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Your search for "*" yielded 533362 hits

Urticarial dermographism: Clinical features and response to psychosocial stress

Studies report that urticarial dermographism is exacerbated by "life events" and emotions. The aim of this study was to determine what aspects of life quality are affected by symptomatic dermographism and whether acute stress is a potential triggering factor. A total of 21 adult patients with urticarial dermographism completed a questionnaire on symptoms and quality of life. Twelve patients agreed

Medical problems in adolescents with myelomeningocele (MMC): an inventory of the Swedish MMC population born during 1986-1989

Aim: To describe the prevalence of myelomeningocele (MMC) and the medical needs of adolescents, 15-18 years, with MMC in Sweden, at a time when they are on the threshold of adulthood, leaving paediatrics. Methods: In a retrospective study, we identified all adolescents with MMC, born during 1986-1989 and living in Sweden on July 1, 2004. An inventory was agreed upon with questions concerning their

Solvent effects on NMR isotropic shielding constants. A comparison between explicit polarizable discrete and continuum approaches

The gas-to-aqueous solution shifts of the O-17 and C-13 NMR isotropic shielding constants for the carbonyl chromophore in formaldehyde and acetone are investigated. For the condensed-phase problem, we use the hybrid density functional theory/molecular mechanics approach in combination with a statistical averaging over an appropriate number of solute-solvent configurations extracted from classical

Foreign body reaction after modified silicone rubber arthroplasty of the first carpometacarpal joint

Twenty patients who had been treated with a silicone rubber trapezial implant for degenerative changes in the first carpometacarpal joint were evaluated radiologically and clinically. After a mean follow up of 4.5 years, 11 of the 20 required reoperation and removal of the prosthesis for persisting pain and weakness. In all hands in which the prosthesis remained radiographs showed bone resorption

Gemini surfactants: New synthetic vectors for gene transfection

The superior surfactant properties of cationic gemini surfactants are applied to the complex problem of introducing genes into cells. Of almost 250 new compounds tested, of some 20 different structural types, a majority showed very good transfection activity in vitro. The surfactant is shown to bind and compact DNA efficiently, and structural studies and calculations provide a working picture of t

Effects on the structure of arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives

Species individualistic responses to warming and increased UV-B radiation are moderated by the responses of neighbors within communities, and trophic interactions within ecosystems. All of these responses lead to changes in ecosystem structure. Experimental manipulation of environmental factors expected to change at high latitudes showed that summer warming of tundra vegetation has generally led t

Secondary limonene endo-ozonide: A major product from gas-phase ozonolysis of R-(+)-limonene at ambient temperature

A 16 s old gas-phase ambient temperature and 1% relative humidity reaction mixture of ozone and R-limonene (ca. 1:10) was sampled on XAD-2 resin followed by pressurized liquid extraction with dichloromethane at ambient temperature. Low temperature on-column injection and gas chromatography (GC) revealed equal amounts of diastereomeric secondary endo-limonene ozonides, in addition to 4-acetyl-l-met

Shaping Justice : Defining the disability benefit category in Swedish social policy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar vad som kvalificerar att karakteriseras som handikapp i svensk socialförsäkringslagstiftning och vilka principer som användes för att avgöra vem som har rätt till stöd som funktionshindrad. Avhandlingen fokuserar på de behov/kriterier som i socialpolitiken befinns värdiga och acceptabla att utgöra kategorien handikappade. I centrum för uppmärkThis thesis is about what qualifies to be characterised as disability in Swedish social security legislation and which principles are used to decide who is entitled to social security benefit as disabled. The thesis brings into focus which definitions of needs and criteria that are found 'worthy' and acceptable to include in a disability category in Swedish social policy. In other words are social

I säng och säte : relationer mellan kvinnor och män i 1600-talets Småland

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilka uppfattningar fanns under tidigmodern tid i Sverige om relationen mellan man och kvinna? Ansåg man att kärlek och parternas fria val var viktigt när människor skulle gifta sig? Vad hände då äktenskapen inte fungerade? Förekom skilsmässor? Varför var sexualiteten kontrollerad och hur påverkade det kvinnor och män? Vilken effekt hade förändringar i lagstiftningen i What did people think about the relationship between a man and a woman in Early Modern Sweden? Did they consider love and the parties' free choice to be of any importantance in the making of a marriage? What happened when marriages were falling apart, how common were divorces? I also discuss why sexuality was restricted, and how it affected women and men. What effects did changes in the legislatio

High-spin rotational structures in Kr-76

High-spin states in Kr-76(36)40 have been populated in the Ca-40(Ca-40,4p)Kr-76 fusion-evaporation reaction at abeam energy of 165 MeV and studied using the Gammasphere and Microball multidetector arrays. The ground-state band and two signature-split negative parity bands of Kr-76 have been extended to similar to 30 (h) over bar. Lifetime measurements. using the Doppler-shift attenuation method sh