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Your search for "*" yielded 531064 hits

Effects of Trichloroethylene inhalation on acid phosphatase in rodent brain

Rats, mice and gerbils were continuously exposed to 150 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) for 30 days. In all three species, there was a marked increase in liver weight. In mice the weight increased more (86%) than in rats and gerbils (20%). After exposure the activity of acid phosphatase, a lysosomal marker enzyme, was tested in different brain areas, using a system which had a limit of detection of ±

Trapping of microparticles in the near field of an ultrasonic transducer

We are investigating means of handling microparticles in microfluidic systems, in particular localized acoustic trapping of microparticles in a flow-through device. Standing ultrasonic waves were generated across a microfluidic channel by ultrasonic microtransducers integrated in one of the channel walls. Particles in a fluid passing a transducer were drawn to pressure minima in the acoustic field

Vitamin D deficiency and ovariectomy reduced the strength of the femoral neck in rats

Vitamin D (vit D) deficiency is common in the elderly, and the aim of this study was to investigate whether vit D deprivation in ovariectomized (ovx) and normal rats would reduce fracture strength. Forty mature female Wistar rats were randomized into four groups: two were ovariectomized (ovx) and two were sham-operated (sham). One ovx and one sham group were fed a vit D-deficient diet (Ovx-D and S

Dewatering and Drying of Bark

Technical solutions for a number of Swedish industrial installations for dewatering and drying of bark are compiled and discussed. Further, lab-scale experiments with a heated bark pressing process have been performed to investigate to what extent parameters such as temperature and pressure will influence the dewatering process. Pressing with a heated press at 150 °C was shown to increase the dewa

Organized self-help housing as an enabling shelter & development strategy. Lessons from current practice, institutional approaches and projects in developing countries

The aim of this study is to develop better understanding on organized self-help housing as an enabling shelter and development strategy to overcome poverty and build more resilient communities. The study addresses organized self-help housing from three different perspectives: a) current practice in developing countries; b) institutional approaches; and, c) the organized self-help housing process.

Tracking the small with the smallest--using nanotechnology in tracking zooplankton.

A major problem when studying behavior and migration of small organisms is that many of the questions addressed for larger animals are not possible to formulate due to constraints on tracking smaller animals. In aquatic ecosystems, this problem is particularly problematic for zoo- and phytoplankton, since tracking devices are too heavy to allow the organism to act naturally. However, recent advanc

Common breast cancer susceptibility alleles and the risk of breast cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers : implications for risk prediction

The known breast cancer susceptibility polymorphisms in FGFR2, TNRC9/TOX3, MAP3K1, LSP1, and 2q35 confer increased risks of breast cancer for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. We evaluated the associations of 3 additional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs4973768 in SLC4A7/NEK10, rs6504950 in STXBP4/COX11, and rs10941679 at 5p12, and reanalyzed the previous associations using additional ca

"Allt detta lovar jag" : löftesmomentet vid prästvigning, med särskild hänsyn till debatten om prästeden vid kyrkomötena 1868–1893 och dess senare följder

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse changes in the pledge element of the ordination in the Church of Sweden. The transition in 1893 from a clerical oath to an affirmation will be particularly in focus and its causes and effects identified. My intention is thus to contribute to the history of the Swedish clerical oath, describing its complexity and multifarious range of meaning. In

Enlightened Prejudices : Anti-Jewish Tropes in Modern Philosophy

In the wake of the atrocities of the twentieth century, the standard account of the Enlightenment, as a warranty of universal ideals of rationality and morality, has been challenged from a number of different angles. In line with these critical discourses, the present article investigates how, to a significant extent, two of the greatest philosophers of reason, Kant and Hegel, underpin their unive

Innovation management tools: implementing technology watch as a routine for adaptation

Innovation management (IM) is a multidisciplinary field which has been growing for the past few decades. However, the management of innovation is often considered equivalent to technology management or the management of research and development. By focusing on a set of small-and medium-sized enterprises operating in a medium-high-tech industry, the paper intends to determine the characteristics of

An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Decentralized Gas Fired Liquid Heating

The effects on the energy situation in industry when gas fired liquid heaters replace steam have been determined by energy surveys performed in a brewery and a slaughterhouse, measurements of the performance and emissions from liquid heaters installed in these industries, and theoretical analyses of the potential energy saving. The theoretical study in the first part of the project provides infor

Topical nitroprusside may reduce histamine-induced plasma exudation in human nasal airways

Mucosal exudation of nonsieved bulk plasma is a key feature of airway defense and inflammation. We have previously observed in guinea pig tracheobronchial airways that endogenous nitric oxide (NO) of the mucosa may tonically suppress the permeability of the subepithelial microcirculation, and that topical administration of the NO donor nitroprusside may reduce plasma exudation responses. The prese

Determination of hexahydrophthalic anhydride in air using gas chromatography

Two methods for the determination of hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA) in air were developed. In a solid sorbent method, HHPA was sampled in Amberlite XAD-2 tubes, eluted in toluene and analysed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection. The sampling rates were 0.2 and 1.0 l/min. At 15 micrograms/m3 (relative humidity less than 2%) and 27 micrograms/m3 (relative humidity 70%) no break

DNA compaction induced by a cationic polymer or surfactant impact gene expression and DNA degradation.

There is an increasing interest in achieving gene regulation in biotechnological and biomedical applications by using synthetic DNA-binding agents. Most studies have so far focused on synthetic sequence-specific DNA-binding agents. Such approaches are relatively complicated and cost intensive and their level of sophistication is not always required, in particular for biotechnological application.