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Computational time and domain size analysis of porous media flows using the lattice Boltzmann method

The purpose of this study is to investigate the computational time required to describe the fluid flow behavior through a porous medium and its relation to the corresponding domain size. The fluid flow behavior is recovered using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The selected methodology has been applied because of its feasibility for mimicking the fluid flow behavior in complex geometries and m

Informal Welfare and Everyday Acts of Resistance to the State in Post-Soviet Central Asia. An Ethnographic Study of Mahalla Institutions in Rural Fergana, Uzbekistan

This paper aims to examine the processes and impact of welfare state retrenchment on state-society relations in post-Soviet Uzbekistan and how community-based welfare structures have evolved to respond to declining social welfare services, acting as an informal welfare structure given the failure of existing regime to address the structural inequalities and market defects during the transition per

On connection control and traffic optimisation in FMC networks

With the introduction of smartphones and tablets and the dramatical increase of the data traffic on the cellular network, operators are seeking for new solutions to provide the users with continuous connectivity while preserving a good quality of service. Since most of current user terminals are equipped with multiple interfaces, one solution is to take advantage of the different access networks.

Pervaporation-based hybrid processes in treating phenolic wastewater : Technical aspects and cost engineering

In this study, the feasibility of combining pervaporation with adsorption in a hybrid process to recover phenol from wastewater is analyzed with the technical aspects and the cost of the processes taken into account. The pervaporation unit in the hybrid process is combined with a decanter on the permeate side and an adsorption unit on the retentate side. Two modes of regeneration, steam and heat,

Non-traditional roles of complement in type 2 diabetes : Metabolism, insulin secretion and homeostasis

Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a disease of increasing importance and represents a growing burden on global healthcare and human health. In T2D, loss of effectiveness of insulin signaling in peripheral tissues cannot be compensated for by adequate insulin secretion, leading to hyperglycemia and resultant complications. In recent years, inflammation has been identified as a central component of T2D, both

Scale-up of high-solid enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated softwood : the effects of reactor flow conditions

The importance of flow conditions during scale-up of high-solid enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated spruce was demonstrated by comparing hydrolysis rates between laboratory (2 L) and demonstration (4 m3) scale. A positive effect of increased agitation speed on the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis was found regardless of scale. Importantly, the hydrolysis rate was higher at the larger scale when c

Time does not help orangutans Pongo abelii solve physical problems

Many questions in animal intelligence and cognition research are challenging. One challenge is to identify mechanisms underlying reasoning in experiments. Here we provide a way to design such tests in nonhuman animals. We know from research in skill acquisition in humans that reasoning and thinking can take time because some problems are processed in multiple steps before a solution is reached (e.

Performance and operating experiences of the first scandinavian full-scale discfilter installation for tertiary phosphorus polishing with preceding coagulation and flocculation

Microscreening (using Discfilters) is a widely used technology for suspended solids removal in tertiary effluent streams of wastewater treatment plants. Several pilot studies have shown the feasibility of using coagulation and flocculation in combination with microscreens for advanced phosphorus removal, but the number of fullscale references is still limited. In summer 2014, the first Scandinavia

Snus use and risk of schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis

Background: Recent studies suggest a possible causal role for smoking in schizophrenia and psychosis. Most studies have focused on cigarette smoking, the most common form of tobacco use, but other forms of tobacco exist, including smokeless products such as Swedish snuff (or "snus"). Methods: We explored whether snus use is associated with schizophrenia and non-affective psychotic illness in a lar