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Biomarkers of exposure in Monday morning urine samples as a long term measure of isocyanates exposure
Decay of hydrophilic properties of carbon films after glow discharge and solvent treatment
Dispersal, inbreeding and fitness in natural populations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Spridning och inavel i naturen I modern tid har vi människor orsakat stora förändringar i miljön, vilket påverkat många arters livsbetingelser. Exempelvis har vi avskogat stora områden och efterlämnat små delar av de större områden som tidigare hängde ihop. Organismer som lever i sådana uppsplittrade miljöer kommer att vara isolerade från varandra, vilket får som följdTo evaluate how inbreeding affects the viability of small populations, it is crucial to determine what constitutes a population (i.e., the number of breeders in local patches and the degree of dispersal), and also to estimate the reproductive consequences of philopatry and emigration. In this thesis, I concentrate on dispersal, inbreeding and fitness in natural populations. I consider dispersal ra
'Ich wollte immer ein Junge sein' – Zur Herstellung von Gender-Geschlecht-Sexualität in der Forschung mit Jugendlichen
Exploring Transaction Costs under the Free-of-Charge Energy Audits Programme in Denmark.
Semantic Patterns of Noun-Noun Compounds
Short-Circuit Analysis and Protection of a Medium Voltage Network in Island Operation with Induction Generation
Determintation of diffusion legnths in nanowires
Towards a Design Science Research Approach for IS Use and Management: Applications from the Areas of Knowledge Management, E-Learning and IS Integration
The relationship between Thailand and Sri Lanka in the revival of bhikkhuni ordination
Hardware aspects of a real-time surveillance system
Iteratively decodable sliding codes on graphs
Informal investors and value added: The contribution of investors’ experientially acquired resources in the entrepreneurial process
This study explores the value added contribution of informal investors in the entrepreneurial process, something that up to date has received very limited attention. By analyzing the life experience and career background of four informal investors the study examines the personal resources these individuals build up and develop during their careers and how these experientially acquired resources fa
RECOMBINANT PEROXIDASES AND XYLANASES: I. Cloning and production of a peroxidase from horseradish II. Characterisation of functional domains of thermostable xylanases from Rhodothermus marinus
Popular Abstract in Swedish Till alla de som har undrat vad det är som jag har hållit på med under alla dessa år men inte vågat att fråga. Jag har arbetat med kloning av gener som kodar för olika enzymer. Enzymer finns i alla levande celler och fungerar som katalysatorer (hjälpare) i olika biokemiska reaktioner. Deras uppgift är att påskynda reaktionshastigheten utan att själva förbrukas i reaktiPart I: Plant peroxidases are useful in many areas of application e.g. as tracer enzymes for clinical applications and in biosensors as well as for industrial purposes like in waste water treatment and bleaching processes. A gene encoding a new, neutral horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme, HRP-n, was isolated. The encoded protein shows only 50% sequence identity with the classical HRP-C and lacks the
Globalization and Migration: Constructing the Female Other in the Name of Tradition
Behavioral and Electrophysiological Correlates of Inhibition in Episodic Memory
Popular Abstract in Swedish Antagandet att människor är förmögna att kontrollera och avsiktligt glömma oönskade minnen har varit kontroversiellt allt sedan Freud (1915/2000) först antog den typen av psykologisk process. Men aktuell experimentell forskning ger ökat belägg för att avsiktligt undertryckande av oönskade minnen faktiskt kan leda till senare glömska (cf. Levy & Anderson, 2002). ResuForgetting can be highly functional when unwanted or irrelevant memory representations interfere with cognitive or motivational goals. Current theory assumes that forgetting can be brought about by the intentional or unintentional inhibition of interfering memory representations. In four studies, the present thesis investigated this claim by employing behavioral testing, and neuroimaging methods b
Grammar Culture in Late Childhood: A pilot study
Legal analysis of the European Union sustainability criteria for biofuels
This paper provides a legal analysis and review of the European Union (EU) sustainability criteria for biofuels, presented in Directive 2009/28/EC. The paper discusses the EU sustainability criteria as a tool that could be efficiently utilized to operationalize and implement the concepts of sustainable development and sustainability in an industrial setting. The results of the analysis highlight
History of Indo-European languages: alignment change as a clue
Grammatical structure of Indo-European (IE) languages may appear to be diverse, but it is in fact more systematic than one may think. What is significant in explanation is alignment, i.e. differences represent different stages in the alignment change from active one to accusative one. This means that the grammatical structure was earlier organised by aspectual differences between perfective and im