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An Archaeology of the Invisible? Tracing Poverty and its Ideology in the Viking Age and Urban Settlements
Publications have recently drawn attention to archaeology’s historically predominant focus on prestige items and the elite, highlighting the need for a greater focus on society’s lower classes. A few studies have discussed how, or even whether poverty can be addressed in historical archaeology. However, the phenomenon has not seen the same attention in Viking Age studies, despite the great deal of
Autoencoder outlier detection during the Covid-19 vaccination campaign
Data inom hälsovården kan användas för att hitta mönster för att exempelvis ta fram hur många som är sjuka, eller hur många som har fått ta blodprov. Det används ofta statistiska modeller för att göra undersökningar, men i detta projektet används artificiell intelligens, och mer specifikt neuronnät. Då tar vi hjälp av artificiell intelligens för att hitta mönster inom datakällor som kan vara svåraOutlier detection in high-dimensional data is a complex task, useful in many fields. One major application is in healthcare, where the high-dimensional healthcare registers can be used to detect patterns related to the medical behaviour and state of the population. In this project, neural network based autoencoders were used to study the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, where it was trained on healt
What is Left Behind? The Legacy of Sports Mega-Events: A Case Study Assessing the Legacy of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil from a Sustainability Perspective
Abstract: The FIFA World Cup, together with the Summer Olympic Games, are the two events classified as sports mega-events (SMEs), characterized by their global outreach and different types of costs. Within the SME realm, a paradoxical trend can be seen; they show stronger sustainability agendas, yet generate higher social, economic, and environmental costs. The overarching question is their legaci
Investigating on Targeted Poverty Alleviation Campaign in China—Case Study of Guizhou Province
Brandteknisk riskvärdering av AF-Borgen under Dansen, Lundakarnevalen
Syftet med denna rapport är att utvärdera brandskyddet under Dansen med personsäkerhet som fokus. Eventuella åtgärder togs fram vid behov utifrån resultat från beräkningar och simuleringar. Dansen är en del av Lundakarnevalen som anordnas i Lund vart fjärde år. Dansen är en nattklubbsverksamhet som styrs av studenter och arrangeras i AF-borgen. Det beräknas vara ungefär 2550 personer i AF-borgen The purpose behind this report is to evaluate the fire safety measures already installed in place during Dansen with personal safety as the main focus. Also providing additional suggestions for improvements if needed as a result from hand calculations and simulations. Dansen is one of the main events of Lundakarnevalen, a once every four year student led event and planned festival in Lund. Dansen
Experimental assessment of properties for a non-aqueous and precipitating alkanolamine absorption system
Med ökande koncentrationer av koldioxid (CO2) i atmosfären kan energieffektiva tekniker för koldioxidinfångning (CCS) bli viktiga för att växthusgasutsläppen ska minska. Rapportens syfte har varit att experimentellt bestämma och utvärdera fyra egenskaper hos lösningar av vatten, dimetylsulfoxid (DMSO) och aminoalkoholen 2-amino-2-metyl-1-propanol (AMP) som ska användas i en pilotanläggning. Vid inWith increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, energy efficient carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could prove important to enable reductions in the global CO2 emissions. The aim was to investigate a novel, non-aqueous, and precipitating chemical absorption system of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), which forms solid carbamate salt cryst
Strategic Investment Conceptualization: The power of experience and knowledge in the programming of decisions
The purpose of this paper is to investigate one of the seven characteristics proposed by Northcott and Alkaraan (2007): the characteristic of non-programmability. This paper responds to the call for a nuanced understanding of how companies are programming strategic investment decisions (Alkaraan, 2016, p. 520). The purpose is fulfilled by conducting multiple case studies. The data collection metho
Rotating current collector for dynamic charging of electrical vehicles
Cutting carbon emission from road transports worldwide is a key component in limiting global warming, and electrification is one of the most likely automotive technologies to achieve this goal. Therefore, Elonroad is developing an electric road system that will allow its users to charge while driving. This allows greater range and a reduction in battery sizes. This master thesis is therefore aimin
Användningen av en robothund vid inspektioner i byggbranschen
Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda hur man kan implementera och optimera användningen av en inspektionsrobot, på en byggarbetsplats. Detta examensarbete grundar sig i en fallstudie, där användningen av en inspektionsrobot vid skyddsronder undersöks. Fallstudien bygger på material som samlats in från roboten, intervjuer och observationer. Utöver fallstudien har det även genomförts en litteratur
A study of the s-step biconjugate gradient method
In this thesis we will examine how to solve linear systems using the s-step biconjugate gradient algorithm, which is an iterative method based on the Krylov subspaces. It is useful especially when we have a large and sparse matrix. We begin looking over the biconjugate gradient algorithm (BiCG), in order to understand how to construct the s-step BiCG algorithm. We will go through some numerical ex
Hur Främjas Nyanställdas Arbetsrollslärande vid en Digital Onboarding Process: En hermeneutisk studie av nyanställdas erfarenheter av arbetsplatslärande
Onboarding processen blir allt viktigare på dagens arbetsmarknad och mer vikt läggs på dess utformning och relation till arbetsplatslärande. Tidigare forskning visar på att tankar om processen tidigt funnits men att fokus har förändrats under årens lopp. Nytt nu är att processen har blivit mer digital. Syftet är att öka kunskapen om de faktorer som i en onboarding process främjar nyanställdas lära
Developing a Multi-Passenger Game for Inflight Entertainment Systems
The airline industry has been on a steady rise the last couple of decades and so has the range of different kinds of digital entertainment options onboard commercial airliners. As the technology onboard airliners has become more and more advanced, the possibility to offer passengers different kinds of digital experiences have risen. Most airline companies nowadays offer large movie libraries, sing
”Musik är ju liksom som madeleinekakor”: En studie i och om rytmik- och körundervisning och hur musikaliska upplevelser kan påverka folkhälsan
MIND (2021) flaggar för en växande problematik med psykisk ohälsa. Kultur har positiv inverkan på folkhälsan, vilket visas i en rapport beställd av WHO (Fancourt & Finn, 2019) och Theorell (2009; 2014; 2018) lyfter särskilt musiken och dess positiva inverkan på människor. Ruud (2001) hävdar att kulturen också bör ta ansvar för att stärka folkhälsan. Mot bakgrund av detta undersöker vi som musiMIND (2021) raises a warning flag for the growing problem concerning mental health. The arts has a positive effect on the public health, which is shown in a report ordered by the WHO (Fancourt & Finn, 2019) and Theorell (2009, 2014 och 2018) highlights music and its positive influence on people. Ruud (2001) claims that the arts also should take responsibility in strengthening the public health
Intrapreneurial decision-making: Understanding the relation between causation and effectuation and the creation of new business models under uncertainty
In increasingly turbulent environments, intrapreneurship has proven to be a crucial factor for established companies’ success and survival, showing a positive impact on innovation and organizational performance. Despite the strong importance that current research attaches to entrepreneurial employees in existing corporations, there remains a very limited understanding of their decision-making. The
Sommaren – "ett självspelande piano". En studie om hållbarhetsarbete på en säsongsbaserad landsbygdsdestination
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur turismaktörer på en säsongsdestination arbetar med hållbar utveckling och hur de hanterar problematik kring säsongsvariationer. Vi vill mer specifikt undersöka vilken roll de sociala och miljömässiga hållbarhetsaspekterna har i arbetet med hållbar utveckling. Genom exemplet Kullahalvön kommer vi att illustrera hur en säsongsdestination bemöter mö
Can Portfolio Performance Be Improved with Bitcoin during a Global Crisis? - A Study of Portfolio Performance with Diverse Assets during the COVID-19 Outbreak
As a relatively new form of financial asset with unique properties, Bitcoin is increasingly included in portfolios to improve performance. However, research remains limited on how Bitcoin actually affects portfolio performance. This study aimed to broaden the field of research by exploring whether Bitcoin can improve portfolio performance during a global crisis. It sought to answer the question by
RoboVac - Ascender
For my bachelor thesis, I wanted to explore and develop a new kind of robot vacuum cleaner. A robot vacuum cleaner that can climb stairs. Not that there is a big need for it for us to function as human beings. But to make the already established robot vacuums go even further. Simply to make time for more important moments of the user’s life. During my project, I researched and evaluated di
Preparation of Cell Model Systems for Digital Spatial Profiling
Current cancer treatments can be non-specific, aggressive, and often lead to poor quality of life due to significant side effects. There is a dire need for personalised medicine and accurate tumour subtyping, particularly with cancers with high levels of heterogeneity. Spatial omics is transforming the way in which we understand and treat cancer, paving the way for more patient-specific treatments
The feasibility of reaching an effective EU-US agreement regulating transatlantic personal data flows
This thesis seeks to determine whether it is possible to strike a regulatory balance between satisfying the interests derived from individuals' right to privacy and states' defence of national security. However, the goal of this work is not to conduct an abstract analysis of the interrelations of these, sometimes conflicting, interests but to find practical solutions to a present issue, th