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The serotonergic system in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia : pre-clinical evidence and clinical perspective

During the last decade, the serotonergic system has emerged as a key player in the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in animal models of Parkinson’s disease. Clinical investigations, based on imaging and postmortem analyses, suggest that the serotonin neurons are also involved in the etiology of this complication of long-term L-DOPA treatment in parkinsonian patients. These findings have sti

Minimalinvasiv mitralis­­kirurgi i varje operatörs hand? - Inte självklart att alla svenska hjärtkirurger ska tillämpa tekniken – adekvata operationsvolymer krävs för goda resultat

Minimalinvasiv mitralisklaffkirurgi är en komplex procedur. Därför krävs koncentrering till ett fåtal kirurger.Fördelarna med tekniken är minskad blodförbrukning, kortare vårdtid och snabbare återhämtning för patienten.Samarbeten med etablerade centrum bör övervägas vid nyetablering för att förkorta inlärningskurvan och inte riskera patientsäkerheten.Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery - a technique for everyone? Less invasive procedures are being developed within all surgical specialties. In cardiac surgery, minimally invasive surgery is mainly suitable for mitral valve disease. It is a technically more complex procedure compared to standard cardiac surgery. All complex procedures have a learning curve and the surgeon must be exposed to a

Is low pre-transplant parathyroid hormone a risk marker for cardiovascular disease in long-term follow-up of renal transplant recipients?

Background: Secondary hyperparathyroidism and altered levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) are associated with vascular events in chronic kidney disease. After renal transplantation, this association is not clear. Pre-transplant parathyroidectomy (PTX) is common, but post-transplant data are scarce. We aimed to study the effect of PTH at the time of transplantation on risk of post-transplant vascul

Altered chloride homeostasis decreases the action potential threshold and increases hyperexcitability in hippocampal neurons

Chloride ions play an important role in controlling excitability of principal neurons in the central nervous system. When neurotransmitter GABA is released from inhibitory interneurons, activated GABA type A (GABAA) receptors on principal neurons become permeable to chloride. Typically, chloride flows through activated GABAA receptors into the neurons causing hyperpolarization or shunting inhibiti

Partial modal analysis for health assessment of living trees

Rot in living trees cause substantial losses for the forestry industry. The common practice when evaluating forest stands for, e.g., purchase, is assessment based on visual signs. In this paper a new non-destructive assessment method based on the impact excitation method is proposed. The trunk of a living tree is excited by the impact of a hammer, and the vibrations are measured by accelerometers.

Time-variable filtering of multichannel signals using multiple windows coherence and the Weyl transform

This paper deals with noise suppression in multichannel measurements, using a certain signal model but without assuming stationarity of the signals involved. This enables application to signals whose spectral characteristics are time-variable. The novelty consists of an algorithm for obtaining an approximation of the Wiener filter for each channel. The filters are computed using the Weyl transform

Antibodies to a strain-specific citrullinated Epstein-Barr virus peptide diagnoses rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease. Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) are crucial for the serological diagnosis of RA, where Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been suggested to be an environmental agent in triggering the onset of the disease. This study aimed to analyse antibody reactivity to citrullinated EBV nuclear antigen-2 (EBNA-2) peptides from three dif

Crime Victims and the Right to Punishment

In this paper, I consider the question of whether crime victims can be said to have a moral right to see their victimizers punished (a “right to punishment”) that could explain why they often feel wronged or cheated when the state fails to punish offenders (or even to make such conduct punishable). In the first part, I explain what I mean by a “right to punishment” and what it is for such a right

In vivo inhibition of nuclear factor of activated T-cells leads to atherosclerotic plaque regression in IGF-II/LDLR -/-ApoB100/100 mice

AIMS: Despite vast clinical experience linking diabetes and atherosclerosis, the molecular mechanisms leading to accelerated vascular damage are still unclear. Here, we investigated the effects of nuclear factor of activated T-cells inhibition on plaque burden in a novel mouse model of type 2 diabetes that better replicates human disease.METHODS & RESULTS: IGF-II/LDLR-/-ApoB100/100mice were ge

Diversity of Legacy : The Experience of Immigrants and their Descendants in Sweden

This dissertation examines the integration of immigrants from an intergenerational and multidimensional perspective. During the post-World War Two period, Sweden has been characterized by a large and increasing degree of heterogeneity in terms of immigrant background and reason for migration. This diversity has led to considerable challenges in terms of integration. While the economic challenges o

Estimation of physical workload of the low-back based on exposure variation analysis during a full working day among male blue-collar workers. Cross-sectional workplace study

This study aims to quantify physical workload of the low-back using exposure variation analysis (EVA) during a full working day among blue-collar workers with manual lifting tasks. One hundred and ten male employees (39 warehouse workers, 27 operators, 24 postal workers and 20 slaughterhouse workers) with manual lifting tasks from 12 workplaces participated. The workers performed standardized box

Examining equity in Ghana's national REDD+ process

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, sustainable forest management, enhancement of forest carbon stocks and conservation (REDD+) aims to reduce the 12–17% of global greenhouse gas emissions attributable to forest loss worldwide. As tropical countries undertake REDD+ readiness, vital questions arise around the equity of REDD+ interventions. In particular, there has been muc

The Mystery of the AuIn 1 : 1 Phase and Its Incommensurate Structural Variations

In this communication, the AuIn 1:1 phase (Naturwissenschaften, 1953, 40, 437, DOI: 10.1007/BF00590353), and its ordering behavior at various temperatures is investigated. To enable the growth of a X-ray suitable specimen, a tempering routine was established by the interpretation of a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study. In this way, good quality single crystals were grown and measured a

Inhibition mechanisms of hemoglobin, immunoglobulin G, and whole blood in digital and real-time PCR

Blood samples are widely used for PCR-based DNA analysis in fields such as diagnosis of infectious diseases, cancer diagnostics, and forensic genetics. In this study, the mechanisms behind blood-induced PCR inhibition were evaluated by use of whole blood as well as known PCR-inhibitory molecules in both digital PCR and real-time PCR. Also, electrophoretic mobility shift assay was applied to invest