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Estimation of single event related potentials utilizing the Prony method

This paper deals with estimation of the waveform of a single event-related potential, sERP. An additive noise model is used for the measured signal and the SNR of the disturbed sERP is approximately 0 dB. The sERP is described by a series expansion where the basis functions are damped sinusoids. The fundamental basis function is estimated by the least squares Prony method, derived for colored nois

A multiple window method for estimation of a peaked spectrum

The paper proposes a new multiple window method for estimating a peaked spectrum. The multiple windows are adapted to the signal, giving a less biased estimate for estimation of peaks than does the Thomson multiple window method. Still the result from estimation of a flat spectrum shows comparable results in variance reduction. The method is based on solution of an eigenvalue problem where the eig

A system for tracking the depth of anaesthesia

The latency and amplitude of the midlatency auditive evoked potential's (AEP) Nb-trough has been found to indicate the depth of anaesthesis. The aim of this paper is to present a system that reliably estimates these parameters without a long time delay. The result shows that it is possible to estimate and track changes in latency and amplitude of the Nb-trough with a delay below 1 minute at a stim

Conceptualizing and Measuring Well-Being Using Statistical Semantics and Numerical Rating Scales

Hur man beskriver och eftersträvar välbefinnande är viktigt, eftersom det påverkar både forskning och samhället i stort. Denna avhandling handlar om hur välbefinnande definieras och mäts, vilket både innefattar en kritisk diskussion kring befintliga teorier om välbefinnande samt en utveckling av empiriska metoder och statistiska verktyg för att öka vår förståelse gällande hur personer uppfattar ocHow to define and measure individuals’ well-being is important, as this has an impact on both research and society at large. This thesis concerns how to define and measure the self-reported well-being of individuals, which involves both theorizing as well as developing and applying empirical and statistical methods in order to gain a better understanding of well-being.The first paper critically re

Detection and Control of Contact Force Transients in Robotic Manipulation without a Force Sensor

In this research, it is shown that robot joint torques can be used to recognize contact force transients induced during robotic manipulation, thus detecting when a task is completed. The approach does not assume any external sensor, which is a benefit compared to the state of the art. The joint torque data are used as input to a recurrent neural network (RNN), and the output of the RNN indicates w

Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden

Syftet med detta forskningsprojekt är att i samverkan med räddningstjänster, kommuner och andra berörda aktörer i storstadsområden, analysera bakomliggande bestämningsfaktorer till rumsliga, bebyggelse - och befolkningsmässiga skillnader i förekomsten av bostadsbränder. Projektet ska genom samproduktion med berörda aktörer utveckla förslag på hur brandsäkerhetsarbetet kan bedrivas och utvärderas i

Adaptive Landscapes

'Adaptive Landscape' was first formulated as a heuristic model or metaphor for the evolutionary process by late population geneticist Sewall Wright in a famous paper published in 1932. The metaphor of an adaptive landscape with adaptive peaks of high fitness, separated by adaptive valleys of low fitness attracted a lot of interest from contemporary and later evolutionary biologists and inspired re

Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients—justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies

Remote patient monitoring should reduce mortality rates, improve care, and reduce costs. We present an overview of the available technologies for the remote monitoring of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, together with the most important medical information regarding COPD in a language that is adapted for engineers. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the technical and medica

Semi-distributed demand response solutions for smart homes

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm brings an opportunity for advanced Demand Response (DR) solutions. It enables visibility and control on the various appliances that may consume, store or generate energy within a home. It has been shown that a centralized control on the appliances of a set of households leads to efficient DR mechanisms; unfortunately, such solutions raise privacy and scalabili

The effects of nasal lavage with betamethasone cream post-endoscopic sinus surgery : clinical trial

Background: Steroid nasal irrigation for chronic rhinosinusitis patients following endoscopic sinus surgery reduces symptom recurrence. There are minimal safety data to recommend this treatment. This study evaluated the safety of betamethasone nasal irrigation by measuring its impact on endogenous cortisol levels. Methods: Participants performed daily betamethasone nasal irrigation for six weeks.

En tänkbar händelseutveckling i Ryssland 2013

Den 14 januari började det nya året enligt den rysk-ortodoxa julianska kalendern. Vad kan man då anta att år 2013 kommer innebära för Ryssland och ryssarna? Spekulerande är en vansklig syssla, men jag ska ändå försöka skissa ett tänkbart scenario. Texten nedan är alltså en personlig reflektion över de tendenser man kan se i Ryssland just nu, och vad dessa skulle kunna innebära för utvecklingen und

Galectin-3 is an amplifier of the interleukin-1β-mediated inflammatory response in corneal keratinocytes

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a potent mediator of innate immunity commonly up-regulated in a broad spectrum of inflammatory diseases. When bound to its cell surface receptor, IL-1β initiates a signalling cascade that cooperatively induces the expression of canonical IL-1 target genes such as IL-8 and IL-6. Here, we present galectin-3 as a novel regulator of IL-1β responses in corneal keratinocytes. U

High Gain Windmill-shaped CP Antenna Using High-order Mode and Ground-edge Diffraction

In this letter, the high-order mode and ground-edge diffraction of a slot antenna are used to achieve a high gain. To inhibit the multilobes at the high-order mode, ground-edge diffraction is utilized to form a single main lobe by changing the size of the ground plane of the slot radiator. Then, this slot antenna is employed to construct a windmill-shaped array antenna for circular polarization. A

Solvent-free and biocompatible multiphased organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites

Biocompatible chemically cross-linked organic-inorganic (O-I) hybrid nanocomposites were developed using a new atoxic, simple and fast, solvent-free pathway. Poly(ϵ-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), which are both biocompatible, were used as the organic moieties (at different PCL/PEG ratios), while in situ synthesized polysilsesquioxanes made up the inorganic moiety. The O-I hyb

The self-organization of plant microtubules inside the cell volume yields their cortical localization, stable alignment, and sensitivity to external cues

Many cell functions rely on the ability of microtubules to self-organize as complex networks. In plants, cortical microtubules are essential to determine cell shape as they guide the deposition of cellulose microfibrils, and thus control mechanical anisotropy of the cell wall. Here we analyze how, in turn, cell shape may influence microtubule behavior. Buidling upon previous models that confined m

Fashion, Sociology of

Fashion is a social phenomenon par excellence. A simple sociological definition of fashion is 'being first with the latest.' Its underlying principle is revealed in the link between the modus derivatives and the term 'modern,' with its original meaning of 'now' or 'for today.' Fashion revolves around imitation and diffusion, and it applies to all domains of social life, though most of the research