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The cultural significance of a language is multifaceted and complex. Language exists as not just a means of communication, but also a reflection of the history, traditions, values, and beliefs of a culture. Language holds within it the stories, myths, and art, passed down through generations and contains the nuances and subtleties of a community’s way of life, including their customs, social norms

Oscillator Based Readout System For Inductively Coupled Stretchable Resistive Strain Sensor

The development and use of stretchable electronics is a relatively new research field. However, the use of these kinds of electronics could prove fruitful when seeking to improve medical sensors and equipment. Since the substrates and manufacturing methods used when making stretchable electronics allows them to be extremely thin, with a thickness in the μm range. At these thickness levels, the ele

Student engagement with digital video production

In many contexts of contemporary ELT, the L2 can be widely encountered beyond the classroom. In these settings, teachers need to maximize opportunities for meaningful participation. Digital video production (DVP) provides one such opportunity. Little, however, is known about the types of DVP common in particular contexts of ELT, the extent to which DVP functions as a motivational resource, or how

Rewarding foreign language learning : effects of the Swedish grade point average enhancement initiative on students' motivationto learn French.

In order to reinstate interest and motivation for learning foreign languages (FLs) other than English, the Swedish government has recently reformed the admissions system to higher education. Upper secondary students who continue with the FL learnt in secondary school are rewarded with extra credits that considerably enhance their grade point average (GPA). The purpose of this interview-based study

Examining the impact of L2 English on L3 Selves : A case study

In this Swedish case study of four upper secondary students engaged in simultaneous L2 (English) and L3 (Spanish, French and Russian) learning, a possible selves approach was used to investigate the impact of English on L3 motivation. Using a maximum variation sampling strategy, participants were selected from a larger dataset (n=101). Semi-structured interviews were conducted using Interpretive P

Biofilm formation on endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) grafts– a proof of concept in vitro model

ObjectivesAn endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) graft is a catheter-implanted vascular prosthesis and is the preferred treatment for patients with aortic aneurysm. If an EVAR graft becomes the focus of infection, the treatment possibilities are limited as it is technically difficult to remove the graft to obtain source control. This study examines whether Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus

Threats to validity in software engineering research: A critical reflection

Context: In the contemporary body of software engineering literature, some recurrent shortcomings characterize how threats to validity (TTV) are considered in studies. Objective: With this position paper, we aim to open a discourse on the current use of TTV sections. The goal of our position is to jointly reflect and systematically improve how we, as a research community, consider TTV in our studi

A Phenomenographic Analysis Of Students’ Experience Of Geological Time

Geological time is by many geoscience instructors considered a threshold concept for geoscience students, being a central concept for how we experience geosceince phenomena that takes place on a spatio-temporal scale ranging from micro (e.g. cloud formation) to macro (e.g. plate tectonics). If one wishes to understand geoscience phenomena that goes beyond human perception, one must move from the cGeological time is by many geoscience instructors considered a threshold concept for geoscience students, being acentral concept for how we experience geosceince phenomena that takes place on a spatio-temporal scale rangingfrom micro (e.g. cloud formation) to macro (e.g. plate tectonics). If one wishes to understand geoscience phenomenathat goes beyond human perception, one must move from the conc

Olvidar – Brumaria Works #9 : Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9

The purpose of Forgetting – Brumaria Works #9 is: (1) to address the many questions that unfold around the notion, action, effects and affect of forgetting in the context we live in; (2) to produce theoretical and practical materials for a knowledge of forgetting.As a means of spurring and strengthening our research, we are inviting all sorts of contributors to collectively think about forgetting

Lateral bromide distribution in a vertic clay soil

In order to control the transport of toxic elements, dissolved salts, and nutrients in agricultural areas, information on the spatial variability of field-scale transport properties is needed. To evaluate this for an unsaturated layered clayey soil, tracer tests were conducted at the Cherfech experimental field research station in Tunisia. Bromide-tagged water was infiltrated under ponding conditi

Temporal rainfall disaggregration based on scaling properties

The present study concerns disaggregation of daily rainfall time series into higher resolution. For this purpose, the scaling-based cascade model proposed by Olsson (1998) is employed. This model operates by dividing each rainy time period into halves of equal length and distributing the rainfall volume between the halves. For this distribution three possible cases are defined, and the occurrence

Mechanics of Paperboard Packages : Performance at Short Term Static Loading

Paper 1Several problems emerge when a paperboard package is modeled by means of the nite element method. One of the issues that one has to deal with is the constitutive model of the paperboard. Paperboard and paper in general areorthotropic materials, which means that constitutive parameters in three orthogonal directions must be determined. Furthermore, the geometry of papersheets makes it dicult

Unravelling the structure and dynamics of lipid nanoparticles for biomolecule delivery

Encapsulation in self-assembled lipid structures has been shown to increase the stability of large biomolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids (NAs), which has many potential applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In order to fully optimise the encapsulation system for a certain application, however, it is important to understand the effect of the encapsulated biomolecule o

Statistical properties of aftershock rate decay : Implications for the assessment of continuing activity

Aftershock rates seem to follow a power law decay, but the assessment of the aftershock frequency immediately after an earthquake, as well as during the evolution of a seismic excitation remains a demand for the imminent seismic hazard. The purpose of this work is to study the temporal distribution of triggered earthquakes in short time scales following a strong event, and thus a multiple seismic

The Villa - A sacred space?

A fundamental difference between ordinary and leisure time is for many the ability to indulge in extra-ordinary activities of both body and mind. Rooted in antiquity, the renaissance villas were often used as spaces for indulgence of artistic endeavors, be it philosophical discussions, poetry-writing or lavish parties. Of indulgence, Aristoteles wrote: ‘The self-indulgent man craves for all pleasa

separation penetrates : Emre Hüner, Jen Hutton, Steffani Jemison, Steve Kado, Anne Low, Josephine Pryde, Hassan Sharif

Start together – then separate.“One is insidethen outside what one has been insideOne feels emptybecause there is nothing inside oneselfOne tries to get inside oneself that inside of the outside that one was once inside once one tries to get oneself inside what one is outside:to eat and to be eatento have the outside inside and to be inside the outside”¹While knots can be complicated to untangle t

Temporal variability in spatial correlation of daily rainfall

Composite correlation fields based on a 5‐year record of daily rainfall at 67 stations throughout Tunisia were used to investigate spatial and temporal properties of rainfall fields. The composite correlation fields had in general banded or elliptical patterns and with the elongations generally along the coastline or the topographical ridges. The banded patterns occurred usually during the rainy s

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In order to acquire new languages, we need to be exposed to large amounts of target language (TL) input. However, studying French as a foreign language in Sweden includes few opportunities to encounter the language outside the classroom. This means that the teacher plays a decisive role as an input provider in the French L2 teaching setting. Moreover, the Swedish syllabus for modern languages, inc