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Physical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Particles Formed During the Thermochemical Conversion of Wood Pellets Using a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier

Product gas obtained through biomass gasification can be upgraded to hydrogen-rich synthesis gas. The synthesis gas can be further converted to liquid or gaseous fuels. However, the raw product gas contains both gas- and particle-phase impurities that can negatively affect both catalysts and hot-gas filters used for upgrading and cleaning. The present study aimed to characterize, both physically a

Analytical Calculation of the Ra Surface Roughness during Turning

In this article an analytical equation for calculating the theoretical arithmetic mean surface roughness, Ra, in the case of turning using a tool with a circular nose radius is presented. The calculated Ra-values are verified by experimental results obtained from machining of 7 different workpiece materials. For all measuring series results were obtained that were either better or worse than the t

Performance and implementation of routing and wireless transport layer connections in micro mobility Ad hoc networks

In mobile ad hoc networks wireless nodes communicate over multi hop links and are capable of movement. This paper evaluates a solution that provide these networks with Internet Access and the capability to roam between different access points. Design and implemenation consideration are discussed that focus on behaviour and criterias for performing handover. Simulation result show that the main fac

Health policy processes in Asian transitional economies

This paper draws on studies of current knowledge on health policy processes in Cambodia, China and Lao PDR by a number of researchers in the POVILL Consortium. They are based on reviews of international and national literature and of policy documents, interviews with key informants and preliminary findings of small studies in a selection of rural localities. It explores why policy makers have beco

Helsingborgstraktens förhistoria

The article constitutes a landscapearchaeological analysis of the prehistoric time in the Helsingborg area, covering chronologically the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. A basic approach to interprete the archaeological fragments and their cultural context is that they come from oral cultures. To give an idea of the area's prehistory comparisons with other geographical areas, cultures a

Combined Test Data Selection and Scheduling for Test Quality Optimization under ATE Memory Depth Constraint

Testing is used to ensure high quality chip production. High test quality implies the application of high quality test data; however, the technology development has lead to a need of an increasing test data volume to ensure high test quality. The problem is that the test data volume has to fit the limited memory of the ATE (Automatic Test Equipment). In this paper, we propose a test data truncatio

Pension Reforms and gender : The Case of Sweden

Sweden, like most other industrialized countries, has an aging population. This is caused by decreases in fertility as well as increases in life expectancy. Table 6.1 shows the percentage of the population over sixty-five and eighty-years-old.

Upplysningen i nytt ljus: Kvinnor, begär och offentlighet hos Montesquieu

Under senare år har postmoderna företrädare ifrågasatt liberalismen som politiskt värdesystem. Parallellt med den postmoderna diskussionen har det förts en teoretisk debatt om en annan inflytelserik idétradition med rötter i antiken: den klassiska eller medborgerliga republikanismen.I artikeln argumenteras för att republikanismen främjade ett frihetsbegrepp som omfattade krav på vidgade medborgerl

Characterization of Chlamydia trachomatis omp1 genotypes among sexually transmitted disease patients in Sweden.

A method for detection and genotyping of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infections based on omp1 gene amplification and sequencing was developed. DNA was extracted from urogenital or urine samples using a Chelex-based method, and an approximately 1,100-bp-long fragment from the omp1 gene was directly amplified and sequenced. Genotyping was performed by BLAST similarity search, and phylogenetic tree

Reading achievement : Its relation to home literacy, self-regulation, academic self-concept, and goal orientation in children and adolescents

Popular Abstract in Swedish Doktorsavhandling undersöker hur förutsättningar i hemmet, självreglering, akademisk självbild och målorientering påverkar läsförmåga. Att kunna läsa bra är grundläggande för att kunna fungera väl i det moderna samhället där man måste kunna läsa komplicerade texter. Då larmrapporter, kring hur många ungdomar som slutar skolan utan att kunna läsa och skriva, regelbundet The studies in this doctoral thesis investigated how home literacy, self regulation, academic self-concept, and goal orientation influence reading ability. Study 1 investigated the effect of family-based prerequisites, reading attitude, and self-regulated learning on reading ability. Students (n= 4,018) in the eighth grade answered the IEA reading literacy test and the SRLQ. Structural Equation Mo