet mellan Polen och USA

Denna uppsats behandlar det kontroversiella missilköldsavtalet mellan USA och Polen. Avtalet slöts av Bushadministrationen den 20 augusti 2008 och revs sedan upp av Barack Obama den 17 september 2009. Avtalet beskrevs av vissa som ett viktigt skydd för Europas säkerhet gentemot missiler, av andra som en offensiv kapprustning av USA och NATO. Studien undersöker de formativa moment som påverkade mis

Papperslös och rättslös? En undersökning om varför papperslösas rättigheter brister

Battered paperless women are a group in our society whose gender and paperless status makes them doubly vulnerable. UN:s Declaration of Human Rights expresses that all humans have an equal value and claims to be universal. But despite this, studies have shown that these vulnerable group of women do not feel they are getting the help they need from the social service in Sweden and that there is a d

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Cirkus i Stockholm

The purpose of this report is to perform an evaluation of life safety in case of fire at Cirkus in Stockholm. Cirkus is a heritage listed building that offers a lot of different events, such as concerts and conferences. This report is limited to only cover the public areas of the building. No account is taken to either economic losses or environmental impacts in case of fire. The method employed i

Protecting the Girl Child or Upholding Patriarchy? A Case Study of Child Marriage in the Cultural and Legal Context of Tanzania

This is a case study of child marriage in Tanzania aiming to explore how failures to implement laws prohibiting child marriage can be understood in the Tanzanian context. The study is of a qualitative nature and primarily based on interviews with development actors, working on community and national level with the issue of gender based violence and child marriage. A theoretical framework combining

The Right to Justice: Providing Legal Aid Services in Zimbabwe. A qualitative analysis of the legal frameworks that treat the provision of legal aid services & the realities of their implementation

This aim of this research was to investigate possible reasons for the large gap between legal frameworks and policies in comparison to the practical implementation of Legal Aid Services in Zimbabwe. The responsibility of the state to provide legal aid, protection and civil legal aid necessary to ensure this provision for those who cannot afford such is affirmed by international legal instruments,