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Structure-Based Discovery of Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Autocatalytic Proliferation of α-Synuclein Aggregates
The presence of amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein is closely associated with Parkinson's disease and related synucleinopathies. It is still very challenging, however, to systematically discover small molecules that prevent the formation of these aberrant aggregates. Here, we describe a structure-based approach to identify small molecules that specifically inhibit the surface-catalyzed secondary nucle
Option Expiration Day Impact on Underlying Stock Return- A Study on the Swedish Option Market
Forskningsfrågor: Är det statistiskt signifikant att det finns en förändringar i aktieavkastning på optionens förfallodag i den underliggande aktien? har de öppna options kontrakten en påverkan på aktieavkastningen på optionens förfallodag? Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om det finns en signifikant skillnad i aktieavkastningen vid optionens förfallodag i relation till de öppna Research questions: Is there significant change in the stock return on option expiration dates in the underlying stock? Does the net open interest have an effect on the return of the underlying stock on option expiration day? Purpose: The purpose of the bachelor's thesis is to study whether there is a significant difference in the stock returns on option expiration dates in relation to the ne
Personlighetsdrag och door-in-the-face-tekniken i ett ultimatumspelscenario
Den genomförda studien ämnade att besvara två olika frågeställningar: påverkar door-in-the-face-tekniken villigheten att acceptera ett monetärt bud i ett ultimatumspelscenario bestående av två steg, där deltagarna först blev presenterade med ett lägre bud följt av ett högre bud och finns det något personlighetsdrag inom femfaktormodellen som är relaterat till en större benägenhet att acceptera budThe study conducted aimed to answer two different question statements: does the door-in-the-face technique influence willingness to accept a monetary offer in a ultimatum game scenario consisting of two steps, where participants were first presented with a lower bid followed by a higher bid and is there any personality trait within the five-factor model of personality related to a greater tendency
Att manipulera eller inte manipulera
Titel: Att manipulera eller inte manipulera - En kvantitativ studie avseende sambandet mellan kvinnlig representation i ledande positioner och earnings management. Seminariedatum: 2023-01-11 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Tilde Engquist, Elina Kornbakk och Alicia Wallenberg. Handledare: Maria Gårdängen. Nyckelord: ResultatmanipuleriTitle: To manipulate or not manipulate - A quantitative study regarding the relationship between female representation in leading executive roles and earnings management. Seminar date: 2023-01-11 Course: FEKH89, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Financial Management Undergraduate Level, 15 credits (ECTS). Authors: Tilde Engquist, Elina Kornbakk and Alicia Wallenberg. Adviso
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Pippi ur ramen : Från skiss till pärmbild
Pippi lutar sig ut ur en grön inramning på en skiss som Ingrid Vang Nyman tecknade till den första boken om Pippi. Vid en jämförelse med den pärmbild som trycktes kan skissens djupverkan överaska. Som man förväntar sig av den rebelliska figur som uppträder i boken, tycks Pippi dessutom ha rivit sönder den grön yta som likt en pappersridå skiljer henne från betraktaren. En förklaring till att skiss
Reflections on the publishing process
Två deckardrottningar och paratextens betydelse
Elever saknar erfarenhet av skolans narkotikaförebyggande insatser - En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av och uppfattning om narkotikaförebyggande insatser
It is important to investigate and better understand what drug prevention interventions look like for young people in society. The purpose of the study was to investigate adolescents' experiences of and perception of the support and prevention efforts that are available for them. The method used in this study was a survey, with a sample consisting of 200 students from two high schools in Helsi
Validation and atmospheric exploration of the sub-Neptune TOI-2136b around a nearby M3 dwarf
Context. The NASA space telescope TESS is currently in the extended mission of its all-sky search for new transiting planets. Of the thousands of candidates that TESS is expected to deliver, transiting planets orbiting nearby M dwarfs are particularly interesting targets since they provide a great opportunity to characterize their atmospheres by transmission spectroscopy. Aims. We aim to valida
Image Stitching with Locally Shared Rotation Axis
We consider the problem of stitching image sequences with cameras undergoing pure rotational motion. We leverage the assumption of a locally constant rotation axis, i.e., neighboring frames have a shared but unknown rotation axis. This assumption holds in many common image capturing scenarios, e.g., panoramic sweeping motions. Using this additional constraint, we develop techniques for three-view
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Utdelning på Stockholmsbörsen - sedelpress i dubbel bemärkelse?
Utdelning på Stockholmsbörsen- sedelpress i dubbel bemärkelse? En studie som undersöker om valet av utdelningsnivå påverkar företagsvärdet för bolag i Sverige
Är det värt att lägga resurser på ESG-arbete?
Titel: Är det värt att lägga resurser på ESG-arbete? Seminariedatum: 11/1-2023 Kurs: FEKH89 Examensarbete i finansiering kandidatnivå Författare: Alicia Leissner, Sara Lindner och Carl Tegnér Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord: ESG, ESG disclosure, ROA, Tobin’s Q Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan ett företags ESG disclosure-betyg och dess finansiellaTitle: Is it worth spending resources on ESG-work? Seminar date: 11/1-2023 Course: FEKH89 Examensarbete i finansiering kandidatnivå Authors: Alicia Leissner, Sara Lindner and Carl Tegnér Advisor: Anamaria Cociorva Key words: ESG, ESG disclosure, ROA, Tobin’s Q Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a connection between a company's ESG disclosure score and its financi
Parsing human rights, promoting health equity: Reflections on Colombia's response to Venezuelan migration
Over the last 7 years, a multidimensional crisis in Venezuela has resulted in massive emigration. Over 7 million have fled the country, with more than 2.4 million seeking to settle in Colombia. Of these, as of 2021, more than 1 million were undocumented, but the situation has started to change with the implementation of an ambitious migrant regularisation scheme. Regularisation promises access to
Comparison of Cyclic and Linear Poly(lactide)s Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments were conducted on cyclic and linear polymers of racemic and l-lactides (PLA) with the goal of comparing chain configurations, scaling, and effective polymer–solvent interactions of the two topologies in acetone-d6 and THF-d8. There are limited reports of SANS results on cyclic polymers due to the lack of substantial development in the field until
Does corrected QT-interval correlate with serum ionized calcium in the emergency department setting?
Experimental warming during incubation improves cold tolerance of blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) chicks
Climate change and increasing air temperature may alter environmental conditions for developing birds, with a range of phenotypic consequences for offspring. The thermal environment during incubation may affect the trade-off between growth and thermoregulation, but the effects of temperature on the ontogeny of endothermy are not fully understood. Therefore, we experimentally tested whether heating