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Waves in planetary dynamos

This Special Topic focuses on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in the deep interiors of planets, in which their fluid dynamos are in operation. The dynamo-generated, global, magnetic fields provide a background for our solar-terrestrial environment. Probing the processes within the dynamos is a significant theoretical and computational challenge and any window into interior dynamics greatly inc

Återbruksverket - Transformation & återbruk i det gamla Värmeverket

I dagens samhälle förbrukar vi naturresurser på ett helt ohållbart sätt. Vi producerar och konsumerar i så hög fart att naturen inte hinner återskapa de resurser vi gör av med. Det behövs en samhällsutveckling i en mer hållbar riktning, där vi går från en slit-och-släng-mentalitet till att tänka cirkulärt. Byggbranschen förbrukar stora mängder resurser, genererar enorma utsläpp av växthusgaser och

Ethics and the Internet of Things (IoT): How Ethical Principles are Communicated between law, academia and the development of the IoT.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more and more prevalent, there are growing concerns of how it will affect our lives. With its capabilities to record large amounts of data, it carries large risks to personal privacy and the protection of our personal data. The opacity of IoT also makes it hard to know exactly what data is being collected and how it is protected, as such transparency and sec

On mesoscale modeling of concrete: Role of heterogeneities on local stresses, strains, and representative volume element

The mechanics of concrete can be understood comprehensively only if its heterogeneous microstructure is considered in experiments and simulations. We combine mesoscale modeling, in-situ X-ray computed tomography imaging, and in-situ 3D X-ray diffraction measurements for one of the first times to investigate the role of heterogeneities on macroscopic and microscopic responses in concrete. The focus

Topology optimization of compliant mechanisms under transient thermal conditions

This work considers multi-material topology optimization of compliant mechanisms under transient thermal and quasi-static mechanical conditions wherein thermally actuated devices are optimized for different operating conditions. The materials are modeled using finite strain thermo-hyperelasticity and a two way coupling between the energy balance and equilibrium equations is investigated. The desig

Examination of the Protein Drug Supply Chain in a Swedish University Hospital : Focus on Handling Risks and Mitigation Measures

Protein drugs, such as monoclonal antibodies, have proved successful in treating cancer and immune system diseases. The structural complexity of these molecules requires careful handling to ensure integrity and stability of the drug. In this study, a failure mode and effects analysis was performed based on a Gemba Walk method in a Swedish University Hospital. The Gemba Walk is focused on pharmacis

The review of 102 design support tools for nature-based solutions applications

Nature-based solutions is a new trend in the area of urban and suburban planning. Thanks to its complex nature, Nature-based solutions provide multiple services on different levels of cities functionality. On the other hand nature-based solutions complexity requires extended knowledge in multiple engineering and societal areas, so the implementation is not straightforward. In recent years, countle

Student-t process quadratures for filtering of non-linear systems with heavy-tailed noise

The aim of this article is to design a moment transformation for Student-t distributed random variables, which is able to account for the error in the numerically computed mean. We employ Student-t process quadrature, an instance of Bayesian quadrature, which allows us to treat the integral itself as a random variable whose variance provides information about the incurred integration error. Advant

Safety in Östra Göinge : A qualitative study of safety and fear of crime in the small urban municipality of Östra Göinge

In Östra Göinge, it appears that during the past five years, a recurring problem exists where residents feel unsafe. This, while the number of reported crimes is still remarkably low, according to results from the National Safety Survey which is a survey formed by the police and the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. Thisresearch started off by conducting a pilot study consisting of st

Generating GABAergic interneurons through reprogramming and differentiation strategies : English

In recent years reprogramming techniques, differentiation protocols, and sequencing analysis have opened a field for generating and studying human-derived neurons with greater potential than ever before. This has generated a large number of studies with the goal of deriving bona fide neurons. Both direct reprogramming and differentiation have benefits and drawbacks, while direct reprogramming can

Oxidative stress-related factors in abdominal aortic aneurysm: potential clinical implications

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a mostly silent vascular disease, with a rupture-related mortality rate exceeding 80%. To aid in future diagnosis and prognosis efforts, the studies included in the present thesis have explored the role of specific oxidative stress-related factors in the context of AAA using two population-based cohorts: AAA screening cohort of 65-year-old males (n = 421) and the

Parental responses and catastrophizing in online cognitive behavioral therapy for pediatric functional abdominal pain : A mediation analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Objective: To test if decreased parental protective behaviors, monitoring behaviors, and parental catastrophizing mediate relief of gastrointestinal symptoms in children 8–12 years with functional abdominal pain disorders (FAPDs). The study uses secondary data analyses of a randomized controlled trial in which exposure-based online cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) was found superior to treatmen

A novel approach to the investigation and quantification of the stop/start process for pedestrian traffic using motion capture devices

Characterising the stop/start walking process of individuals in a crowded and congested space is an important consideration in modelling pedestrian movement. However, the reaction of pedestrians to speed changes, especially to the person in front, has not been fully characterised nor quantified for full adoption in computer models. This study, therefore, explored the different phases of the stop/s

Corporate Fashion and Circular Economy – How to Manage Ethical Challenges in Marketing of B2B Textiles

This chapter highlights how implementing circular economy principles can help companies working with sustainability to move from a reductionist and waste management approach to marketing competitive circular value propositions that intentionally design out waste (e.g. emissions and pollution) by rethinking, reinventing and redesigning the value chain. Schijvens, a Dutch family-owned corporate fash