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Towards a new business paradigm - A study of the paper packaging industry

An organization aiming to survive on a more challenging or changing market has to adapt or fundamentally change the way it is doing business. For the Swedish forest products industry, and more specifically the paper packaging industry, the market challenges range from saturated home markets, competing materials and increasing production costs, to growth of new markets and more powerful actors in t

Tourism social media as a fire object

Tourism studies have conceptualised social media as artefacts and networks of tangible objects based on neat distinctions and categorisations. Within the academic field of actor network theory (ANT) these neat ontological distinctions and categorisations have been problematised. John Law and Annemarie Mol are the scholars that most consequently have investigated the spatialities of messier ways to

Well Testing, Methods and Applicability

Well testing is widely used today in water wells, oil and gas wells, for geothermal applications, within civil engineering projects, thermal storage and CO2 storage. The overall testing goal is to verify the productivity from a well and/or for characterization of hydraulic and thermal properties, as well as the spatial limitations of an aquifer. There are three major methods for conducting well te

Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanowires: Influence of Doping and Etching on Polytypism in InP

Semiconductor nanowires have many properties which makes them interesting for future electronic devices. The fact that they have very small diameters allow them to combine different III-V materials into heterostructures, and makes it possible to grow them on Si substrates which are the basis of nearly all current semiconductor technology. It also allows them to adopt the wurtzite crystal structure

Species interactions govern evolutionary and ecological effects of population harvesting

Popular Abstract in Swedish FISKETS EFFEKTER BEROR PÅ SAMSPELET MELLAN ARTER Fiske och jakt, så kallad populationsbeskattning, påverkar den fiskade eller jagade populationen på en rad olika sätt. Den direkta effekten är uppenbar: dödligheten ökar, och antalet individer i populationen minskar. I förlängningen påverkar denna minskning också andra arter, som t ex äter eller äts av individerna i den bHarvesting changes population abundance and can affect adaptation of several life-history traits. Harvesting can also have indirect effects ? effects on non-target species and secondary effects on target species ? because interactions between species in a community determine the relevant ecological and evolutionary feedback environment. Species interactions therefore influence the effect of harves

Structure and Interactions of the Extracellular Matrix Protein PRELP

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bindväv är ett samlingsnamn för vävnader som ger form och struktur i olika organ i kroppen. I brosk och ben utgör bindväven hela eller stora delar av organet, medan i andra organ, t.ex. muskel, är bindväven endast en liten del. Bindväv karaktäriseras av ett nätverk av proteiner och polysackarider (extracellulär matrix), som omger och produceras av en relativt liten andeThis thesis describes the structure and interactions of a novel extracellular matrix protein - PRELP (proline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat protein). The amino acid sequence of PRELP showed that it belonged to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein family in connective tissues. The main part of PRELP is composed of 10 LRRs flanked by disulfide bridges at the amino- and carboxy-terminal end

Low-level analysis of microarray data

This thesis consists of an extensive introduction followed by seven papers (A-F) on low-level analysis of microarray data. Focus is on calibration and normalization of observed data. The introduction gives a brief background of the microarray technology and its applications in order for anyone not familiar with the field to read the thesis. Formal definitions of calibration and normalization are g

Thermal analysis of plate condensers in presence of flow maldistribution using refrigerant R134a

Flow maldistribution in plate heat exchangers causes deterioration of both thermal and hydraulic performance. The situation becomes more complicated for two phase flows during condensation where uneven distribution of the liquid to the channels reduces heat transfer due to high liquid flooding. The present study evaluates the thermal performance of falling film plate condensers with flow maldistri

Development of Transgenic Potatoes to Attain Novel Starch Qualities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stärkelse är en miljövänlig och naturlig produkt som kan framställas ur växtriket. Stärkelse har många användningsområden inom livsmedelsindustrin såsom förtjockningsmedel och fettersättning men har även många icke livsmedelsindustriella användningsområden bl. a. i pappers-, kosmetika-, lim-, textil-, oljeborrning- och läkemedelsindustrin. Med kemiska, fysikaliska samt Starch is a plant-derived polysaccharide with many uses in different food and non-food applications. In this thesis, the production of two novel potato starch qualities, amylopectin and high-amylose, and the modifications and the characteristics of the produced plants and starches are described. The novel potato starch qualities will find uses in e.g. the paper, adhesive, textile and packing indus