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Immigration inflow cause native outflow

We examine if the relatively large inflow of immigration during the last two decades has affected the Swedish housing market. With the social stigma of expressing anti- immigration sentiments, natives likely vote with their feet to express their preference for homogeneous neighbourhoods. If immigration inflows cause native outflows, the wage gap between them should lower the local aggregate demand

Pre-treatment of corn bran for production of arabinoxylan based prebiotics

Arabinoxylan (AX) degrades to (arabino)xylooligosaccharides [(A)XOS] through enzymatic hydrolysis. AX and (A) XOS are considered as dietary fibers and are associated with many health benefits, including immunomodulatory activity. (A)XOS includes both xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and arabino xylooligosaccharides (AXOS). The current research aims to develop a process for production of xylan fibers,

Slöserier på svenska byggarbetsplatser -Vilka är de och hur kan de minskas?

Denna rapport ska undersöka vilka moment på en svensk byggarbetsplats som bidrar med den största mängden slöseri och hur företag med hjälp av två olika Lean-metoder kan minska på dessa. Denna rapport ska undersöka vilka moment på en svensk byggarbetsplats som bidrar med den största mängden slöseri och hur företag med hjälp av två olika Lean-metoder kan minska på dessa.Utifrån de 27 svar som inkomm

The value of communication in the pop music industry: The value communication practitioners provide for artists and the communicative value independent artists provide for themselves.

The value of communication in the pop music industry In this study, we aim to examine communication, and mainly promotion, within the pop music industry. The purpose is to investigate the value communication practitioners provide for artists and what communicative value independent artists provide for themselves. It can be argued that the relevance of communication practitioners within the music i

Ordförståelse i SVA03 och SVE03 : en jämförelse

Den här uppsatsen redogör för en jämförelse av ordförståelsen hos L1- och L2-elever och urvalsgruppen har varit elever som läser gymnasiekurserna Svenska som andraspråk 3 och Svenska 3. Syftet var att studera skillnaderna grupperna emellan, både kvantitativt och kvalitativt, samt kopplingen till informanternas läsvanor. Metoden som användes för ordförståelsen är kvantitativ och bestod av ett ordfö

Investigating the role of type I interferon driven Spi2A induction during Mycobacterium marinum infection

Unravelling type I interferon signalling during Mycobacterial infection In 2018 alone, 1.2 million deaths worldwide were due to tuberculosis (TB), an infection, usually of the lung, which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While antibiotic treatments have been available for decades, antibiotic resistance, as well as the lack of an effective vaccine has prevented the eradicatio

Wolbachia presence in the damselfly Ischnura elegans: a recent selective sweep leading to high infection levels and low mitochondrial diversity?

Bacterial invasion of a damselfly reduces genetic diversity Wolbachia is a common bacterium that lives in the cells of a great diversity of insects. This bacterium is a great manipulator of insect biology. In the blue moon butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina), Wolbachia kills male embryos so there is as little as one male blue moon for a staggering one hundred females. Additionally, in some species of w

An Evaluation of Price Determinants and the Economics of Supplying Vaccines: A Tradeoff Between the Wealth of Firms and the Health of Nations

This paper aims to investigate the price determinants of vaccines, using economic theory and multiple linear regression analysis. Due to uncertain returns of investment in research and development, the volatility of demand, and the winner-take-all element of patent races, supplying vaccines entails substantial risks. To stay in the market, firms need to be compensated for these risks. Expected cos

Critical Success Factors for Starting an Online Art Platform

The traditional art market is currently experiencing a digital transformation and multi-sided platforms (MSPs) for trading art are a major part of this. Much research has been done in the area of MSPs, however, there is a lack of studies in the field of starting such platforms for art. Therefore, this study aims to determine the critical success factors (CSFs) for starting an online art platform (

Bidding Farewell to Fossil Fuels - An Empirical Study of Auctions for Renewable Energy Support

Using government auctions to distribute subsidies and locations for renewable energy sources is a good way to receive signals about the cost of renewables. This thesis studies the relationship between auction design and auction prices in Renewable Energy Support (RES) auctions in Europe. The price outcomes of first-price and second-price auctions are compared empirically, as well as auctions with

Utmaningar med rätten att bli bortglömd

Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva utmaningar som rätten att bli bortglömd för med sig i en systemutvecklingsprocess. Rätten att bli bortglömd är en av artiklarna i GDPR som tillsammans syftar till att skapa en likvärdig standard för skyddet av personuppgifter inom Europa. Genomförd litteraturundersökning används för att tydliggöra begrepp som finns i forskningsfrågan, framföra tidigare forskning

Climate Change Mitigation Measures of Load-Bearing Structure - A comparison of alternative structural designs using Life Cycle Assessment

I mars 2015 nådde den globalt genomsnittliga koldioxidhalten 400 ppm för första gången på tre miljoner år. Därför satte den svenska regeringen, år 2017, upp målet att Sverige ska vara klimatneutralt år 2045. Samtidigt står den svenska byggindustrin för 18,1 miljoner ton växthusgasutsläpp, vilket motsvarar 19 procent av Sveriges totala utsläpp. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och analyserThe global average carbon dioxide concentration reached 400 ppm for the first time in three million years, in March 2015. This calls for drastic measures so in 2017 the Swedish government set up the goal of making Sweden climate neutral by 2045. Meanwhile, the construction sector in Sweden accounts for 18.1 million tons of green- house gases which is 19 percent of Sweden’s total emissions. The pur

The Influence of Cavity Widths and Lateral Ventilation Conditions on the Fire Behaviour within a Non-Combustible Ventilated Façade System

Present uncertainties in key ventilation parameters, characterising the fire performance of facades, has necessitated clarification in the foundational understanding of the Fire Science Body of Knowledge. A test program conducted in collaboration between Lunds Universitet and the Kingspan Group, studied the influence of cavity widths and lateral ventilation conditions on the fire behaviour within

The 3D genome of the frog Xenopus laevis

The organization of DNA inside the nucleus has a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression. Tight gene regulation is especially critical during embryonic development and cell fate commitment. Xenopus laevis is a long-standing model organism for studying embryo development and cell reprogramming. However, genomics studies have been challenging due to its allotetraploid condition. Here, we p

Trollet, självmordsexperten, livräddaren och vännen : En netnografisk studie om interaktion kring ämnet suicid

This study aims to analyze the interaction between actors who express suicidal thoughts and the respondents on anonymous Swedish internet forums. By using a qualitative approach, a netnographic document study was used to collect the empirical data for this study. The theoretical framework of this study was Erving Goffman’s theory of dramaturgy using concepts such as front stage, backstage and pers

How intrapreneurs build social capital to overcome barriers for radical innovation: A single case study at a retail bank

To successfully deploy radical innovation is crucial for companies to stay competitive. An important role play intrapreneurs who take over the responsibility to develop an idea. As the processes of many companies are not made to support this kind of innovation intrapreneurs need to rely on their social capital to overcome barriers for radical innovation. This inductive, single-case study uses qual

Automatic Room-Blueprint Extraction using SfM

In this thesis the possibility of automatically generating a blueprint of an indoor area, for example a grocery store, using a smartphone camera and images from existing analytic or surveillance cameras was examined. The method used for the transition between 2D camera images and 3D reconstruction was Structure from Motion. Besides the blueprint, two other key features was implemented. One of thes

Traffic Flow Implications of Driverless Trucks - Microscopic Traffic Simulations using SUMO

Godssektorn spås bli en tidig användare av självkörande fordonsteknik. Minskade drivmedelskostnader, ökad flexibilitet i ruttplaneringen och utökade drifttider är exempel på incitament för godsföretag att ställa om till en självkörande lastbilsflotta. Automatiseringen kommer mest sannolikt ske gradvis. I tidiga skeden spås självkörande lastbilar (AT:s) ha en konservativ körstil där körfältsbyten uThe truck sector is thought to be one of the first adopters of autonomous driving technology. Reduced fuel- and labour costs, increased flexibility in scheduling and increased hours of service, are all incentives for the freight companies to go autonomous. The automation of the truck fleet is likely to be gradual. At first, autonomous trucks (AT:s) are expected to have a conservative driving style

The Role of Values in a Green-green Business: How values influence the ecopreneur in running a green-green business and in his or her relationship with stakeholders

Problem: Green-green businesses face more challenges than conventional businesses; however, the research surrounding their challenges is rather limited. The role that values play for the ecopreneurs and how these influence the way that they run their businesses is a neglected field of research. Purpose: Our research aims to explore the role that values play for ecopreneurs in making business-relat