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How paediatric departments in Sweden facilitate giving children a voice on their experiences of healthcare : A cross-sectional study
Background: In January 2020, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into Swedish law. According to Swedish regulations, patients are to be given the opportunity to participate in quality improvement. Sometimes, the patients are children who have the right to be heard on matters concerning them, such as their experience of a hospital visit. Objective: This study a
Comparison of the predictive value of two international guidelines for safe discharge of patients with mild traumatic brain injuries and associated intracranial pathology
Purpose: To determine and compare the sensitivity, specificity, and proportion of patients eligible for discharge by the Brain Injury Guidelines and the Mild TBI Risk Score in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and concomitant intracranial injury. Methods: Retrospective review of the medical records of adult patients with traumatic intracranial injuries and an initial Glasgow Coma Scale sco
Ut ur pandemin – rakt in i den digitala transformationen. Ska stadskärnans överlevnad bli en valfråga 2022?
Coronapandemin i kombination med ökad e-handel har varit ännu ett svårt slag mot svenska stadskärnor. Under 2020 och 2021 har flera stora butikskedjor valt att lämna stadskärnorna till förmån för externa handelsplatser och onlinehandel. Larmrapporterna och lösningar på problemet har varit många under 2021. Denna rapport är en analys och utvärdering av vad som sagts i media, tidigare forskning och
Triple collocation-based error estimation and data fusion of global gridded precipitation products over the Yangtze River basin
Error estimation and data fusion are critical to improving the accuracy of global model- and satellite-based precipitation products for practical applications. However, they face challenges over vast areas of the world due to limited ground observations. Triple collocation (TC) method can overcome this limitation and provide an efficient way for error estimation without the “ground truth” and thus
Post-NPM, vad är det? Trender och empiriska iakttagelser kring alternativa idéer för den offentliga sektorn
SARS-CoV-2 in aerosol particles exhaled from COVID-19 infected patients during breathing, talking and singing
In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several super spreader events occurred during choir singing, which lead to an increased attention to airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Since then, aerosol generation from singing has been studied in detail, however, mainly from healthy subjects. In this study, we collected aerosol particles in the exhaled breath of 38 COVID-19 infected patients during
Early Pregnancy Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution among Late-Onset Preeclamptic Cases Is Associated with Placental DNA Hypomethylation of Specific Genes and Slower Placental Maturation
Exposure to ambient air pollution during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia (PE). Some suggested mechanisms behind this association are changes in placental DNA methylation and gene expression. The objective of this study was to identify how early pregnancy exposure to ambient nitrogen oxides (NOx) among PE cases and normotensive controls influence DNA methylation
Aspects of Complement Activation in Thrombocytopenic Disorders
The complement system is an essential effector of both innate and acquired immune responses. Due to its destructive potential, tight regulation is required. The contribution of complement has been associated with the pathogeneses in a wide range of diseases. In this thesis, aspects of complement activation were investigated in disorders characterized by thrombocytopenia.In papers I and II, clinicaThe complement system is an essential effector of both innate and acquired immune responses. Due to its destructive potential, tight regulation is required. The contribution of complement has been associated with the pathogeneses in a wide range of diseases. In this thesis, aspects of complement activation were investigated in disorders characterized by thrombocytopenia.In papers I and II, clinica
Jesuit som påvlig spökskrivare. : Matthias Daufratshofer, Das päpstliche Lehramt auf dem Prüfstand der Geschichte. Franz Hürth SJ als „Holy Ghostwriter“ von Pius XI. und Pius XII. Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau 2021.
Local Policies and the European Social Fund : Employment Policies Across Europe
Vårdprogram hjärttransplantation
Ethnographies of social science education
Lexical transfer in second- and third language early vocabulary acquisition
Comparing lexical transfer in second- and third language early vocabulary acquisition The present study compared 30 functional English monolinguals and 30 highly proficient (CEFR C1+) Swedish–English bilinguals. They acquired vocabulary in a pseudo-language derived from typologically unrelated Finnish. None of the participants had productive proficiency in Finnish although for societal reasons the
Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of the ADAMTS-5 Inhibitor GLPG1972/S201086 in Healthy Volunteers and Participants With Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Hip
GLPG1972/S201086 is a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif-5 (ADAMTS-5) inhibitor in development as an osteoarthritis disease-modifying therapy. We report the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics (turnover of plasma/serum ARGS-aggrecan neoepitope fragments [ARGS]) of GLPG1972 in 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1 trials. Study A, a
Airborne Dust Removal using Mobile Air Cleaners in the Construction Sector
Dual mobility cups do not reduce the revision risk for patients with acute femoral neck fracture : A matched cohort study from the Swedish Arthroplasty Register
Introduction: Dual mobility cups (DMC) are gaining in popularity, as a method to reduce the risk of dislocation after fracture-related hip arthroplasty. Our aim was to compare revision rate in general, as well as due to dislocation and infection, after DMC and conventional THA due to femoral neck fracture, for each of the two groups of lateral and posterior approach. Materials and Methods: This ob
Rethinking textbook grammar introduction
Lifetime measurements of excited states in 169,171,173Os : Persistence of anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional rare earth nuclei in the presence of a decoupled i13/2 valence neutron
Lifetimes of low-lying excited states in the νi13/2+ bands of the neutron-deficient osmium isotopes 169,171,173Os have been measured for the first time using the recoil-distance Doppler shift and recoil-isomer tagging techniques. An unusually low value is observed for the ratio B(E2;21/2+→17/2+)/B(E2;17/2+→13/2+) in 169Os, similar to the “anomalously” low values of the ratio B(E2;41+→21+)/B(E2;21+
Evaluation of different coatings of the tibial tray in uncemented total knee arthroplasty. A randomized controlled trial with 5 years follow-up with RSA and DEXA
Background: Regenerex® is a porous titanium construct with a 3D interconnecting pore structure and biomechanical characteristics close to that of normal trabecular bone. This study aimed to compare the Regenerex (VR) to the non-interconnecting pore structure Porous Plasma Spray (VP) on tibial implants for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) at 5 years. Methods: We enrolled and randomized 61 patients (me