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NSB 2014 - 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics - Full Papers

This symposium presents two tracks, one practical and one more theoretical, divided in ten topics, and presented in three parallel sessions. Two new topics are introduced; “Historical Buildings” and “Challenges for the future”. The intention of adding Historical Buildings is to gather people with different backgrounds, for example Building Physicists, Building antiquarians, Building Biologists, Ar

Intercultural tensions and creativity in music.

Confrontations, break-up, dissociation , the Other – all of these concepts could be seen as troubling, disturbing or problematic, most certainly when the context is music education in a globalised world. In this chapter however, these concepts of instability and insecurity are used to discuss the potential value of tensions and disruption in practising creative music education.

An experimental evaluation of inspection and testing for detection of design faults

The two most common strategies for verification and validation, inspection and testing, are in a controlled experiment evaluated in terms of their fault detection capabilities. These two techniques are in the previous work compared applied to code. In order to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of these techniques on a higher abstraction level than code, this experiment investigates inspecti

Strontium Titanate-based Anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utveckla nya, stabila bränsleelektroder till bränsleceller baserade på fasta oxider, SOFC (solid oxide fuel cells). Vi har undersökt olika keramiska material eller kompositer med lovande egenskaper för att användas på anodsidan av bränslecellerna. För att förbättra redox-stabiliteten så ska bränsleelektroden företrädesvis inte innehThe purpose for this work has been to develop new robust fuel electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The aim was to find suitable ceramic materials or composites with promising properties for the use as SOFC anodes. Preferably, the electrode should not contain any metal (or at least a metal should not be a major component) in order to improve the redox properties. The present work focuses o

Groundwater occurrence and risk of pollution in a mountain watershed of Nicaragua

Hydrogeological and geophysical methods were applied in the Río Artiguas watershed, a mountain basin located in central Nicaragua. This area is under environmental stress from anthropogenic activities like gold mining using mercury and waste disposal into the streams. The aim of this work was to characterise the hydrogeological conditions in the basin with emphasis on understanding the possible co

The Complexity of Geriatric Rehabilitation. A One-Year Follow-Up of Client, Caregiver, and Administration Perceptions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att under ett ettårigt nationellt projekt för utveckling av geriatrisk rehabilitering, Rehab Äldre 300, redogöra för förändringar av kvaliteten inom geriatrisk rehabilitering samt att beskriva denna utifrån administrativ-, personal- och vårdtagar-nivå. Vidare var syftet att under utvärderingsperioden beskriva förändringar av vårdtagaThe overarching aim of this thesis was to report changes in the quality of geriatric rehabilitation as perceived by administration, caregivers, and clients during a one-year period of a Swedish governmental venture of development in geriatric rehabilitation. Further aims were to describe changes in clients’ prevalence of symptoms, ADL dependence, subjective well-being in a one-year follow-up and t

CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework - A proposal based on studies of building cases, regulations, standards and research in seven Nordic and Baltic countries. CREDIT Report 3.

This CREDIT Report 3 'CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework' presents a framework of building costs, performance and impact indicators. The framework is an endeavor to map and communicate many and differing approaches and perspectives on building and real estate in one model. The general and specific objectives of the research on the performance indicator framework were to: – Improve transparent

Characterization of 60 GHz Shadowing by Human Bodies and Simple Phantoms

Abstract in Undetermined The 60 GHz band is very prominsing for high data rate (>1 Gb/s) wireless systems operating at short ranges. However, due to the short wavelengths in this frequency band, the shadowing effects cuased by human bodies and furniture are severe and needs to be modeled properly. In this paper, we present an experimental, measurement-based characterization of the reflection and s

Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare. Övningar med facit och kommentarer

Boken innehåller praktiska övningar på moment inom olika delar av grammatiken: morfologi och ordklasser, ordbildning, syntax och språklig variation. Till övningarna finns facit med kommentarer. Kategoriseringarna och användningen av termer bygger på läroboken Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare, som i stort behandlar samma stoff. Övningsboken fungerar dock oberoende av läroboken, eftersom v