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Alternative implementations of the Auxiliary Duplicating Permutation Invariant Training

Simultaneous sound event localization and detection (SELD) for multi-source sound events is an open research field. The Multi-ACCDOA format is a popular way to handle activity-coupled sound events where the same class occurs at multiple locations at the same time. An important part is the Auxiliary Duplicating Permutation Invariant Training (ADPIT) paradigm that calculates the loss for order-agnos

Lagstifta om ett tydligt lönebesked

Det är hög tid att bryta den osynlighetsprincip som funnits under hela efterkrigstidenrörande de skatter och avgifter som löntagarna betalar. Det skriver nationalekonomernaLars Jonung och Erik Norrman.

Digital Fist Bumps: Searching for Datafication and Digitalisation in Everyday CrossFit Coaching Practice

The research presented here explores the nuances of data collection and sharing via digital platforms in everyday CrossFit coaching practice. There is a growing body of work on data and digital platforms in CrossFit, though currently there is a lack of research on the role of coaches in these processes. Empirically grounding the digital fitness practices of CrossFit coaching is essential for our u

Alla dessa värdelösa saker

Hur kan det som anses värdelöst idag ses som något värdefullt imorgon? Projektet söker efter outnyttjad potential i bortkastade föremål och ifrågasätter rådande kulturella attityder gällande våra materiella resurser. Med en praktisk undersökning och konstnärliga arbetsmetoder kopplas det osammanhängande samman och nya alternativa scenarion framträder. Ett arkiv, en materialbank och en samling skis

The flashing fish – visualizing dolphin sonar

Kolmården Wildlife Park have for some time wished for a device to visualize the sonar of their dolphins during public presentations at their dolphinarium. The purpose of this device would be both educational for the audience, and to act as an environmental enrichment for the dolphins. This would be accomplished by throwing the device into the water, and having the dolphins retrieve it. The dolphin

Unraveling the Regulatory Role of HuR/microRNA Axis in Colorectal Cancer Tumorigenesis

Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a significant global health burden with high incidence and mortality. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-protein coding transcripts, conserved throughout evolution, with an important role in CRC tumorigenesis, and are either upregulated or downregulated in various cancers. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are known as essential regulators of miRNA activity. Human antigen R

Implementation and Evaluation of Methods for Contactless Palmprint Recognition

Contactless palmprint recognition is a biometric technology which due to its ease of acquisition, non invasive nature and potentially cheap cost can come to stand competitive to more widely used biometric traits such as finger- or facial recognition. This work uses two different feature extraction methods for palmprint images, the Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) with an iterative random s

Deciphering The Role of Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Family of Proteins in Asthma and Bacterial Infections

Infection, Asthma and Serum Amyloid A Proteins The challenges posed in healthcare by inflammatory diseases like Asthma and Bacterial Infections are numerous due to complex defense mechanisms by the host immune system. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of people globally causing wheezing, coughing and breathlessness. However, bacterial infections start as an acute infl

Tillämpad maskininlärning i stålindustri - Undersökning av möjliga tillämpningar av maskininlärning för SSAB Oxelösund

Applied Machine Learning in Steel Industry – Examination of possible applications of machine learning for SSAB Oxelösund In modern industry there are high demands for increased resource efficiency that in part are motivated by the stronger competition on the global market, as well as by the societal necessity for a more sustainable industry. This master thesis project examines applied machine lear

Minimal and Conformal Foliations of Codimension two on Riemannian Lie Groups

This thesis is an investigation into the construction of foliations that admit locally defined harmonic morphisms into the complex plane i.e. minimal horizontally conformal foliations of codimension two. The primary aim of this thesis is to test a conjecture posed by Sigmundur Gudmundsson regarding the compactness and semisimplicity of the subgroup generating the foliation. We provide experimental

Characterization of barley albina mutants deficient in nuclear-encoded chloroplast RNA-targeting proteins

Vita albina-mutanter i korn kan inte skapa ordentliga kloroplaster Albinism i växter beror på att de är oförmögna att skapa någon typ av pigment. Det huvudsakliga pigmentet i växter är det gröna klorofyllet. Klorofyll möjliggör växter att ta upp energi från solen, och befinner sig i organellerna kloroplaster inuti växtens celler. Utan fungerande kloroplaster kan växterna inte skapa något klorofylIn barley (Hordeum vulgare), induced mutations can cause a white albina phenotype with a complete lack of pigmentation in the plant tissues. The chloroplasts are also undeveloped in albina mutants. By identifying the genes carrying the causal mutations, knowledge would be obtained about the genetic machinery involved in chloroplast development and pigment biosynthesis. In this work, I have identif

Comparison of Triglyceride-Glucose (TyG) Index and Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) Index in Prediction of Male Hypogonadism

Several studies have shown the association between decreased insulin sensitivity and the risk of male hypogonadism. Homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) is a well-established marker of decreased insulin sensitivity. The triglyceride-glucose index (TyG), calculated as ln fasting triglyceride mg/dL× fasting glucose mg/dL/2, was recently suggested to be a cheaper and a reliabl

Modelling the connection between image quality, cancer detection, and overdiagnosis in breast imaging : a new perspective on DM and DBT

Earlier treatment of breast cancer results in better survival. Screening enables this through detection of tumors before they cause symptoms. On the negative side, some tumors if not detected through screening would not cause symptoms, leading to overdiagnosis. Improvements in image quality allow even earlier detection and diagnosis of even smaller tumors at an even earlier stage. This study aims

The Impact of Formulation and Freeze Drying on the Properties and Performance of Freeze-Dried Limosilactobacillus reuteri R2LC

Freeze drying is a commonly used method for preserving probiotic bacteria and live biotherapeutic products. Before drying, the bacterial cells are formulated with a lyoprotectant, and the design of these two process steps are crucial to achieve a high-quality product. There are several factors that may affect the biological and physicochemical properties of the freeze-dried cells and we have used

p-Adic Numbers and Quadratic Forms

För nästan 1800 år sedan levde den grekiska matematikern Diofantos av Alexandria. I hans skrifter är det mycket som skiljer sig från matematik som vi känner den idag; Diofantos använde sig till exempel varken av 0 eller negativa tal i sina uträkningar. Men trots detta påbörjade han studiet av problem som matematiker fortfarande är sysselsatta med. År 1900 presenterade den tyske matematikern David In this paper, we outline the construction and the basic properties of the p-adic number fields. Moreover we prove Hensel's lemma and show an application thereof. Lastly we cover symmetric bilinear forms and quadratic forms over general rings, finite fields, the p-adic and rational numbers.

Intracellular CD59 isoforms, IRIS-1 and IRIS-2, in the regulation of secretion —Implications in Alzheimer’s disease and Type 2 Diabetes

Intracellulära CD59 proteinerna IRIS-1 och IRIS-2 i hjärnan Tidigare har två nya varianter av CD59 proteinet vid namn ”Isoforms Rescuing Insulin Secretion 1/2” (IRIS-1/2) upptäckts i betaceller inuti bukspottskörteln som bland annat är kroppens insulinfabrik, där de visat sig reglera exporten av insulin ut i blodet. Detta sker via ett protein komplex som kallas SNARE komplexet. Dessa proteiner foRecently, two intracellular isoforms of CD59 were discovered in pancreatic beta cells. They proved crucial for insulin secretion and were named Isoforms Rescuing Insulin Secretion 1 and 2 (IRIS-1 and IRIS-2), whose expression decreased in type 2 diabetes (T2D). IRIS-1 and 2 were found across many different tissues on the mRNA level, including the brain. This Master's Thesis focuses on the role

Investigation of the role of oxidative stress in the evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms using a mutagenesis reporter

Antibiotics commonly used against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms are believed to elicit the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as part of their bactericidal mechanism. Depending on their concentration, ROS can either induce cell death by damaging proteins, lipids, and DNA or cause mutations that can lead to antibiotic resistance. Hence, antioxidant defenses, including catalase enzymes, a

The impact of cardiovascular and lung comorbidities in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension : A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Contemporary patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) are older and exhibit cardiovascular or/and lung comorbidities. Such patients have typically been excluded from major PAH drug trials. This systematic review compares baseline characteristics, hemodynamic parameters, and mortality rate between PAH patients with significant number of comorbidities compared to those with fe