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Hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen and causes lung cancer. This study was to investigate associations between occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and lung cancer-related non-coding RNAs.The study included 111 Cr(VI) exposed workers and 72 controls in Sweden, 91.4\smokers. Cr concentration in red blood cells (RBC-Cr) was measured. MicroRNA (miRNA) and long non-codi

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Following recent years’ “audiobook boom”, audio fiction apps have emerged that focus on romantic and erotic content. The article examines how the audio format and its associated uses shape or reshape existing concepts of romantic fiction. Focusing on the case of the app Blanche Stories, the article analyzes new romantic texts, written for the app, along with older texts, love letters, and excerpts

Förekomst av psykoterapi vid depression inom Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka patienter med depressionsdiagnos som behandlats med individuell psykoterapi hos psykolog inom psykiatriska öppenvården vid Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset åren 2013 till 2023. Data inhämtades från klinikens patientadministrativa system där vårdåtgärder registreras och innefattade 27 008 patienter. Patienter med depressionsdiagnos gThe study aimed to investigate which patients with diagnosis of depression received individual psychotherapy from a psychologist within psychiatric outpatient care at Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, between 2013 and 2023. Data was obtained from the clinic’s patient administrative system where care measures are registered and included 27 008 patients. Patients with diagnosis

Variations in critical quality attributes (CQAs) on therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) due to cultivation conditions, storage conditions and external stress-factors

Ensuring close control of critical quality attributes (CQAs), such as post-translational modifications (PTMs), in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is essential for maintaining function and batch homogeneity in large-scale production. Common PTMs include deamidation, fragmentation, oxidation, charge variants, and glycosylations. This study aimed to evaluate CQA variations and correlate the

Undersökning av inomhusmiljön i bostadshus i Kurdistan med förslag på förbättringar

Undersökning av inomhusmiljön i Bostadshus i Kurdistan med förslag på förbättringar Av Zahir Rashid Ibrahim Sammanfattning Den varma sommarsäsongen i Kurdistan är mycket lång och omgivningstemperaturen är cirka 45 ˚C. Byggnader kyls ner med luftkonditioneringssystem på sommaren och värms upp med eldrivna eller oljedrivna värmesystem på vintern. Oljedrivna placeras oftast i vardagsrummet Examination of indoor environment in dwellings in Kurdistan with suggestions on improvements By Zahir Rashid Ibrahim Summary The hot summer season in Kurdistan is very long and the ambient temperature is about 45 ˚C. Buildings are cooled by air conditioning systems in the summer and heated with electric or oil-fired heating systems in winter. Oil-driven are usually placed in the living roo

Avknoppningar och kapitalallokering - En period då allt är i förändring

Titel: Avknoppningar och kapitalallokering Seminariedatum: 31/05/24 Kurs: Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå - FEKH89 Författare: Arvid Johansson, Benjamin Middleton, Viking Svensson Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord: Kapitalallokering, ROIC, kapitalomsättningshastighet, NOPAT-marginal, Stordriftsfördelar, Fritt kassaflödesproblem, Corporate focus Syfte: Stud

Restoring Balance: Assessing Norwegian Installation-Level Emissions under the Market Stability Reserve

The fight against climate change has reached a crossroads, necessitating critical assessment of the means designed to mitigate the ongoing crisis. This thesis examines the impact of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) on installation-level emissions and emissions intensities in Norway. The MSR, introduced in 2019, was designed to address the surplus of emissions allowances in the EU Emissions Tradi

Complete solubilization of mammalian cells in lysates

In conventional cell lysate protocols, cell debris is typically discarded to obtain a cleaner lysate. However, this approach has limitations, as it may overlook vital cellular components. By discarding cell debris, researchers may inadvertently exclude crucial elements. Retaining all cellular components offers several advantages for studying molecular biology within various cellular compartments. In conventional cell lysate protocols, cell debris is typically discarded to obtain a cleaner lysate. However, this approach has limitations, as it may overlook vital cellular components. By discarding cell debris, researchers may inadvertently exclude crucial elements. Retaining all cellular components offers several advantages for studying molecular biology within various cellular compartments.

Residential Adaptive Reuse : Global Benchmarking and Good Examples

Many megatrends, including globalization, digitalization, and urbanizationhave led to a lack of housing but a surplus of other types of facilities in manyplaces globally. The global covid pandemic and associated rise in remoteworking further aggravated the situation when it comes to office buildings. Atthe same time, the pressing environmental crisis is forcing us to look for waysto better utilize

Short-term clinical follow-up of the treatment of aortic coarctation with a new generation of device

Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital heart anomalyinvolving constriction of an aortic segment, associated with wall thickening of media and the formationof overlapping infolding of neointimal tissue. For thefirst time it was described by Morgagni in 1760. Thispathology represents 5% -7% of all congenital heartdiseases, with an incidence of approximately 3 casesto 10 000 neonates1. The typical

Crafted Relaxation and Reciprocal Rhythms: Unveiling ASMR Culture with Applied Cultural Analysis

Denna avhandling utforskar den fascinerande världen av ASMR-kultur med målet att utöka den akademiska förståelsen för denna växande online-subkultur. Genom att tillämpa kulturell analys dyker studien in i ASMR-fenomenen genom att syntetisera befintlig litteratur för att djärvt definiera ASMR-kulturen. Genom kvalitativa metoder såsom netnografi, online-intervjuer och autoetnografi samlades data in This thesis explores the fascinating world of ASMR culture, aiming to expand academic understanding of this burgeoning online subculture. Employing applied cultural analysis, the study delves into ASMR phenomenon, synthesising existing literature to define ASMR culture boldly. Through qualitative methods such as netnography, online interviews, and autoethnography, data was collected from ASMRtists

Reduction of Nystagmus as a Predictor of Efficacy of Motion Sickness Remedies

The effects of transdermally administered scopolamine (TTS-scopolamine, release rate 5 g/h) and dimenhydrinate (100 pmg) were examined on caloriC., angular acceleration induced and optokinetic nystagmus in 16 volunteers in a randomized doubleblind study. All drugs induced a statistically significant decrease in maximum velocity of caloric nystagmus. In the rotatory test, two TTS-scopolamine and di

Effektivare lagföring? En studie om frivårdsinspektörers uppfattningar av Snabbare lagföring

Since 2018, a pilot project has been underway to assess the work method Faster Prosecution, which led to its implementation in January 2023. The work method aims to abbreviate the time between the crime and its trial, thereby expediting the legal process. To achieve this objective, the method necessitates collaboration among The Swedish Police Authority, The Swedish Prosecution Authority, The Nati

“Varför just vi?”: En studie om tillit till rättssystemet och säkerhetszonernas inverkan

The law concerning visitation zones has been widely debated in Sweden. While some see it as a necessary measure to fight the continuous gang violence, others are concerned it will create a divide between the police and the people in the areas they are put up. These presumed areas for the visitation zones are areas of low socio-economic status and with a high crime rate. Therefore, the purpose of t