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The role of perceived risk in the behavioral intention to use and accept algorithm-based news aggregators

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka huruvida det är fördelarna eller riskerna som är mest signifikanta för konsumenter vid användandet och acceptansen av algoritm-baserade nyhetsappar, vi åstadkom detta genom att använda oss av en expanderad Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) modell. Utöver att undersöka signifikansen av de originella UTAUT2 kategorierna, avseddThe purpose of this research was to examine whether the opportunities or the risks are most significant for consumers when they are using algorithm-based news aggregators, this was accomplished by using an expanded Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model (UTAUT2). In addition to examining the significance of the original UTAUT2 parameters, we sought to reveal if our additional p

Avfallskampanjers påverkan på konsumenters beteenden

Avfallskampanjer behöver kombineras med andra politiska styrmedel för att bli mer effektiva Varför prioriterar individer ofta materialåtervinning över avfallsförebyggande arbete? Denna studie undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan hur mycket resurser som läggs på informationskampanjer om materialåtervinning och avfallsförebyggande kampanjer med hur individer väljer att agera i dessa frågor. AAlthough waste prevention is the top step in the Swedish waste hierarchy, many consumers prioritize recycling over waste prevention. This study examines if there is a connection between how much national organisations spend on information campaigns about waste prevention and about recycling with how consumers choose to act. In this research, more ongoing campaigns about waste prevention were foun

Do variations in the initial mass function affect galaxy evolution?

The initial mass function (IMF) describes the stellar mass distribution for a population of stars at birth. This parameter represents a topic of long standing discussion within astronomy due to its apparent insensitive nature to environmental conditions. However, in the last decade, significant evidence suggesting the contrary has been presented. Due to the role of the IMF as an input variable for

Coworking spaces for facilitating social entrepreneurship : the case of La Paz, Bolivia

Generally credited to have originated in 2005, coworking spaces provide hybrid work environments to individual professionals, entrepreneurs, and start-ups. Simultaneously, social entrepreneurship has received increasing attention as a solution to topical problems. This thesis aims to provide an empirical exploration of the ways in which coworking spaces facilitate social entrepreneurship, seen fro

The New China Syndrome?

The view of FDI and its impacts has shifted throughout history. In conjunction with globalization and liberalization, new opportunities have emerged which have allowed FDI, in its current state to flourish across the globe. South-South FDI has emerged as a cross-border investment of developing and transitional economies to create lasting links with economies of similar structures. The purpose of t

Development of a device to move Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras using hand gestures

Nowadays, many industries are investing a lot of resources in the development of new technologies that interpret hand gestures and use them as a communication interface between the user and the system. However, the surveillance industries have remained on the sidelines of this technological development. Instead, the joystick and the mouse are the most common devices found in control rooms. Using t

Deconstructing Backpackers' Identity Projects - The role of experiences for identity construction

Thesis Purpose: The aim of this research project was to uncover the meaning of extraordinary experiences for consumers’ identity projects and to understand how extraordinary experiences, rather than brands and possessions, can be used for self-presentation and self-extension. Methodology: Following Van Manen’s method for hermeneutic phenomenological research combined with Derrida’s notion of deco

Det horisontellas förlösande kraft - Fem jazzpianisters tänkande kring flerstämmig improvisation och en skiss till en improvisationsmetodik

Det horisontellas förlösande kraft – Fem jazzpianisters tänkande kring flerstämmig improvisation och en skiss till en improvisationsmetodik, av Gustaf Rosenberg, har sin bakgrund i en självupplevd uppfattning att det finns grund för metodutveckling på områdena flerstämmig improvisation och stämföring för jazzpianister. Studien undersöker, genom intervjuer med professionella jazzpianister i jämförThe Liberating Power of a Horizontal Approach – Five jazz pianists’ thoughts on multiple voice improvisation and a sketch for a jazz improvisation method, by Rosenberg, was conceived from the realisation that there are grounds for methodological development in the areas of multiple voice improvisation and voice leading for jazz pianists. The study researches, through interviews with professional j

The Sustainable Person – An Illusion? A Socio-Cultural Perspective on the Attitude-Behaviour Gap

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the socio-cultural construction of the attitude-behaviour gap. By investigating this phenomenon with the help of Consumer Culture Theory, we aim to contribute to a more holistic picture of the attitude- behaviour gap, which up to now has mainly been investigated with psychological theories. Methodology: We are guided by

From farm to petri dish: cell-based meat’s progress to market

Sustainability, population dynamics and health issues are some of the greater challenges the global society faces today. Meat consumption has emerged as one of the reasons behind the cause and effect of these challenges. There is a growing consensus amongst researchers, industry stakeholders and decision-makers that there is a need to transition into more sustainable alternatives to meat. As a res

Förhållandet mellan personlighet, sociala bevis och recensioner vid onlineköp

Denna studie ämnade att undersöka förhållandet mellan personlighetsdrag, självtvivel, social osäkerhet och mottaglighet för socialt inflytande i en online-miljö, där recensioner och betyg används som verktyg för sociala bevis. Med hänsyn till näthandelns ökning de senaste åren ansåg vi att forskning inom detta område är intressant. Den beroende variabeln, benägenhet att bli påverkad av recensioner

Informationssäkerhet inom organisationer: Attityder mot kunskap, policies och ansvarsfördelning

Information security is only as strong as the weakest link. Although the technical, externally oriented efforts are of great importance, there is a predominant weakness when it comes to securing information assets; the individual user within an organization. Employees are often seen as the weakest link due to human error. Many of the security breaches that occur would not have been possible wit

Övergång mellan arbete och pension - Likabehandling och anställningsskydd i relation till pensionering och ett förlängt arbetsliv

För att klara av den kommande demografiska utmaningen med en antagen fortsatt stigande medellivslängd, behöver arbetslivet förlängas. Då pensionen beräknas utifrån förväntad medellivslängd vid pensionering, kommer pensionen successivt bli allt lägre i förhållande till slutlönen om inte den ökade medellivslängden balanseras upp av en höjd utträdesålder från arbetslivet. Det finns ett flertal pensioIn order to cope with the coming demographic challenge with an assumed continued rising average life expectancy, working life needs to be extended. Since the pension is calculated on the basis of expected average life expectancy at retirement, the pension will gradually become lower in relation to the final salary unless the increased average life expectancy is compensated by an increased retireme

Vägen ut : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om exitprocesser ut ur kommersiell sexuell exploatering

The way out - a qualitative interview study about the exiting processes out of prostitution The aim of this study was to examine the process of exiting prostitution. Our questions focused on what is needed for someone to exit prostitution and what support and treatment is desirable. The chosen method was qualitative semi-structured interviews with in total seven people of whom three had personal

Immigration inflow cause native outflow

We examine if the relatively large inflow of immigration during the last two decades has affected the Swedish housing market. With the social stigma of expressing anti- immigration sentiments, natives likely vote with their feet to express their preference for homogeneous neighbourhoods. If immigration inflows cause native outflows, the wage gap between them should lower the local aggregate demand

Pre-treatment of corn bran for production of arabinoxylan based prebiotics

Arabinoxylan (AX) degrades to (arabino)xylooligosaccharides [(A)XOS] through enzymatic hydrolysis. AX and (A) XOS are considered as dietary fibers and are associated with many health benefits, including immunomodulatory activity. (A)XOS includes both xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and arabino xylooligosaccharides (AXOS). The current research aims to develop a process for production of xylan fibers,

Slöserier på svenska byggarbetsplatser -Vilka är de och hur kan de minskas?

Denna rapport ska undersöka vilka moment på en svensk byggarbetsplats som bidrar med den största mängden slöseri och hur företag med hjälp av två olika Lean-metoder kan minska på dessa. Denna rapport ska undersöka vilka moment på en svensk byggarbetsplats som bidrar med den största mängden slöseri och hur företag med hjälp av två olika Lean-metoder kan minska på dessa.Utifrån de 27 svar som inkomm

The value of communication in the pop music industry: The value communication practitioners provide for artists and the communicative value independent artists provide for themselves.

The value of communication in the pop music industry In this study, we aim to examine communication, and mainly promotion, within the pop music industry. The purpose is to investigate the value communication practitioners provide for artists and what communicative value independent artists provide for themselves. It can be argued that the relevance of communication practitioners within the music i

Ordförståelse i SVA03 och SVE03 : en jämförelse

Den här uppsatsen redogör för en jämförelse av ordförståelsen hos L1- och L2-elever och urvalsgruppen har varit elever som läser gymnasiekurserna Svenska som andraspråk 3 och Svenska 3. Syftet var att studera skillnaderna grupperna emellan, både kvantitativt och kvalitativt, samt kopplingen till informanternas läsvanor. Metoden som användes för ordförståelsen är kvantitativ och bestod av ett ordfö

Investigating the role of type I interferon driven Spi2A induction during Mycobacterium marinum infection

Unravelling type I interferon signalling during Mycobacterial infection In 2018 alone, 1.2 million deaths worldwide were due to tuberculosis (TB), an infection, usually of the lung, which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While antibiotic treatments have been available for decades, antibiotic resistance, as well as the lack of an effective vaccine has prevented the eradicatio