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Underlying conditions contributing to breathlessness in the population

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Assessment of underlying conditions that contribute to breathlessness is fundamental for symptom management. This review aims to summarize the knowledge from the past two years on the most common underlying conditions among individuals with breathlessness in the general population and to identify research gaps. RECENT FINDINGS: Nine studies from the last two years were included

Neutrophils Lose the Capacity to Suppress T Cell Proliferation Upon Migration Towards Inflamed Joints in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Neutrophils are highly abundant in synovial fluid of rheumatic inflamed joints. In oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), synovial fluid neutrophils have impaired effector functions and altered phenotype. We hypothesized that these alterations might impact the immunoregulatory interplay between neutrophils and T cells. In this study we analyzed the suppressive effect of neutrophils, i

The Relation Between Precarious Employment Arrangements and Social Precarity : Findings from the PREMIS Study in Stockholm, Sweden

Precarious employment (PE) is a well-known social determinant of health and health inequalities. However, as most previous studies have focused on physical and mental well-being, less is known about the social-related outcomes (ie, social precarity) associated with precarious arrangements. This cross-sectional study aims to investigate whether PE is associated with social precarity in a working po

The fate of icy pebbles undergoing sublimation in protoplanetary discs

Icy pebbles may play an important role in planet foation close to the water ice line of protoplanetary discs. There, dust coagulation is more efficient and recondensation of vapour on pebbles may enhance their growth outside the ice line. Previous theoretical studies showed that disruption of icy pebbles due to sublimation increases the growth rate of pebbles inside and outside the ice line, by fr

Musik i samhällets tjänst : En studie av El Sistema Malmö

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur musikutbildningsprogrammet El Sistema vid Malmö Kulturskola beskrivs i media och officiella dokument (2011–2017). Detta görs genom en ideologikritisk dokumentanalys och med kritisk realism som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultatet visar att El Sistema beskrivs som en riktad politisk insats med aspirationer på att vara ett integrationsprojekt, verksamt i mångku

Stolar och bänkar : En sittmöbelstudie i Lunds stifts gudstjänstrum

Det pågår förändringar i våra kyrkor. Krav och behov på användande av gudstjänstrum leder till ändringar och ibland omfattande omgestaltningar. Föreliggande rapport är ett resultat av en studie som fokuserar påförändringsprocesser kopplade till sittmöbler i Svenska kyrkan, närmare bestämt bänkar och stolar avsedda för församlingen. Våra exempel är hämtade från nyligen genomförda eller pågående sit

Therapeutic CFTR Correction Normalizes Systemic and Lung-Specific S1P Level Alterations Associated with Heart Failure

Heart failure (HF) is among the main causes of death worldwide. Alterations of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling have been linked to HF as well as to target organ damage that is often associated with HF. S1P's availability is controlled by the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), which acts as a critical bottleneck for intracellular S1P degradation. HF induces CFTR downregulation

Streptococcus bovis-bacteremia: subspecies distribution and association with colorectal cancer : a retrospective cohort study

This study aimed to describe the incidence of Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex (SBSEC) bacteremia, distribution of the SBSEC subspecies, and their respective association with colorectal cancer (CRC). A population-based retrospective cohort study of all episodes of SBSEC-bacteremia from 2003 to 2018 in Skåne Region, Sweden. Subspecies was determined by whole-genome sequencing. Medi

High PGD2 receptor 2 levels are associated with poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients and induce VEGF expression in colon cancer cells and migration in a zebrafish xenograft model

Background: Despite intense research, the prognosis for patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) remains poor. The prostaglandin D2 receptors DP1 and DP2 are explored here as potential therapeutic targets for advanced CRC. Methods: A CRC cohort was analysed to determine whether DP1 and DP2 receptor expression correlates with patient survival. Four colon cancer cell lines and a zebrafish meta

En bra lektion är rätt mycket jazz : Villkor och förutsättningar för ämneslärarstudenters lärande av praktiska yrkeskunskaper i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning

Lärares praktiska yrkeskunskaper bjuder motstånd mot förspråkligande. Detta problem föreligger inte minst i lärarutbildningen, där det i verksamhetsförlagda delar kan råda både osäkerhet och skilda uppfattningar om vad studenterna behöver göra eller prestera för att uppnå de mål som (bokstavligen) föreskrivits dem. Syftet med avhandlingen har varit att beskriva och förstå villkor och förutsättningTeachers' practical professional skills offer resistance to advocacy. This problem exists not least in teacher education, where in work-based parts there can be both uncertainty and different perceptions of what the students need to do or perform in order to achieve the goals that are (literally) prescribed for them. The purpose of the dissertation has been to describe and understand conditions an

New developments in virtual reality-assisted treatment of aggression in forensic settings: The case of VRAPT

Aggression is a known problem in individuals being cared for in forensic settings, yet the evidence base for its treatment is scarce. Virtual Reality (VR) has been proposed as a promising addition to interventions in forensic settings, as it may increase the motivation among participants, bridge the gap between real life, therapeutic and laboratory experiences, and increase the ecological validity

Transcriptomic responses of saline-adapted Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to rearing in both saline and freshwater

The Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is an important species for global aquaculture. Recently, a single genetic line of Nile tilapia was developed using estimated breeding values (EBVs) for body weight under moderately saline water that showed significant improvement in growth performance. To explore the molecular mechanisms underlying this enhanced growth capacity, RNA-Seq was used to profile

Tissue diagnostics using laser-induced fluorescence

We have performed extensive investigations of laser-induced fluorescence in animal and human tissue aimed at instant tissue characterization. Autofluorescence, as well as specific fluorescence from HPD/DHE and other photosensitizers, has been utilized. The studies have been focused on the demarcation of malignant tumours and atheroscleortic plaques. A nitrogen laser or an excimer-pumped dye laser

Afterword : planning and the non-modern city

Cities are messy, planning is messy. Things do not come together as nicely as we would like; they do not necessarily add up. It is one thing to say that cities are multifaceted and complex and quite another to engage with and study this complexity and make sense of it. STS provides a way to interpret and engage with urban messiness without oversimplifying and missing out on the essence of cities.