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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Net portal absorption of enterally fed alpha-ketoglutarate is limited in young pigs

Our aim was to quantify the intestinal metabolic fate of dietary alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG). Female pigs In = 6; 21 d old) were implanted with arterial, venous, portal and gastric catheters and an ultrasonic portal flow probe and fed a corn and soybean meal-based diet. On (t)he day of the experiment, the pigs received a 4-h intragastric infusion of sodium AKG at a rate equivalent to 0, 2.5, 5 or 10

Self-reported skin morbidity and mental health. A population survey among adults in a Norwegian city.

Background Several studies among dermatological patients have shown a link between various chronic dermatological diseases and mental morbidity. Objectives To explore the association between self-reported skin morbidity and psychosocial factors in the general population. Methods This population-based cross-sectional study is part of the Oslo Health Study conducted during 2000–2001. All individua

Microwave-assisted extraction of zearalenone from wheat and corn

A microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method has been developed for determination of zearalenone in wheat and corn by LC-MS with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface (APCI). Matrix effects were minimized by use of matrix-matched standard curves for quantification of the analyte. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the method was 30 ng g(-1) in wheat and 20 ng g(-1) in corn. The r

On fully discrete schemes for the Fermi pencil-beam equation

We consider a Fermi pencil-beam model in two-space dimensions (x,y), where x is aligned with the beam’s penetration direction and y together with the scaled angular variable z correspond to a, bounded symmetric, transversal cross-section. The model corresponds to a forward–backward degenerate, convection dominated, convection–diffusion problem. For this problem we study some fully discrete numeric

Effects of inspiratory pause on CO2 elimination and arterial PCO2 in acute lung injury

A high respiratory rate associated with the use of small tidal volumes, recommended for acute lung injury (ALI), shortens time for gas diffusion in the alveoli. This may decrease CO2 elimination. We hypothesized that a postinspiratory pause could enhance CO2 elimination and reduce PaCO2 by reducing dead space in ALI. In 15 mechanically ventilated patients with ALI and hypercapnia, a 20% postinspir

Counting paths and packings in halves

We show that; one can count k-edge paths in an n-vertex graph and m-set k-packings on an n-element universe, respectively, in time (n k/2) and (n mk/2) up to a factor polynomial in n, k, and in: in polynomial space, the bounds hold if multiplied by 3(k/2) or 5(mk/2), respectively. These are implications of a more general result: given two set families on an n-element universe, one can count the di

High incidence of mental disorders, reduced mental well-being and cognitive function in hypopituitary women with GH deficiency treated for pituitary disease

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown possible neuroendocrine effects of GH. In the present study we investigated the incidence of mental disorders and the prevalence of mental distress and cognitive dysfunction in hypopituitary women with untreated GH deficiency compared to population-based controls.DESIGN AND PATIENTS: Thirty-three hypopituitary women with a median age of 64 years (range 39--77

Uneven distribution of repetitive trinucleotide motifs in human immunoglobulin heavy variable genes

Insertions and deletions of entire codons have recently been discovered as a mechanism by which B cells, in addition to conventional base substitution, evolve the antibodies produced by their immunoglobulin genes. These events frequently seem to involve repetitive sequence motifs in the antibody-encoding genes, and it has been suggested that they occur through polymerase slippage. In order to bett

Novel mutations in the SLC12A3 gene causing Gitelman's syndrome in Swedes

PURPOSE: Gitelman's syndrome (GS) is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder due to loss of function mutations in the SLC12A3 gene encoding the Na-Cl co-transporter (NCCT), the target of thiazide diuretics. The defective function of the NCCT, which normally is expressed in the apical membrane of the distal convolute tubule in the kidney, leads to mild hypotension, hypokalemia, hyperreninemic hyp

Multifocal visual evoked potentials-a method study of responses from small sectors of the visual field.

Objective: A method study of the mfVEP technique to establish a standardised way to identify stable response components from small areas in all parts of the visual field and a test-retest reliability study. Methods: MfVEP was recorded from 26 healthy volunteers. Results: Two response components could be clearly identified. The latencies corresponded to those of the traditional VEP response (N75 an

Image analysis study of mould susceptibility of spruce and larch wood dried or heat-treated at different temperatures

In this study, mould growth on wood was investigated by image analysis. The studied parameters were drying and heat-treatment temperatures (20-210°C), original and resawn surface and different wood species (spruce and larch). Small specimens—some of which were inoculated with a spore suspension—were stored under humid conditions and photographed once a week. Mould growth was assessed by image anal

Preservation of antimicrobial properties of complement peptide C3a - from invertebrates to humans.

The human anaphylatoxin peptide C3a, generated during complement activation, exerts antimicrobial effects. Phylogenetic analysis, sequence analyses, and structural modeling studies paired with antimicrobial assays of peptides from known C3a sequences showed that, in particular in vertebrate C3a, crucial structural determinants governing antimicrobial activity have been conserved during the evoluti

C-erbB-2 expression does not predict response to docetaxel or sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil in advanced breast cancer

Breast cancer patients with c-erbB-2-positive tumours seem to benefit from anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy. The predictive value of c-erbB-2 for taxane sensitivity is not yet clear. The purpose of this study was to assess whether c-erbB-2 expression is associated with clinical sensitivity to docetaxel (T) or sequential methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil (MF). A total of 283 patients with me

The Internet, public spheres, and political communication: Dispersion and deliberation

The theme of the Internet and the public sphere now has a permanent place on research agendas and in intellectual inquiry; it is entering the mainstream of Political communication studies. The first part of this presentation briefly pulls together key elements in the public sphere perspective, underscoring three main analytic dimensions: the structural, the representational, and the interactional.

A potential double role of anti-Lewis X antibodies in Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenal diseases

In this study, we found Lewis X (Le(X)) determinants on 68% of Helicobacter pylori isolates from patients with chronic gastroduodenal diseases. Anti-Le(X) IgG were detected more frequently in the sera from dyspeptic children and adults (45 and 46%), with or without proved (culture) H. pylori infection, than in the sera from healthy individuals (14%, and 25%). In contrast, the prevalence of anti-Le