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Inherent hinders in International Law – a case study of obstacles for coherent human rights protection in Europe

Den här uppsatsen handlar om aspekter av generell internationell rätt som begränsar ett enhetligt skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna i Europa. Genom att diskutera och förklara fall från EU-domstolen och Europadomstolen så visas de begränsande aspekterna i internationell rätt genom de bägge domstolarnas agerande. EU-domstolen hade sedan tidigare, tydligt och med emfas, slagit fast att EU-rättenThis thesis deals with the inherent hinders in international law, which are obstacles to a coherent human rights protection in Europe. By looking at cases from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights respectively, the inherent hinders are presented through the differences in attitudes demonstrated in case-law from the two courts and discussed in light of the potential

Nollenergihus- en fallstudie om tillämpning i Sverige

Environmental problems are a discussed subject in the world. The reason for this is that natural disasters are becoming more and more visible. EU is working to reduce the Union's contribution to the greenhouse effect. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gases with 20% by 2020 and 20% of the energy used should come from renewable energy sources. The EU’s Energy Performance of Building Directive (E

Singles’ Relations. Seven life stories against the background of normative nuclear familism

In this thesis, I draw attention to what at first glance might look like the opposite of family life – those living by themselves – people who at times are stereotyped as deviants even in research. The aim is two-fold. Firstly, I am interested in how those living by themselves arrange and construct their social connections, such as friendship, family or kinship and work life. Secondly, I am intere

Marrying from 'Asia' to Singapore: gendered and ethnicized citizenship

This thesis is to look into media representation on issues that involve female marriage migrants, in particular, in relation to citizenship, in Singapore, one of the most popular destinations of marriage migration in Asia. Categorized and labeled as “foreign brides” in Singapore, these foreign-born women have long suffered from biased or one-dimensional representation in the local media, particula

A new index of welfare - An econometric approach on a new index of welfare generated with principal component analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to generate a wider measurement of welfare by carefully chosen variables in mainly three different areas: economic, socio-economic and environment in order to generate a welfare index which describes the world yesterday, today and tomorrow. Method: With the Principal Component Analysis 14 variables from 115 coun-tries are studied and verified and analyzed wit

Dynamic Competition in the Pharmaceutical Sector

The innovative efforts of the pharmaceutical sector have provided society with numerous new remedies and medicines. Innovation is considered to be of key importance to the sector. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the relevant legal frameworks should be developed to account for the innovative need of the sector. In order to develop these frameworks it is important to understand the underlyin

How does inward FDI affect exports of Chinese domestic firms?

To estimate the relation between FDI and domestic firm exports, this paper employed several variables, such as domestic firm exports for each province, FDI, GDP, average money wage, the number of labors in manufacturing sector, exchange rate, dummy variable about exports processing zones, lots of time dummies. The panel data about these variables contains 4 municipalities and 23 provinces covering

Serviceföretagets val av distributionskanal

Titel: Serviceföretagets val av distributionskanal. Författare: Caroline Balling, Elisabet Lundin Handledare: Carl R Hellberg, Jan E Persson Nyckelord: Distributionskanal, serviceverksamheters särdrag, intern marknadsföring, extern marknadsföring, serviceerbjudande, servicekvalitet, servicemisslyckande, image, varumärke Syfte: Att beskriva och analysera hur serviceverksamheters särdrag kan påverka

En studie om specialiseringens konsekvenser gällande socialtjänstens klienter med missbruksproblematik.

Abstract Author: Anna Sjögren Supervisor: Helena Hansson The intent of The Swedish social law from 1970 was to contrive an integrated and generalised form of social work. Despite this, specialisation has become the most common form of organising social work. The aim of this study is to examine the consequences that specialisation has on an organisation, the social work managers and on the client

Vem skyddas av smittskyddslagen - En kvalitativ studie om smittskyddslagens konsekvenser för HIV-positiva

There is an ongoing debate in Sweden about the Communicable Disease Act and if it should be modified because of the negative impact it has on HIV-infected people. The law is said to be counterproductive and does not protect the general public against the infection. The Swedish Communicable Diseases Act is unique because it places all the responsibility on the infected person and they must give the

Det lilla, privatägda och exklusiva hotellet - En marknadsföringsstudie ur ett hotell-, kund- och teoriperspektiv

Teoretiker menar att det finns vissa mer lämpade marknadsföringsstrategier för små, privatägda och exklusiva hotell. Dock går åsikterna isär angående om dessa strategier kan tillämpas generellt för alla dessa unika hotell eller om varje hotell bör applicera en specifikt konstruerad strategi som fokuserar på deras målgrupp och segment. Utifrån dessa tvetydigheter utförde vi en undersökning på just

Kan du inte ge mig ett arbete? - En undersökning om den nya individanpassade tjänsten jobbcoaching.

Sammanfattning Den relativt nya tjänsten jobbcoachning har blivit ett hett och omdiskuterat ämne i dagens samhälle. Förr i tiden användes ordet ’coach’ som en metafor för att transportera en person till en bättre plats. I dag kan därför en jobbcoach ses som någon som transporterar en person till ett nytt arbete. Det är dock inte så enkelt som att kontakta en jobbcoach och förvänta sig att denna sk

Our shop is like a theatre- Säljares emotionella arbete i butiksmiljö

TITEL: Our shop is like a theatre- säljares emotionella arbete i butiksmiljö. SEMINARIEDATUM: 2 juni 2010 ÄMNE/KURS: SMKK01, Service Management Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15hp FÖRFATTARE: Ulrika Lindqvist, Hanna Pedersen, Linn Svingstedt HANDLEDARE: Erika Andersson Cederholm, Henrik Loodin FEM NYCKELORD: Emotional labor, Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv, säljare, butiksmiljö, servicemötet.

Bakom service recovery - En studie om hotelledningens arbete med att skapa förutsättningar för frontpersonalens klagomålshanteringsarbete

Sammanfattning Författare: Sara Sjöholm Ericson, Alice Hedaiat, Louise Liedholm Titel: Bakom service recovery – En studie om hotelledningens arbete med att skapa förutsättningar för frontpersonalens klagomålshanteringsarbete. Kandidatuppsats: SMKK01, 15hp, VT-2010, Institutionen för Service Management: hotell och restaurang. Handledare: Anette Svingstedt, Filippa Säwe Bakgrund/Problem: Studien tar

Investigation of IT-system for Point of Care Testing

This report is the result of a project performed at the Department of Clinical Chemistry at UMAS in Malmö. To reduce the load at the surgery, the possibilities to let patients treated with anticoagulant drugs test themselves using self-service terminals will be investigated. The testing of these patients is currently performed by the personnel. The goal of this project is to investigate how termin

User Resistance to Social Media within Organizations

Web 2.0, popularly known as social media is gaining attention from organizations as a tool for capturing the tacit knowledge of employees. Social media has been highly successful in the internet which has gained it this attention. However, organizations, which employ social media inside have faced many hurdles to making them a success in meeting their goals. This does not mean that social media is

-te iru, -yoo och -too : från ett aspektuellt perspektiv

One of the characteristic things about the dialects on the south island Kyushu of Japan, is the usage of the verb endings -yoo and -too. The focus of this thesis will be on the usage of these two in the city Fukuoka. -yoo and -too are often compared with the verb ending -te iru used in standard Japanese, which for example is used for expressing progressive actions and resultative actions. Since th

Predicting the default probability of companies in USA and EU during the financial crisis, A study based on the KMV model

The purpose of this study is to determine whether it is easier to predict the default probability in EU than in the USA or vice versa by analyzing the time period 2006-2009 which is characterized by the financial crisis. We will also establish whether there are any differences in the prediction of default probabilities between non-financial and financial firms. To be able to perform the study, we