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"Diskutera äldreomsorgen utan naiva förhoppningar"
Who needs anger management? Dismissing young engagement
When do political parties listen to interest groups?
This paper examines when parties listen to interest groups and adopt their input. Interest group information can help parties bolster their positions, and by taking their input into account, parties show that they are responsive to the groups’ interests which can increase their appeal to their constituents. Listening to interest groups can, however, also repel voters who disagree with the groups’
Roman ports in the lower Tiber valley : computational approaches to reassess Rome's port system
This paper presents an innovative study of the port system of Rome in Imperial times through the application of an integrated approach to both archaeological analysis and material evidence. Specifically, it seeks to provide a more complete contextualization and understanding of the port system of Rome by focusing on the exploration of the physical geography of the river Tiber and its transformatio
The Copper Age in the lands of Antequera (Málaga) : Introduction to the settlement patterns and social dynamics
Antequera (Málaga) is home to one of the most important Neolithic and Copper Age megalithic landscapes in Europe, as proven by its recent declaration as a World Heritage Site by unesco on July 15th 2016. This declaration highlights the need to push ahead in the research of the Neolithic and Copper Age periods, when the megalithic phenomenon developed and the three large Antequera megaliths, Menga,
Contrasting effects of tree origin and urbanization on invertebrate abundance and tree phenology
The ongoing wide-scale introduction of nonnative plants across the world may negatively influence native invertebrate fauna, due to a lack of coevolved traits related to the novel plants, e.g., unique phytochemicals or shifted phenology. Nonnative plants, specifically trees, are common in urban environments, areas that already pose novel habitats to plants and wildlife through a wide array of anth
Caught between principles and politics : Challenges and opportunities for capacity development from governmental donors’ perspectives
Capacity development —an integral part of development cooperation in general and for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in particular—has had limited success so far. This article investigates capacity development challenges and opportunities from the viewpoint of the staff of progressive governmental donor agencies. Data were obtained from 26 semi-structured interviews with informants from seven donor
CEACAM5, KLK6, SLC35D3, POSTN, and MUC2 mRNA Analysis Improves Detection and Allows Characterization of Tumor Cells in Lymph Nodes of Patients Who Have Colon Cancer
BACKGROUND: Lymph node metastasis is the single most important prognostic risk factor for recurrence in patients with colon cancer who have undergone curative surgery. The routine method for detecting disseminated tumor cells in lymph nodes is microscopic examination of one or a few hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections by a trained pathologist. This method, however, is insensitive mainly
PCprophet : a framework for protein complex prediction and differential analysis using proteomic data
Despite the availability of methods for analyzing protein complexes, systematic analysis of complexes under multiple conditions remains challenging. Approaches based on biochemical fractionation of intact, native complexes and correlation of protein profiles have shown promise. However, most approaches for interpreting cofractionation datasets to yield complex composition and rearrangements betwee
Det medicinska professionella fältet
Wenzi wa wachungaji na kanisa, written by Anneth Munga
Lipid-Associated Variants near ANGPTL3 and LPL Show Parent-of-Origin Specific Effects on Blood Lipid Levels and Obesity
Parent-of-origin effects (POE) and sex-specific parental effects have been reported for plasma lipid levels, and a strong relationship exists between dyslipidemia and obesity. We aim to explore whether genetic variants previously reported to have an association to lipid traits also show POE on blood lipid levels and obesity. Families from the Botnia cohort and the Hungarian Transdanubian Biobank (
Bread in a suitcase
How paediatric departments in Sweden facilitate giving children a voice on their experiences of healthcare : A cross-sectional study
Background: In January 2020, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law. According to Swedish regulations, patients are to be given the opportunity to participate in quality improvement. Sometimes, the patients are children who have the right to be heard on matters concerning them, such as their experience of a hospital visit. Objective: This study a
Comparison of the predictive value of two international guidelines for safe discharge of patients with mild traumatic brain injuries and associated intracranial pathology
Purpose: To determine and compare the sensitivity, specificity, and proportion of patients eligible for discharge by the Brain Injury Guidelines and the Mild TBI Risk Score in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and concomitant intracranial injury. Methods: Retrospective review of the medical records of adult patients with traumatic intracranial injuries and an initial Glasgow Coma Scale sco
Ut ur pandemin – rakt in i den digitala transformationen. Ska stadskärnans överlevnad bli en valfråga 2022?
Coronapandemin i kombination med ökad e-handel har varit ännu ett svårt slag mot svenska stadskärnor. Under 2020 och 2021 har flera stora butikskedjor valt att lämna stadskärnorna till förmån för externa handelsplatser och onlinehandel. Larmrapporterna och lösningar på problemet har varit många under 2021. Denna rapport är en analys och utvärdering av vad som sagts i media, tidigare forskning och
Triple collocation-based error estimation and data fusion of global gridded precipitation products over the Yangtze River basin
Error estimation and data fusion are critical to improving the accuracy of global model- and satellite-based precipitation products for practical applications. However, they face challenges over vast areas of the world due to limited ground observations. Triple collocation (TC) method can overcome this limitation and provide an efficient way for error estimation without the “ground truth” and thus
Post-NPM, vad är det? Trender och empiriska iakttagelser kring alternativa idéer för den offentliga sektorn
SARS-CoV-2 in aerosol particles exhaled from COVID-19 infected patients during breathing, talking and singing
In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several super spreader events occurred during choir singing, which lead to an increased attention to airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Since then, aerosol generation from singing has been studied in detail, however, mainly from healthy subjects. In this study, we collected aerosol particles in the exhaled breath of 38 COVID-19 infected patients during